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mSn NameS AnD QuoteS

love quotes and names

No sleep last night, too busy thinking of you
(*) ~ViXN~ (*)
(l) v Bg (l)
(K) --Gght k-- (K)
Sometimes I wish I was a little kid again....skinned knees are easier to fix tha
n broken hearts!
If you love someone put their name in a circle not a heart, a heart can be broke
n but a circle goes on forever
When I first saw you I was afarid to talk to you*When i first talked to you I wa
s afraid to like you*When i first liked you i was afarid to love you*Now that I
love you I m afraid to lose you
If yOu ReAlLy LoVe SoMeThInG sEt iT fReE, iF iT cOmEs BaCk iT's YoUrS, iF iT dOe
Sn'T iT wAs NeVeR MeAnT tO Be
(*)*Star light ....Star bright .... where the HeLL is Mr. Right?*(*)
My heart was taken by (name)...breaken by (name)...and now it is in pieces becau
se of (name)
My heart was taken by you...breaken by you...and now it is in pieces because of
Im sweet like suger, soft like suade, but unlike nintendo i never get played
~ do u hav a Band-Aid cos i skinned my knee when i fell 4 u
Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?
its not my fault i fell for (NAME), he tripped me
* i lost my teddy bear can i sleep wit chu?*
Can i hav a picture of you so i can show santa what i want for christmas*
kool names and quotes
(*) 1% GhT (*)
(*).*Pk P*.(*)

(*) ~Ph B~ (*)

-- ?*mn Pz TLk 2 M*? --
(*)** Pk**(*)
.*Mnk Mi *.
(R).* M gh*.(R)
v f v
::::Gmm ::::
~(u)~Da TrU PiMpEtTe~(u)~
(K)m h wht(K)
:: gl ::
(*)*tttude g* (*)
z Prd
(*) g o th..(*)
a GgtA
(*) ::a Hut:: (*)
:@ *~Bk ff~* :@
(*)-B@d G|R-(*)
(R)bg gu(r)
(*).*d Bb*.(*)
(`._)otto ad(`._)
(6) h h hv(A)

(R) cti_prnces (R)
(*) ~m~ (*)

.:*(k)wN A ChicK(k)*:.
(F)Fw Pw(F)
(*) GhTtPrtr* (*)
(r)<*GR PwR*>(r)
*:GiV Me A HuG:* ({)
smMBb (K)
so t tHt? h Ld Mmt
a ? ViLt a Lu G,? ?a? ? tt ??at ??? t u?
other names and quotes
(*)(8)Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house. Everybody was
stoned even the mouse. (8)(*)
i knew something was wrong when my imaginary friends wouldn't play with mee anym
Sweet as heaven hot as hell born to tease but taught to please
,,`,,~*~ur name herre~*~,,`,,
I know I'm not PeRfEcT, bUt I'm So ClOsE iT sCaReS mE~!~
You laugh because im diffrent i laugh because you're all the same
God made elks, god made deers,God made NSYNC a bunch of QUEERS
God made mud god made dirt god made guys so girls can flirt
God made coke god made pepsi god made (Name) so darn sexy

Did u fall down the ugly tree and hit every branch on your way down!
*I wAnTeD 2 KiLL dA sExiEsT PeRsOn ALiVe ThEn I rELiZeD....oHh Ya! SuCiCiDeZ a C
Don't be a guy, The world is full of guys.Be a MAN
~ remember when sum1 annoys u it takes 42 muscles to frown and only 4 to bitch s
lap da mudda f*(^#&
~ children in da dark cause accidents ... accidents in da dark cause children~
i wanna be barbie ... dat !+(# has everything
* aaaah im havin one of those blonde moments again
if u like what u see call 1800 - YOU WISH!
What a shame looks like the ugly fairy kissed (NAME)on both cheeks!
*~***~I'm like a Ciggarette...............very addicive~***~
There is no I in slut but there is a u
**..`*`*`. .**
.*`v`*. * .*`v`*.
:*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*:
.. ..) .*) (. (. . (. .`>
__ .*. __ .*`. * .`*. __ .*. __
:*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*: :*:
(. `v `.)(. `v `.)

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