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How to monitor and track failed

logins for your AWS Managed
Microsoft AD
by Tekena Orugbani | on 02 JUL 2021 | in AWS Directory
Service, Intermediate (200), Security, Identity, & Compliance
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AWS Directory Service for Microsoft Active Directory

provides customers with the ability to review security logs
on their AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain controllers by
either using a domain management Amazon Elastic
Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance or by forwarding
domain controller security event logs to Amazon
CloudWatch Logs.

You can further improve visibility by monitoring Windows

login activities on your AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain-
joined EC2 instances, and in this blog post, I show you how.
Monitoring and tracking Windows security events on your
AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain-joined instances can
reveal unexpected activities on your domain-joined EC2
instances so that you can take proactive remediating action.

For example, every time there is an unsuccessful attempt to

log in to a domain-joined EC2 instance or on-premises
server by using an AWS Managed Microsoft AD user or a
local account, an “Audit Failure” Windows security event
with ID 4625 is recorded on the EC2 instance itself. The
event data includes details of the account name,
workstation name, and source network address.
Unsuccessful attempts to log in to non–domain-joined EC2
instances and servers are handled the same way. You can
track and monitor these events on an ongoing basis across
your fleet of Windows EC2 instances by using the solution
described here.

Solution overview

Figure 1 shows the workflow for the solution.


Figure 1: Solution architecture

The workflow steps are as follows:

1. An Amazon CloudWatch agent that is running on the

EC2 instances sends the Windows security event logs
to Amazon CloudWatch.
2. CloudWatch filters the logs based on the filter you
specify. When the configured threshold is met,
CloudWatch posts an alert to an SNS topic.
3. Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS)
invokes an AWS Lambda function.
4. The Lambda function scans through the events and
determines which EC2 instance(s) generated the
security events at a frequency that satisfies the
configured threshold. It discards any other instances
listed in the events that don’t meet the specified
criteria. The function sends an email to the configured
email address with a high-level description of the
event logs and the instance(s) that generated them.
5. Amazon Simple Email Service (Amazon SES) delivers
the emails in the specified mailbox.

Note: Although this example uses email

notification via Amazon SES to monitor
failed logins, there are opportunities to
extend the solution. For example, you can
integrate with a Security Information and
Event Management (SIEM) tool that may
potentially be integrated with a ticketing
service and/or some automation or incident
response process when a set threshold for
failed logins is breached.


Before you deploy the solution, you must complete the

following steps:

1. Create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

roles for use with the CloudWatch agent
2. Sign up for Amazon SES
3. Verify the sender and recipient email addresses that
you’ll use to send and receive email notifications

Deploy the solution

The solution I present here involves four main steps:

1. Install and configure the CloudWatch agent for your

EC2 instances.
2. Create a metric filter in CloudWatch.
3. Create a CloudWatch alarm based on the metric filter
and add SNS notification.
4. Create a Lambda function and subscribe the function
to the SNS topic.

Step 1: Install and configure the CloudWatch

agent for all your EC2 instances

The first step is to create an AWS Systems Manager

parameter to contain the JSON configuration for the
CloudWatch agent that runs on the EC2 instances. You’ll
then use Systems Manager Run Command to install the
CloudWatch agent on the instances and to apply the
configuration in the Parameter Store to the CloudWatch

To install and configure the CloudWatch agent

1. Open the AWS Systems Manager console and in the

navigation pane, choose Parameter Store to create a
new Systems Manager parameter.
2. Give your parameter a name. In my example, I named
my parameter AmazonCloudWatch-Windows.
3. For Tier, choose Standard. For Type, choose String.
For Data type, choose Text.
4. For the value of the parameter, enter the following
JSON configuration and choose Create Parameter.

Note: This JSON configuration creates

a log group in CloudWatch with the
name /aws/SecurityAuditLogs. If
you would prefer to use another log
group name, you can modify the
JSON configuration. Also, if you
already have a Systems Manager
parameter named
AmazonCloudWatch-Windows, you
can use any other name of your

{ "logs": { "logs_collected": { "windows_

The Parameter details page should look similar to

the following.

