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Since my childhood I have been a keen observer and am well known for probing new avenues, always enthusiastic

and ready with a chain of questions. Having been brought up in a strong and secure family, I have been blessed to have parents who instilled me with good values and principles. Education was always given first priority and there was no compromise for it. My parents support motivated me to reach my goals. When my schoolteachers noticed my inclination towards science, I was always encouraged by my parents to participate in all science exhibitions, quizzes and other examinations. The world of Cloned Dollies and the termed coined

Biotechnology further kindled my puerile passion and turned out my interests and curiosities into realities. At the adolescent age all I knew was Biotechnology was not just a tool that benefits an individual, but also the entire community and society at large. I want to be a part of the existing race to create a more scientifically advanced tomorrow and I envision doctoral studies as a path towards my advancement in this direction.
In college I have been exposed to many fields of study like Biochemistry, Cell biology, Microbiology, Molecular biology, Genetics, Genetic engineering, Protein engineering, Enzyme engineering, Immunology, Bioprocess engineering, Bioinformatics, Animal biotechnology, and Virology. I had given many seminars in all these subjects and have also been an active student participating in all the department activities and functions. I have also got practical knowledge of techniques in the fields of biochemistry, cell and microbiology, molecular biology, immunology in our laboratory classes. The ardor for the subjects like Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular biology made me to undertake few mini projects in the college.

As individual, I have always learned how to get up after the fall and still face the world bravely. Things have been tough for me but nothing could desolate me from my goal in my life and I honestly worked hard to achieve whatever I could achieve today. The situation those were discouraging me actually give me strength to build my confidences back and work for the betterment of my future. These have also encouraged me to work better as far as my academics were concerned and I would overall rate myself as fairly good student who is motivated and fueled to aspire for higher studies and do good career wise. I have always attempted to gain insight into the problem at hand and tackle it from different angles. I am well aware that a career in research calls for personal commitment and personal sacrifice of time, leisure and immediate reward. However, my desire to realize my full potential and to make an original contribution to the field of Biotechnology drive me to pursue a research career, which, I believe, will give me intellectual satisfaction, gratification of becoming a contributor to knowledge and personal rewards of learning and discovery. I not only possess the intellectual ability, sound preparation and the strong motivation for research but also consider myself mature, friendly to work with and open to criticism: qualities essential for group research

I believe that the knowledge I have gained is little and there is much more to learn and relearn. So with the knowledge I posses and desire to learn more, along with my leadership abilities, make Doctoral study a natural choice for me. I am sure that a PhD in your university will definitely widen the horizons of my knowledge and help me attain a milestone in my career. I am a stern believer of attitude, quality, and hard work. I promise to attain meteoric heights and bring glory to your institution, if I am given a chance.

There are two reasons why I believe that doctoral study in a reputed department, such as yours, is important for a person aspiring for a research career. Firstly, working for a thesis under the guidance of an expert whose work can serve as a

model is the most effective method of transforming a student into a largely independent researcher making significant original contributions. Secondly, the emphasis of graduate study on intensive and independent study of a specialized area is an ideal way of making a student capable of reaching the frontiers of knowledge in a subfield quickly and keeping abreast of the latest developments. I feel that with its comprehensive facilities and competent faculty doing quality research work in the field of Biotechnology will be the ideal place for me to pursue graduate studies. The working atmosphere of a vigorously active department will be helpful in motivating me towards excellence. In short, I believe that a good doctoral program is an essential step for realising my professional ambition of becoming a competent researcher I am confident that my
strong motivation, my graduate experiences and my analytical aptitude will help me to measure up to the rigours of graduate study. I am looking forward to make my contributions to the research going on at Dartmouth

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