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Synaptic Transmission I:

Electrical & Ionic Processes

Chemical synapse :

-Neurotransmitter is secreted

Acts on postsynaptic receptors

-Either excitation or inhibition

depending on receptor

-Conduction is one way

Electrical synapse :

Cardiac, visceral smooth muscle

-Gap junctions : free ion movement

Conduct AP between cells

-Conduct in two directions

Neurotransmitter affects another cell

Same transmitter at neuron synapses

Fast receptors : directly-gated flow

Slow receptors : cascade of events

Small, large molecular weight

Fast receptors, rapidly acting

Directly-gated ionic flow

Synthesized in terminal or soma

Ach, aspartate, glutamate

GABA, glycine
Rapidly acting transmitters

Ach : NMJ, motor cortex

GABA : Spinal cord, B. ganglia

Glycine : Spinal cord

Glutamate : Sensory pathways

Mechanism of Release
Excitation : Na+ inflow

Inhibition : K+ out, Cl- in


Hillock, threshold - 45 mv
Axo-axonic synapses

Presynaptic inhibition

Na+, Ca2+ channels

Presynaptic facilitation

Spatial, temporal summation

Slow R., slowly acting

Second messenger pathways

Synthesized in soma

Neuropeptides, neuroregulation

Enkephalines, endorphins, substance P

Slowly acting

NE : β-adrenergic symp.

Dopamine : S. Nigra

Serotonin : Raphe Nucleus

Ach : muscarinic autonomic

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