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Lab Exercises – Day 3

1. Open the Alarm Browser. Identify the alarm related to NNM license expiry.
Identify the category in which this alarm appears. Open Alarm Details to get the
event specific ID for this alarm

2. From command prompt use ovevent to simulate this alarm

3. From Event Configuration, copy OV_IF_Down to OV_IF_Down_test and choose

the source as your system

4. Configure popup window for the OV_IF_Down_test event to show the device,
interface and time the event occurred

5. Try to configure an automatic action (play a sound alert) for the configured event
and test the configured action by simulating the event

6. Create a new alarm category “CMC Events” and configure your custom event to
be classified under this category

7. Configure your system to send out email alarms and verify to see if you receive
emails when you simulate your custom event

Email Configuration

• Download to a local folder

• Extract the contents to C:\blat folder
• Configure blat for sending email
o blat -install

• Test blat by sending a test email

o blat test.txt -to
• Create a batch file email.bat
o echo Interface %1 Down on %2 at %3 > test.txt
o c:\blat\blat test.txt -to -s "NNM Alert"
• Check if ALLOW_ALL file exists in trustedCmds.conf
• Configure automatic action for OV_IF_Down
o C:\\blat\\email.bat $7 $2 $5
• Verify action

8. Add a new menu item to launch Dynamic views Internet View from the Alarm

9. Configure an additional action for the operator and verify its execution

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