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~HCCS Vision~

A people called by the Father in Jesus Christ To become a Community Of a persons with Fullness of Life Witnessing to the Kingdom of God By living the Paschal Mystery In the power of the Holy Spirit With Mary as Companion

~School Identity~
Recognizing Its evangelizing role As a Catholic and Parochial School HOLY CHILD CATHOLIC SCHOOL Forms a community of Christians Who are agent of social transformation Particularly of the lost,the least,and the last.

~HCCS Mission~

Inspired by the Holy Spirit and guided by the Holy Child Jesus and his Mother Virgin Mary we commit ourselves to:

1.Form a community who are witnesses of the Gospel Values. 2.Provide an excellent Catholic education with religion as the core of the curriculum that prepares the students to meet the demands of the global society. 3.Serve as an arm of the church and be responsive to the needs of the poor and the less privileged. 4.Foster the value of nationalism and preserve Filipino Cultural heritage 5.Create a Human society that promotes justice peace and respect for the integrity of Gods Creation.

6.Serve as a partner of the church in the ministry of evangelization.

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