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Source hLLp//placemenLpapersneL

Source Llnk hLLp//placemenLpapersneL/helplngrooL/paper/accenLure/fresher[oblnLervlew


Company Name AccenLure
No of kounds ApLlLude 1esL 1echnlcal 8ound1 1echnlcal 8ound2 Croup ulscusslon Cu
Lxam]Interv|ew Date 30!ul2011
Locat|on 8angalore

4 Rounds: Written, GD, Technical HR, HR
Written Cleared : 800 GD cleared 400 Finally Selected . 269 students got selected. I'm
among one oI them...
Selection Procedure: Really they are so so so nice. HR's are very very Iriendly.
1st Round: Written test 55 Questions in 60 Minutes, 3 sections: No -ve mark, and no
Sectional cut off mark.
O nglish: !repositions, articles and Synonyms Reading comprehensions Irom
technical topic like Embedded System, CGI (common gateway interIace)
O Reasoning: some reasoning questions like Interview Selection under some conditions
Replacing problems 1 with $ and 0 with * in binary code.and /stands Ior *, stands
Ior /, - stands Ior then Iind the statement which is true among 4 ?changing the
places oI alphabets in a word. one other reasoning type Questions.
O Quantitative: Venn diagram, Data suIIiciency like iI 1) 2a/3b 5/6 2) 2AB35 then
can we predict the value oI A and B? Rank Questions Some LiIt problems like iI a
building with Ground 30 Iloor has 2 liIts. 1 liIt will stops on alternate Iloor and
another liIt stops on every Iloor then when they will meet on a Iloor each other?
2nd Round: GD
O Each batch consists oI 12 to 15 people. 8 or 9 got selected.
O %hey only checking on Communication skills and Group dynamics.
O Speak conIidently but not over conIidently.. don't interrupt others..
O Be patience until ur chance... iI didn't got a chance no problem, Iinally they point out
and ask you to speak.
O n that time iI yo excel only one good point in conIident, then you will be selected.
3rd Round: Technical Interview
O Asking About yourselI ?
O Easy only... not like Iirst and second round.
O Basic C !rograms like Fibonacci series, prime, palindrome etc...
O S concepts (semaphore, deadlock, Interrupts) Database concepts,
O Be conIident.. their approach very decent and motivated manner only.
inal Round: HR Interview
O %hey asking about yourselI, Iamily, why accenture, about accenture, ur roll model..
very very general only.
O So guys i hope this will give at least a little bit exposure to you...
O See you at accenture... high perIormance. delivered... All the best

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