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STRENGTHS 1) Strategic location of Health center 2) Health center has been renovated 3) It is well ventilated and well lighted

4) Competent Health care providers 5) Presence of new Barangay Health workers 6) resourceful in equipments 7) Clients are going to Health center for

WEAKNESSES 2) Renovation is not yet over. Presence of unscreened windows (uncontrollable) 4)Understaffing (uncontrollable) 5) Lack of awareness of Barangay health workers regarding Doh health programs (controllable) 6)Shortage of supply (uncontrollable)

check up and consultatiion OPPORTUNITIES THREATS 1) It can be easily access by the community 2) Mosquitoes and flies might enter the room due 2) It is more conducive to health promotion 3) It promotes good air circulation and lights brighten the room. 4) Rendering of health services to the community 5) Barangay Health workers can assist in the Health center 6) services are Still done due to resourcefull ness 7) Improve Health care to unscreened windows. 4) Limited patient care services 5) Inability of Barangay Health Workers to spread informations to the community regarding DOH health programs 6) Limited supply

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