Figure 2: Create the System Manager parameter for

the CloudWatch agent

5. Next, you’ll use Run Command to install and

configure the CloudWatch agent. In the navigation
pane, choose Run Command.
6. On the Run a command page, in the search box, enter
Document name prefix: Equals: AWS-
ConfigureAWSPackage. Press Enter and select the
document that appears.
7. Under Command parameters, for Name, enter

Figure 3: Install the CloudWatch agent on the


8. Under Targets, specify your EC2 instances based on

their tags, or choose them manually, and then choose
9. To configure the CloudWatch agent, choose Run
Command again. On the Run a command screen,
enter Document name prefix: Equals:
AmazonCloudWatch-ManageAgent. Press Enter and
select the document that appears.
10. Under Command parameters, for Optional
Configuration Location, enter the name of the
Systems Manager parameter you created earlier. In
my example, I used the name AmazonCloudWatch-
Windows. Keep the defaults for the other settings.

Figure 4: Configure the CloudWatch agent on the


11. Under Targets, specify your EC2 instances based on

their tags, or choose them manually, and then choose

Step 2: Create a metric filter in CloudWatch

After the completion of the tasks in Step 1, your EC2

instances should now be sending logs to a log group in
Amazon CloudWatch called /aws/SecurityAuditLogs.
The log group should have log streams named after the EC2
instances that are sending the logs to CloudWatch. The next
step is to create a metric filter to filter the noise from the

To create a metric filter

1. Open the CloudWatch console and in the left

navigation menu, choose Log Groups.
2. Select the check box next to the
/aws/SecurityAuditLogs log group, choose
Actions, and then choose Create metric filter.
3. On the Define pattern page, enter Audit Failure,
keep the defaults for the other settings, and then
choose Next.
4. Enter values for Filter name, Metric namespace,
Metric name, and Metric value, and then choose Next
to create the metric filter.

Figure 5: Create a CloudWatch metric filter

Step 3: Create a CloudWatch alarm based on

the metric filter and add SNS notification

In this step, you set a threshold for how many “Audit

Failure” events you want to allow within a period of time
before triggering an alarm.

To create the CloudWatch alarm and add SNS


1. Open the Amazon Simple Notification Service console

and in the left navigation menu, choose Topics.
2. Choose Create topic, and then choose Standard.
3. Provide a name for your topic, and then choose
Create topic. In my example, I named the topic
4. Open the CloudWatch console, choose Log groups,
and select the /aws/SecurityAuditLogs log
5. Choose the Metric filters tab, select the check box
next to the WindowsSecurityAuditFailures filter
you just created, and choose Create alarm.
6. On the Specify metric and conditions page, set the
parameters as follows:
a. For Statistic, choose Sample count.
b. For Period, choose 5 minutes.
c. For Threshold type, choose Static.
d. For Define the alarm condition, choose
e. For Define the threshold value, specify the
threshold number of failed login attempts that
will cause a notification to be sent.

Note: In my example, I’ve

specified to be notified after
five failed login attempts. You
should determine the
appropriate threshold to use,
based on your organization’s
security policies.

Figure 6: Create a CloudWatch alarm

7. On the Configure actions page, choose Next.

8. Choose In alarm, choose Select an existing SNS
topic, and then select the SNS topic you created
earlier in this procedure.
9. Specify a name for the alarm, and then choose Create

Step 4: Create a Lambda function and

subscribe the function to the SNS topic

CloudWatch alarm messages are predefined, can’t be

modified, and don’t provide details based on CloudWatch
streams. Additionally, a CloudWatch alarm will trigger when
a combination of failed login attempts on two or more
instances meets the threshold. For instance, in my example,
when there are three failed attempts on one instance and
two failed attempts on a second instance all within a 5-
minute period, a CloudWatch alarm will be triggered.

The purpose of the Lambda function that you’ll create in

this step is to validate whether the triggered alarms meet
the specified threshold on a per-instance basis before the
function sends an email notification to the designated email
address. When a CloudWatch alarm is triggered, the
function reads through the CloudWatch logs and filters the
logs based on CloudWatch log streams that meet the
specified threshold for the alarm. If no individual
CloudWatch log stream (that is, no individual instance or
server) meets the threshold, the function won’t send a
notification. The function only sends a notification if it
determines that one or more instances have each met the
specified threshold. The function also provides more
information about the failed login attempts when it does
send you an email.

