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Welcome Preposition Place

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Pr epositions
These express relationships in time, space, or other senses between nouns or pronouns and other words in the sentence.

Pr epositions.
* About Across After At As Below Before For Like From Onto Inside Near Out Of Off With Over Past Through Until

T here are just a couple types of these to be concer ned with.

Singular prepositions. (we just went over these.) and compound prepositions

Compound pr epositions
These are made up of a few singular prepositions grouped together. Instead of According to Due to In front of Except for In spite of By way of In addition to Because of In place of Out of By way of

Some examples
You are in trouble for being dumb. Drive across the bridge. Go down the road, past three telephone poles. Turn left before the gulf station. My toothbrush was under the sink. You get it.. I know you do.

Some more examples

We should all go to the beach instead of doing this grammar stuff. You will all pass, except for most of you. In spite of your fear, you are still here. Due to inclement weather, we will be delaying graduation.

One mor e thing

There are also prepositional phrases. These are made up of a preposition, a noun or pronoun and any modifiers of that noun or pronoun. You wont need to identify the phrases yet, just know what the parts of speech are inside of them.

T hats it!!

Arent you happy.

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