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16 September 2011

Body Systems Research:

Let's work on
getting good,
organized notes
and summaries for
5 - 6 body systems.
Group Discussions
Review Body
Systems Research
Project expectations
and timeIines.
Share JournaIs.
Research Time.
HW Review

HW: Keep working on
your Research
Project. Use the
timeIine provided to
pace yourseIf.
Science Today
1) Sit with your partner.
2) We will not be creating a+XPDQ%LRORJ\'D\
document today.
3) Get out the NOTES AND SUMMARIES you have
completed so far for the Human Body Systems
research project. Either with your partner or
with your partner and another partner-
group, share what you have done so far:
How are your summaries coming along?
How many have you written? How long are
these taking?
How much TOTAL work do you have left
to do? What is your plan for getting it all
done on time?
Do you have any advice or questions for
your other group members?

Andrea MiIes
Lana OIiver
Vibhuti Roey
Tommy Tanvi
CaroIina EIisabeth
ChIoe Kaiya
Thaddeus CarIa
Gwen JuIia

Sofia David
Eric KayIa
Eytan JoceIyn
Kowin Sydney
TyIer AnnabeIIe
Cooper Marissa
Miranda Martina
Body Systems Research Project.
Go over group discussions.

Review the Assignment
expectations, and timeIines.
16 September 2011

Body Systems Research:
Let's work on
getting good,
organized notes
and summaries for
5 - 6 body systems.
Group Discussions
Review Body
Systems Research
Project expectations
and timeIines.
Share JournaIs.
Research Time.
HW Review

HW: Keep working on
your Research
Project. Use the
timeIine provided to
pace yourseIf.
Reviewing what we've done so far:
Calling for VOLUNTEERS to share
their notes and summaries...
Share your notebooks and
summaries with the people you are
working with today.
t is very important to look at what
other people are doing.
16 September 2011

Body Systems Research:
Let's work on
getting good,
organized notes
and summaries for
5 - 6 body systems.
Group Discussions
Review Body
Systems Research
Project expectations
and timeIines.
Share JournaIs.
Research Time.
HW Review

HW: Keep working on
your Research
Project. Use the
timeIine provided to
pace yourseIf.
Required BibIiographicaI Information:
This information belongs with your
summaries - be sure to include a
bibliography with each of your 7
Date that you used the website

Date of PubIication
16 September 2011

Body Systems Research:
Let's work on
getting good,
organized notes
and summaries for
5 - 6 body systems.
Group Discussions
Review Body
Systems Research
Project expectations
and timeIines.
Share JournaIs.
Research Time.
HW Review

HW: Keep working on
your Research
Project. Use the
timeIine provided to
pace yourseIf.
Summarizing for each section:
A Summary will need to be written for
each section of your notes.
Summaries should be typed on a
Pages document and shouId incIude
your bibIiographicaI information.
Do all of your summaries on the same
document titled,
We should continue writing summaries
today in class. Let's do another one

16 September 2011

Body Systems Research:
Let's work on
getting good,
organized notes
and summaries for
5 - 6 body systems.
Group Discussions
Review Body
Systems Research
Project expectations
and timeIines.
Share JournaIs.
Research Time.
HW Review

HW: Keep working on
your Research
Project. Use the
timeIine provided to
pace yourseIf.
Summarizing for each section:
A Summary will need to be written for each section of your notes.
Summaries should be typed on a Pages document and should include your
bibliographical information.
Do all of your summaries on the same document titled,
Let's do another one now.
t will be easiest if you and your partner
summarize your notes from the same body
system and then compare.
Discuss with your partner which body
system you will summarize, then write your
summaries - NDEPENDENTLY - for that
body system.
After you have written your summary,
compare with your partner.
f your partner isn't ready, go back to you
note-taking until they are ready.

16 September 2011

Body Systems Research:
Let's work on
getting good,
organized notes
and summaries for
5 - 6 body systems.
Group Discussions
Review Body
Systems Research
Project expectations
and timeIines.
Share JournaIs.
Research Time.
HW Review

HW: Keep working on
your Research
Project. Use the
timeIine provided to
pace yourseIf.
The BIoodmobiIe
By: They Might Be Giants
Written: 2004

The Bloodmobile
The Bloodmobile
A delivery service inside us

We begin in the heart's right ventricle
And travel to the lungs Red blood cells get oxygen
To take back to the heart
Then from the left side of the heart
And out to every cell
Delivered by the Bloodmobile

The food that's been digested
s waiting at the dock
To be taken to the tissues
n the body's grocery truck
So from the small intestine
t's carried everywhere
Delivered by the Bloodmobile

The Bloodmobile
The Bloodmobile
A delivery service inside us
The white blood cells are soldiers
That fight infectious germs
They make the antibodies
Their weapons in the fight
The army is transported
Wherever they must go
Delivered by the Bloodmobile

We need to send a message
To tell a limb to grow
Or speed the heart or regulate
Your hunger or your sleep
The hormones are the message
They're sent from many glands
The messenger's the Bloodmobile

[Spoken:] Somebody's got to haul out the trash
To the liver and the kidneys
t's not a pretty job
Carbon dioxide gets carried
To the lungs to be exhaled
And the garbage truck is the Bloodmobile

The Bloodmobile
The Bloodmobile
A delivery service inside us
To carry oxygen, nutrients, things that fight infections
Do the trash collection and deliver the mail
And we're all (and we're all)
Delivered by the Bloodmobile
16 September 2011

Notes and Summaries (with bibliographies) are due next
Tuesday, at the beginning of our next Science Class.

Keep working on your Research Project.
Don't forget about the summary of your notes for each
body system.
Practice the song on the previous slide. There is a link to the song
on youtube at the top of the page, and the lyrics to the song are
there as well.

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