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1.The name "Canada" was taken from the same Iroquois Indian word "canada". What does
"canada" mean when translated to English?
 B.  village

2. What is the capital of Canada?

C. Ottawa

3. Canada entered into Confederation in.... 

C. 1867

4. Which country took control of Quebec away from France, by winning the battle of the Plains
of Abraham?  

5. Which province was the last to join Canada? 


6. Remembrance Day in Canada falls on November 11. November 11 was the last day of which

7. Name two countries Canada fought against during World War I?


8. The members of which ethnic group were once forced to pay a head tax to immigrate to

9. What term is commonly used to refer to early French fur traders in Canada?  
B. Voyageurs

10. Canada has 10 provinces and 3 territories. Nunavut being the latest territory created in

11. Canada has 1 official language and that is English. 


12. Who were the first people to live in Canada? 

C. Aboriginals

13. Which European country was, from 1534 till about 1760, the main Canadian "mother
b. France

14. What were the names of the two regions created by the division in 1791?
B. Upper Canada and Lower Canada

15. When did Canada become totally independent of Britain?

A. 1931

16. In the sixteenth century, what Canadian resource was very precious for European
C. Fur

17. What is on the Canadian flag?

A. Maple

18. What day is Boxing Day celebrated on?

C. December 26

19. In which month do Canadians have Thanksgiving?

C. October (ngày 10/10)

20. What day is Canada Day?

B. July 1

21. Which holiday is on the Friday before Easter Sunday?

A. Good Friday

22. Family Day is held every February in the following except for which province?
B. Newfoundland

23. Is Labour Day celebrated in Canada?

A. Yes, first Monday of September

24. Canadians celebrate Remembrance Day on which day every year?

A. November 11

25. St. Jean-Baptiste Day is celebrated in which province?

B.  Quebec

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