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Where can we find patterns?

 Repeating interval of day and night

 Cycle of the moon
 Rising and falling of tides
 Changing of the seasons
 Arrangement of leaves and stems in a plant
 Shape of a snowflake
 Flowers’ petals
 Shape of a snail’s shell
 Layout of floor tiles
 Designs of skyscrapers
 Tying shoelaces

Patterns – are regular, repeated, or recurring forms or designs

*Studying patterns help students in identifying relationships and finding logical connections to form
generalizations and make predictions.


1. 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, _____
2. 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, _____

Symmetry – comes from a Greek word meaning “to measure together” and is widely used in the study
of Geometry
– Mathematically, it means that one shape becomes exactly like another when you move it in
some way: turn, flip, or slide
– indicates that you can draw an imaginary line across an object and the resulting parts are
mirror images of each other

*For two objects to be symmetrical, they must be the same size and shape, with one object having a
different orientation from the first.

*If an object is not symmetrical, it is called asymmetric.

3 Basic Types of Symmetry

1. Reflection Symmetry/ Line Symmetry/ Mirror Symmetry – is when an object is reflected across a
line, like looking in a mirror
Examples: face, square, circle, letter A

2. Rotational Symmetry – is when an object is rotated by several degrees, the same appearance as
the original position is still achieved

Examples: recycle logo, starfish, snowflake

Center – the point around which the rotation occurs

Order of Rotation (n) – number of times an object or shape can be rotated and still look like it did before
rotation began

Angle of Rotation – smallest angle that a figure can be rotated while still preserving the original

𝐴𝑛𝑔𝑙𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 =

3. Point Symmetry (sometimes called Origin Symmetry) – occurs when there exists a position or a
central point on an object such that:
– The central point splits the object or shape into two parts.
– Every part on each has a matching part on the other that is the same distance from the
central point.
– Both parts face different directions.

*It is also the same as Rotational Symmetry of Order 2

Examples: playing cards, letters X, H, I, S, N, Z

Sequence – collection of numbers that follow a particular pattern

– ordered list of numbers that may have repeated values

Terms – individual elements in a sequence


1. 1, 10, 1000, _____, _____, _____

2. 2, 5, 9, 14, 20, _____, _____, _____
3. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, _____, _____, _____
4. 4, 10, 16, 22, 28, _____, _____, _____
5. 3, 4, 7, 8, 11, _____, _____, _____

Fibonacci Sequence – named after the Italian mathematician Leonardo of Pisa, who was better known
by his nickname Fibonacci

*Starting with 0 and 1, the succeeding terms in the sequence can be generated by adding the two
numbers that came before the term.
*This pattern is very visible in nature ( spiral arrangement of sunflower seeds, number of petals in a
flower, shape of a snail’s shell)

*The ratios of two successive Fibonacci numbers approach the number 𝜑, also known as the Golden
Ratio (approximately equal to 1.618)

*Shapes and figures that bear this proportion are generally considered to be aesthetically pleasing
(Mona Lisa, the Notre Dame Cathedral, Parthenon)


Let 𝐹𝑛 be the nth term of the Fibonacci sequence with 𝐹1 = 0, 𝐹2 = 1, 𝐹3 = 1, 𝐹4 = 2, and so on.

1. Find 𝐹8 . _____
2. Find 𝐹19 . _____
3. If 𝐹22 = 10, 946 and 𝐹24 = 28, 657, what is 𝐹23 ? _____

Variable – a quantity that may change within the context of a mathematical problem or experiment

Mathematical Expression – consists of terms separated by either plus or minus signs

Literal Coefficient – variable

Numerical Coefficient – constant multiplied to the variable

Monomial – consists of a single term

Binomial – consists of two terms

Trinomial – consists of three terms

Mathematical Sentence – combines two mathematical expressions using a comparison operator

Mathematical Statement (or Proposition) – a sentence that is either true or false but no both or neither


1. 3 is an even number.
2. 6 is an even number.
3. Close the door.

Types of Statements

1. Universal Statement – says that a certain property is true for all elements in a set
2. Conditional Statement – says that if one thing is true then some other thing also has to be true
3. Existential Statement – says that given a property that may or may not be true, there is at least
one thing for which the property is true


1. All positive numbers are greater than zero.

2. If 378 is divisible by 18, then 378 is divisible by 6.
3. There is a prime number that is even.

Examples on Translating Statements

1. The sum of 8 and y

2. 4 less than x
3. X multiplied by 13
4. The quotient of x and 3
5. The difference of 5 and y
6. The ratio of 9 more than x to x
7. Nine less than the total of a number and two
8. Twelve added to a number
9. Twice a number minus eight
10. Three-fourths of a number
11. Six less than twice a number is forty five.
12. A number minus seven yields ten.
13. Eight times a number is forty eight.
14. Eight less than a number is five.
15. Twice the difference of a number and three is twelve.
16. 6+x
17. 14x
18. 10x=80
19. x+12=8
20. 3x=15

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