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APPOIN TMENTS Give everybody a few minutes to make 3 appointments - 3 pm,6 pm and 9 pm. After that have everyone stand in a circle.When you shout "3 pm", everybody meets their 3 pm appointment and find out 1, 2 or 3 things about each other. After a short while shout, "6 pm" and then "9 pm". After that have people share what they find out about each other.This game can be used for introduction where people introduce other people, instead of themselves. 2. ATLAS Arrange everyone i n a circle. Someone say the name of any country, city, river, ocean or mountain that could be found in an atlas. The person n ext to him must then say another name that begins with the last alphabet of the word that has been given. Example: First person : Auckland Second person : Denver Third person : Rotorua Each person has a definite time limit (e.g. 3 sec onds) and no name can be repeated. 3. BALLOON BLOW-UP Have everyone pairs up and give each person a balloon. Each pair designates a left and a right person. The partners stand facing each other about six inches apart. When you call "l eft", the "left" person blows into his balloon. Give him a few seconds, then call "right", the right person then blows into h is balloon. Do this repeatedly. The idea is to literally "blow-up" the balloon in the partner's face before he can blow up hi s. 4. BALLOONS IN THE AIR Give everyone an inflated balloon. The balloons should be in different colours or w ith identifiable marks on them. Everyone tosses his balloon in the air and tries to keep it in the air as long as possible. I n the meanwhile, he must try to get everyone else's balloons to touch the floor. When a person's balloon touches the floor, h e is out. The person who keeps his balloon in the air the longest, wins. 5. BANANA DUEL Have everyone pair up and tie their left wrist together.Give each a banana to hold in their left hand. When you say "go", they peel the banana wit h only their right hand and try to push it in their partner's face/mouth. You may want to do this blindfolded to add exciteme nt. 6. BATTLE OF THE NUTS Give each person a peanut and have them pair up. They should tr y to crack their partner's peanuts by pushing their peanuts against one another. Those with cracked peanut are out. Do this i n round until only one or a few peanuts are left not cracked.

7. BIBLE MIME Divide the group into teams o f three to six members. Every team selects one biblical event to pantomime for the other players. The others try to identify the bible stories being enacted. Variation: Scripture passages are cited on slips of paper and drawn from a box for performan ce. 8. BIG SCULPTURE Divide the group into two teams. Give each team five large garbage bags and as many blown-up balloons as possible. Have them create a huge human figure by putting the blown-up balloons in the bags and attachin g the bags together within a definite time limit. The best sculpture wins. 9. BLINDED BY MONEY Pair everyone up and form a big circle. Give each pair two coins. One person in each pair tilts his head back and places a coin on each eye lid with eyes closed (no peeping!). Put a big container in the centre (e.g. a garbage can). The object is for each person to dump their coins into the container, following the verbal direction of their partner. No physical guiding by the partner is allowed. If any coin dropped, the person should pick it up and start all over again. The fun comes when all the pairs go a t once, crowding around the container, blinded by money, trying to hear their partner's direction. 10. BRAIN TEASERS Hand out copies of any of the following "IQ Tests". Each block represents a well known phrase or saying. You may divi de a large group to teams of three or four. Give a time limit. The team with the most correct answers wins. PLASMA - H2O - Blood is thicker than water Arrest You're - You're under arrest HIGH CLOUDS - High above the clouds 1 3 5 7 9 W HELMING - Overwhelming odds PICT RES - You ought to be in the pictures Head/ache - Splitting headache EMPLOY T - Men out of employment LESODUB TENNIS - Mixed doubles tennis KJUSTK - Just in Ks WRitING - Put it in writing LOV - Endless love T RN - No U Turn 24 Hours - Call it a day B ILL ED - Ill in bed PETS A - A Step Backward Gettingitall - Getting it all together 1 T 3 4 5 6 - Tea for two

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