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Đáp án reading 2 #Đọc Viết 333

• Part A

• Part B
- P.D:
M: real power
S2: important
S3: mate
- P.E:
M: separate groups
S1: family male
S2: invite
- P.F:
M: replaced
S: grandfather role.

• Part C
1. status par.C
2. Older male/older male elephants
3. Family male or primary male
4. grandfather role
5. climbing, jumping, chasing
6. motherhood

• Part D
1. Study
2. Hundreds
3. The young females took sticks to their nests and cared for them like mother chimps with their
babies. The chimps appeared to be using the sticks as dolls, as if they were practicing for
4. 14

• Part F
1. pecking order par. C , p.15, L10
2. mimicked par. H, L6
3. offspring par. D, L8
4. in captivity par. G, L5

1. Trật tự bầy đàn

2. Bắt chước
3. Con cái
4. Bị giam cầm

• Part G
- chimpanzees: Hierarchy Is Important
- elephants: Forming Strong Bonds Is Important, Hierarchy Is Important, Female control the
- geladas: Female control the group.

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