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Urbito Ongleo

During a visit to IRRI on 26 October 1966, U.S. President Lyndon B. Johnson (kneeling, right) contemplates the importance of IR8, soon to spearhead the Green Revolution in rice across South and Southeast Asia. At center, Robert F. Chandler, IRRIs first director general, explains to Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos the significance of IR8s semidwarf trait. At left are IRRIs first two rice breeders, Peter Jennings, who selected the parents and made the IR8 cross (standing), and Hank Beachell, who identified and selected the segregating line, IR8-288-3, which ultimately reached farmers fields as IR8. A few minutes after this photo was taken, President Johnson made an impassioned speech to IRRI staff and visitors during which he said, If we are to win our war against poverty, and against disease, and against ignorance, and against illiteracy, and against hungry stomachs, then we have got to succeed in projects like this, and you are pointing the way for all of Asia to follow. (Watch on YouTube:

Rice30 Today October-December 2009, Vol. 8, No. 4

Rice Today October-December 2009

Rice Today October-December 2009


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