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Access > Participation Unit Blackpool's mYPlace Bid You may have enjoyed a recent visit from a group of young people, researching and consulting on the prospect of a new super centre for young people. Blackpool are currently compiling a bid for between £1m to £5m for a new super centre for young people in the south area of Blackpool, from a pot of money set aside by government to improve facilities for young people. The money (£190 million) has been named Myplace and is driven to promote the active participation of Young People, their views and needs. Blackpool put together a group of young researchers to plan prepare and consult with people to get views on what the centre should look like, feel like and what activities and services should be available by using questionnaires, visiting groups and holding a consultation day. Please watch this space for further updates on how we get on in the bid process or keep up to date via Take Over Day Last year the Children's Commissioner (11 million) launched a campaign aimed at allowing children and young people to chance to take over and swap jobs with an adult they know... across the country over 10,000 children and young people participated alongside schools, police forces, football clubs and MPs name but a few. Blackpool had 27 children-and young people who took part. This year we want to go bigger and better. The 11 million office this year want over 15,000 young people to 'take over’. Are you a young person who wants to take over?Are you from an organisation who would like to get involved? The date for Take Over Day 2008 is Friday 7th November. For more information please contact Hayley Mills on 01253 754841 on email £150,000 to get healthy Blackpool Young Peoples Council is celebrating the news that they have been given £150,000 over the next three years to focus on health campaigns for children and young people in Blackpool. The money is coming from the Children's Trust, and last weeks youth council meeting saw a big debate about what area to exactly to spend the money on with issues such as smoking, obesity and substance missuse being discussed. The winning issue with a majority of votes was obesity and there were lots of ideas ranging from a healthy eating cookbook to a walk to school campaign. Watch this space! For more information on Blackpool Young Peoples Council check out or call 01253 754841 and ask for Hayley Mills. Our Next Event We will be holding a mass consultation day for children and young people aged 0 to 19 on the 22nd of October 2008. The events are Splash and Illumin8 and wil feature special guest speaker, Children’s Commissioner, Al Green. For more information on our next event please contact Stuart or Fiona on 01253 754841 or email or ‘come out *)\ come out XY WHoeVver \ APARNA Access & Participation ‘Unit

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