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FDC:SemI Sept 2011. ATKT exam (time 3hrs and marks :100) Instructions: Q1 is compulsory. Q2 to Q6 attempt any four.

r. Q1.a.Explain Master slave JK flip flop. b.What do you understand by cache memory? c.Explain embedded operating systems. Q2 .Design a binary to gray code convertor. Q3 a.Subtract using twos complement arithmetic. 1) 2) b.Explain toggle flip flop. c.Implement the expression using 8:1 multiplexer. F(A,B,C,D)=M(1,3,5,6,8,10,12,14,15) Q4.a.Make a Kmap for the function : f=AB + AC + C+ AD+ ABC +ABC b.Express it in sop form c.Minimise it and realize the minimized expression using nand gates only. Q5 a.Explain the use of preset and clear. b. explain delay flip flop c. implement full subtractor using demux. Q6 a.what are shift regiseters. b.explain the race around condition. C.Using Boolean algebra solve: i)A+A.B+A.B=A+B (20) (20) (20) (20) (20) (20)


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