To create the Lambda function and subscribe it to

the SNS topic

1. Open the AWS Lambda console and choose Create

2. Choose Author from scratch, and provide a name for
your function. Under Runtime, select Node.js 14.x,
and then choose Create function.
3. Double-click index.js, replace the code with the
following code, and then choose Deploy.

var aws = require('aws-sdk');

var cwl = new aws.CloudWatchLogs();
var ses = new aws.SES();
let alarmThreshold = process.env.ALARM_TH

exports.handler = function(event, context

var message = JSON.parse(event.Record
var alarmName = message.AlarmName;
var oldState = message.OldStateValue;
var newState = message.NewStateValue;
var reason = message.NewStateReason;
var requestParams = {
metricName: message.Trigger.Metri
metricNamespace: message.Trigger.
if(err) console.error('Error is:'
else {
console.log('Metric Filter da

4. Choose Add trigger, and in the drop-down list,

choose SNS.
5. Under SNS topic, select the SNS topic you created in
Step 3, and then choose Add.

Figure 7: Create the AWS Lambda function

6. Choose the Configuration tab, and then choose

Environment variables. Choose Edit to add the
environment variables for ALARM_THRESHOLD,
choose Save.

Figure 8: The Lambda environment variables

Note: The variables’ keys must be set exactly

and SENDER_EMAIL, because otherwise the
code will fail. For the recipient, you can
specify a single email or multiple email
addresses that are separated by commas, as
shown in Figure 8, provided that the emails
are verified as specified in the Prerequisites

Next, create an IAM policy, which you’ll attach to a role that

will be assumed by the Lambda function. This policy
provides permissions to perform the
DescribeMetricFilters, FilterLogEvents, and
SendEmail API calls that are necessary for the function to
work. It also provides permissions to create a log group and
log stream in CloudWatch for the Lambda function, so that
you can review the logs if the Lambda function fails to run

To create the IAM policy

1. Sign in to the IAM console, and in the navigation bar,

choose Policies.
2. In the content pane, choose Create policy, and then
choose JSON.
3. Replace the content with the following script. Make
sure to replace the placeholders with the ARN of the
Lambda function, the ARNs for log group creation and
the ARN of your SES verified email address to use as

"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "ses:SendEmail",
"Resource": "<arn-of-verified
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": "<arn-for-CloudWa
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [

Here is how it appears in my example. Note that

FilterSendSecurityEvents is the name of my
Lambda function and /aws/SecurityAuditLogs is
the name my log group created in Step 1.

Figure 9: Example policy for the IAM role to be

attached to the Lambda function

4. Choose Review policy, specify a name and a

description for the policy, and then choose Create

Next, create an IAM role and attach this policy.

To create the IAM role and attach the policy

1. In the IAM console navigation bar, choose Roles, and

then choose Create role.
2. Under Choose the service that will use this role,
choose Lambda, and then choose Next: Permissions.
3. On the next page, select the policy you just created,
and then choose Next: Tags. Add an optional tag, and
then choose Next: Review.
4. Specify a name and description for the role, and then
choose Create role.
5. To attach this role to the Lambda function, go to the
AWS Lambda console. Navigate to the Lambda
function, and choose Configurations.
6. Choose Permissions, and then under Execution role,
choose Edit.
7. On the Edit basic settings page, under Existing role,
select the role you just created, and then choose Save.

And that’s it! You will now be notified whenever there are
“Audit Failure” events that reach the threshold you set on a
per-instance basis for your AWS Managed Microsoft AD
domain-joined instances. If you installed and configured the
CloudWatch agent on non–domain-joined instances in Step
1, then you’ll also get notifications for “Audit Failure” events
that are generated by failed login attempts that use local


In this post, I showed you how you can proactively track and
monitor Windows security audit failures across your AWS
Managed Microsoft AD domain-joined EC2 instances. This
helps provide greater visibility into Windows login activities
for administrators, so that they can take action to maintain
the security of their server fleet. This solution can also be
extended to potentially trigger an automation workflow or
incident response process in the event of unexpected

Although this blog has specifically targeted AWS Managed

Microsoft AD domain-joined instances, the procedure here
also applies to standalone EC2 instances or on-premises
servers that are configured to send logs to CloudWatch.

If you have feedback about this post, submit comments in

the Comments section below. If you have questions about
this post, start a new thread on the AWS Directory Service
forum or contact AWS Support.

Want more AWS Security how-to content, news, and

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Tekena Orugbani

Tekena is a Cloud Support Engineer at the

AWS Cape Town office. He has many years
of experience working with Windows Systems,
virtualization/cloud technologies, and directory
services. When he’s not helping customers make the
most of their cloud investments, he enjoys hanging out
with his family and watching Premier League football

TAGS: AWS Directory Service, Identity management,

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