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lr Keto Androws

loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

Five Performance Levers for Knowledge-Based

ln knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons, stretolc potontlel ls dolnod by knowlodo
cepebllltlos end roellsod by lntolloctuel cepltel doploymont. Accordlnly, thoso
orenlsetlons thet meneo tholr knowlodo end lnormetlon rosourcos es stretolc
essots ero edventeod.

1horo ero lvo koy porormenco lovors or knowlodo-besod orenlsetlons.
!. 5upport knowIedge worker performance
Cherectorlstlcs o |no+|c+c +ot|ct ero undorstood end supportod
lloront typos o |no+|c+c +ot| ero dlorontletod end oneblod
Pooplo ero veluod or tholr eblllty to work ecross dlsclpllnos end domelns es
woll es pertlculer tochnlcel oxportlso
1horo ls en oxpllclt ocus on dovolopln workorco enelysls end synthosls
1ho orenlsetlon looks boyond todeys rogulromonts to bulld cepeclty end
cepeblllty or omorln prlorltlos end lnnovetlon opportunltlos
\eneors ero sklllod ln knowlodo workor meneomont
2. ldentify and mitigate knew/edqe risk
Kno+|c+c t|| ls tho rlsk essocletod wlth tho undor-utlllsetlon or loss o knowlodo
thet ls crltlcel to tho orenlsetlons porormenco. lon-torm omployoos hevo
boon tho seoty not or poor knowlodo rotontlon prectlcos tho eoln workorco
domorephlc romovos tho seoty not.
ldentifying knowIedge risk
Knowlodo rlsk ls not ovonly dlstrlbutod. whoro doos orenlsetlonelly lmportent,
dllcult to ropleco oxportlso llo` 1hls ls tho 'hoed contonts lssuo. And whet ls tho
ootprlnt o thls crltlcel knowlodo ils lt ln meny hoeds, or ono or two` ls lt
cepturod ln mothodololos end procoduros`i

Mitigating knowIedge risk
locus your oorts on crltlcel knowlodo. Bowero tho onc-m|nu|c |o m|+n|||
syndromo. 1ho lonor you loevo lt, tho loss mltletlon optlons you hevo end tho
moro lt wlll cost you. ln eddltlon, dlseoctod end dlsoneod ste ero vory poor
knowlodo donors end roclplonts' Culturo doos mettor.
3. FaciIitate an innovation cuIture
lnnovetlon ls e koy pletorm o orenlsetlonel stretoy or sustelneblo buslnoss
1ho orenlsetlonel culturo vlslbly supports mlsslon-drlvon lnnovetlon end
colobretos end rowerds succoss.
lormel systoms end structuros ero ln pleco to support lnnovetlon end promoto
lnnovetlon upteko.

lr Keto Androws
loedorshlp louno Prosontetlon 8 Auust 200

4. Benefit from your lnteIIectuaI Property (lP) assets
1o deto Ouoonslend ovornmont omphesls hes ocussod on dovolopmont o en
eoncy lP kolstor. 1ho opportunlty now oxlsts to ectlvoly meneo thoso essots to
oxtond oech eoncys stretolc lmpect end contrlbutlon.
Procossos ero ln pleco to trensorm knowlodo end know-how lnto ormel lP
lP ls lovoreod or soclel, oporetlonel end commorclel veluo.
5. Measure knowIedge impact
1ho lmpects ibonolts end llmltetlonsi o knowlodo-ocussod ectlvltlos ero
oveluetod end rolnod
lntolloctuel cepltel moesuromont orms pert o tho orenlsetlonel scorocerd
end ls hlhly lnluontlel es e loedln orenlsetlonel lndlcetor

Dr Kate Andrews ls Pertnor, lntolloctuel Cepltel et BlO Kondells, pert o tho lobel BlO
notwork. Sho consults ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont, knowlodo meneomont,
lntolloctuel proporty dovolopmont end commorclellsetlon.
Keto ls ono o tho Asle-Pecllcs bost-known knowlodo-ocussod prectltlonors. Sho hes
complotod knowlodo essots esslnmonts or moro then 40 compenlos iprlveto soctor es
woll es odorel, steto end locel ovornmonti. Sho elso melntelns e stron prollo ln Asle
throuh e sorlos o \estorclessos ln lntolloctuel cepltel dovolopmont ln Slneporo,
\eleysle, Hon Kon end lndle.
1ho lntolloctuel Cepltel toem et BlO Kondells ero spoclellsts ln croetln veluo rom
knowlodo-besod essots. Sorvlcos lncludo: Knowlodo stretoy ilncludln knowlodo rlsk
end knowlodo workor meneomonti, lP ldontllcetlon, lP commorclellsetlon, end
lnnovetlon stretoy. - phone 07 3237 5839.

5eIected PubIications:

Kno+|c+c lNA. Androws, K.\. i200i Cheptor ln lNA_work, pp 19 38. ohn wlloy end
Hk\ |n ||c Kno+|c+c E:onom: kce|||n ||c Po|cn||e|. whlckor, l.\. 5 Androws, K.\. i2004i.
Asle-Pecllc ournel o Humen kosourco \eneomont, 42, 2, 15 15
Cc| Bu|nc |||c eoou| Kno+|c+c \enecmcn|. Androws, K. \. i2003i Hk \onthly, Novombor 13
ln||ucn:c on Kno+|c+c Pto:cc |n Oten|e||one| lcetn|n: ||c P:|oo:|e| l|||ct. Androws, K 5
loleheyo, B. i2000i ournel o \eneomont Studlos, 37, , 797 810
Research Reports:
l||c Bec+ lcetn|n: A |tcn|| oec+ e,,toe:| |ot :e,eo|||| +c.c|o,mcn| |n .o:e||one| c+u:e||on en+
|c:|n|:e| c+u:e||on. lES1 end 1AlE NSw, \ey 200
wot||n en+ lcetn|n |n \o:e||one| E+u:e||on en+ 1te|n|n |n ||c Kno+|c+c Ete. Austrellen lloxlblo
loernln lremowork, lobruery 2004

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