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1. Cover 2. Table of Content 3. Introduction Definition of important terms and background of parties/countries involved. 4. Problem statement Discuss the issues in detail. 5. Solution Answer all the questions given in the case. 6. Recommendation Short term recommend and discuss appropriate solutions for current situation. Long term recommend and discuss appropriate strategies for organizations future sustainability. 7. Conclusion 8. Reference APA style 9. Appendix JUSTIFY ALIGNMENT FONT o Tahoma : 11 o Arial : 10 1.5 SPACING 15 20 PAGES excluding table of content, reference and appendix. **Any PLAGIARISM work will be penalised severely. ZERO mark will be given to your group assignment**

POSTER PRESENTATION (International Business), 10%

**Size: 90cm X 60 cm **Content and design is base on your own creativity. **15 to 20 minutes per group.

You are sales manager working in international sales for a rice distributor from Thailand. Your company wants you to sell a large shipment of rice to Japan. Your boss has instructed you to sell the rice immediately, at a price that is below its current market value. In the office you overhear the quality assurance manager discussing with another employee the "potentially contaminated shipment headed for Japan." You are aware that your company has had problems with E. coli contamination in the past. How do you respond to your boss's request? Do you go ahead with the shipment to Japan, despite the possibility of contamination? Who should you contact your boss or someone else inside or outside the company?

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