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MATHEMATICS CROSSWORD I H Y P E R I M E T E R M A D I A M E T E R C ACROSS 1. In a right-angled triangle, the longest side which is opposite the right-angle is called the .........

2. A process of finding the sum or total of 2 or more numbers. 3. The value in the middle when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. 4. A quantity that does not change. O N S T D I A R E A N T D I O T E N U S O M E T R Y M E A N I O I N T E G E R S E

DOWN 5. Total length around/ enclosing a shape. 6. A transformation that preserves the shape and size of an object. 7. A straight line that passes through the centre of a circle. 8. Whole numbers with a positive or negative sign. 9. The arithmetic average of a set of data. 10. Amount of flat surface of a shape.

6 1 5

8 2 7


ACROSS 1. In a right-angled triangle, the longest side which is opposite the right-angle is called the ......... 2. A process of finding the sum or total of 2 or more numbers. 3. The value in the middle when the data is arranged in ascending or descending order. 4. A quantity that does not change.

DOWN 5. Total length around/ enclosing a shape. 6. A transformation that preserves the shape and size of an object. 7. A straight line that passes through the centre of a circle. 8. Whole numbers with a positive or negative sign. 9. The arithmetic average of a set of data. 10. Amount of flat surface of a shape.

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