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Academic Qualification Does Not Ensure Success In Life.

The question was : 'Academic qualifications ensure success in life. Do you agree or disagree?' And this was my essay . . . Too much emphasis is put on academic qualifications nowadays. It is said to be the sole determiner of success in life. In Malaysia, for instance, jobs are secured by only those who achieve well in their academic performance. In my point of view, academic qualification may be vital but it is not the only factor to ensure success in life of an individual as the ability and the willpower of oneself are also the determiners of success. Success cannot only be measured by academic qualification as the skill and ability of oneself should be considered as well. Skills can be categorized in many ways, for example, social skills, language skills, and computer skills. It is not guaranteed that an individual with the most As or perfect grades will get a job as some employers may employ workers based on their skills. This is because academic qualification is solely based on ones performance in their respected schools, colleges or universities. It is not based on what they are yet to execute in the working environment. Hence, skills are far more important in determining a successful life in the future. Furthermore, the willpower of an individual is another secret to success in ones life. When an individual is determined to achieve a certain goal or vision in their life, they will undeniably be victorious in their future. This does not matter whether they have a good academic qualification or not as not all people with great educational background turned out successful. The power of ones determination can be seen in the success story of Bill Gates. He dropped out from Harvard University to take that one step further in his life by working hard to achieve his vision in his famous computer software, Microsoft. Thus, willpower plays an important role in achieving success in life. In conclusion, I firmly believe that excellence in academic qualification does not ensure success in life. Skills, ability and willingness to work hard in ones life are the main factors that can guarantee a successful future. Academic qualification is only a way to recognize a persons strength. Thus, it should not be made as the sole determiner of success in life. As the famous quote goes, Where theres a will, theres a way, there is always a chance for everyone to be successful in life as long as they are willing to take on the challenge.

This topic is so true in every sense, Yes education is very important in life to be successful, and education is not just going through the syllabus and doing well in exams and getting good grades time and again, but education equips one with what is happening in the real world and gives them first hand experience from all like the teachers and others with their real life experiences one will be better equipped with tools which will be necessary to lead his/her life in a better way and this is complimented with the degree that they pass out with, which tells he/she is how much capable in that field, it is not necessary that a person with great educational background will do wonders and at the same time we cannot tell like a person with not so good educational background will not do great in his life each and every person has their own strengths and education helps them to recognize it and channel them in a better way for their own overall development and also for the society and the country as a whole.... There may be a few people like Bill Gates and others who have made it, in spite of their drop-out background and lack of academic qualifications, but can this be generalized? Should I tell my child to leave schooling because if Bill Gates can do it they can also do it? A few exceptions cannot be taken as a general rule. And even for those few high-profile people who have made it without academic qualifications, lets ask a simple question - if you look at a global directory of successful people you might find a few hundred like Bill Gates, but what about those millions of doctors, engineers, IT professionals, lawyers, and advocates who rely upon their formal education? Can you run a country without them? And could even Bill Gates have prospered without the skills of these IT professionals and engineers?

Here question is Academic Qualification, ensure success in life. First of all i would like to clear that there are lot of difference in Education and Academic Qualification. Education is defined as the process or art of imparting knowledge, skill and judgment; Facts, skills and idea that have been learned, either formally or informally. And Academic Qualification is defined as A quality, Ability or accomplishment that makes a person suitable for a particular position or task. If you are saying Education is required to ensure success in life then i am agree with you.... but if you are taking academic qualification and education both are same then I am not agree with you... since both are two things... as you have mentioned in your comment ----- and this is complimented with the degree that they pass out with, which tells he/she is how much capable in that field, it is not necessary that a person with great educational background will do wonders and at the same time we cannot tell like a person with not so good educational background will not do great in his life each and every person has their own strengths and education helps them to recognize it and channel them in a better way for their own overall development and also for the society and the country as a whole.... here you yourself saying that degree/academic qualification tells the person how much he/she is capable in particular field... means degree/academic qualification tells about strength in particular area... in another word you have told that education background will not do great in his/her life.... degree/academic qualification helps them to recognize a particular area.... but not ensure success in life....

First of all here i would like to say that the topic Academic qualification, ensure success in life and the body text written by you both has contradiction in themselves. In what way do you see success in life... According to you what is the definition of success ???? is getting married and getting job is the success of life according to you ???? if it is that the success then yes off course academic qualification is required... but 1. The definition of Success in life differs from person to person.. different person see their life in different way... Success depend what do you keep your Goal in life... if you have set a goal in life and you get it then it is success.. and different people have different goal in life and to achieve those goal Academic qualification may not required.... for example if suppose one person has goal to climb the Himalaya and if he able to reach at top of Himalaya then he is success in life... for that Academic Qualification is not required... like that there are many person who has different goal and to achieve those goal .. i dont believe Academic qualification is required.... what required to ensure success in life is passion, your dream, your action to wards to achieve it ... your skill... your calibre.. which decide success in life.. not academic qualification... Its an interesting topic to discuss with. Its very difficult to say 'yes' or 'no' to statement under debate. I would say that acadamic qualification is important to success in countries like India, but, it may not true when it comes to developed countries like USA where real knowledge is recognised and appreciated. In India, it is very difficult to see the people who don't possess qualifications, but, succeed in life. One may possess good qualifications and again may lack the required knowledge to succeed in life. I would say 'no' to the statement that acadamic qualification leads to success or is basis to succeed. What one require is the real knowledge and knowledge to succeed in life.

Ok so the role of the third speaker is to rebut the arguments of the other team and conclude your teams arguments. When I was at school, we had a three minute limit (I think) so my conclusion went for about a minute or so. For this bit, you start with the first speaker, Our first speaker, [name] spoke about the fact thatetc etc then do the same for your second speaker. End this with something like, and finally, I have shown to you that our argument is clearly the stronger one. Therefore, [make your statement and end with a really strong quote or phrase]. As for the first part of your speech, brainstorm with your team over what you guys would argue if you were on the opposing side. Also get your families and friends to brainstorm too. Then, prepare rebuttals to these points in advance so that when the other team argues the point you just have to pick up the right card. The audience will think youre incredibly good at thinking on your feet! Also start your speech with a quick introduction. Hi, my name is [name] and I am the third speaker for the [positive/negative] team. I will be discussing all the arguments raised by the opposing team and proving to you why [insert your version of the statement here, ie 'junk food advertising SHOULD be banned' etc]. To begin, i would like to raise a point made by the [first/second/third] speaker etc

To write a third speaker debating speech: 1. You need to start it off addressing the chairperson and then the audience: "Chairperson, ladies and gentlemen". 2. Do not begin your speech by saying "today's debate is..." as the chairperson has already informed the audience of the topic. 3. Your opening is vital if you hope to capture the audience's attention. Work hard on preparing an interesting opening. 4. An interesting opening and a forceful conclusion are important elements of a successful debating speech. It's worth memorising these. 5. Don't thank the audience- they will thank you with a round of applause. Third speaker of affirmative: 1. Speaks after second Negative. 2. Concludes arguement of Affirmative team. 3. Rebuts arguements of second Negative and whole Negative team. 4. Summarises whole arguement of Affirmative team. Third speaker of negative: 1. Speaks after third affirmative. 2. Stresses main points of negative arguement. (Cannot raise any new points) 3. Rebuts arguements of third affirmative, and whole affirmative team. 4. Summarises whole arguement of Negative team.

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