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Ed Sheeran The A Team Beginning- The protagonist is shown dead.

This makes the audience question why she has died (enigma code) Second equilibrium- because the story isnt linear we start off with the re-equilibrium, which shows the young girl dead.

Middle- the protagonist is seen here selling the Big Issue magazine, as a means of employment. Equilibrium- the beginning of her story is her homeless. The audience doesnt know how she ended up homeless, but for them this is the norm.

End- Resolution. The enigma of how the young girl died is resolved in the end of the music video. How ever towards the end another enigma comes to light; why she became a prostitute. The resolution (fuelling her drug habit) is also the resolution of why she became a prostitute. The drug addiction is the disruption in the narrative, she took drugs to soften the blow of being homeless and a prostitute and this lead to her death.

Why these theories In this narrative have been used The director has included these certain theories in the music video A team because they help visualize the trauma in the young girls life, they also help the audience understand the turmoil the girl is going through. Together the theories help us question why the young girl is dead and keep us hooked on the music video to the end. Certain scenes in the music video are connotations of innocence and religion. These include the angel station and the stance of the young girl in the field (arms out wide) also the girl playing with the leaves and laughing and when shes on her own in the street shes crying. When her arms are outstretched its makes us as an audience think of heaven and angels. Barthes theory is shown in the music video, such as salvation and sin through the use of drugs and life of prostitution and the salvation is her dying.

The music video is shot in black in white to show things are what they seem and doesnt glamourize the life of drugs and prostitution.

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