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The concept of Morality in Islam

The concept of morality in islam centers around certain basic beliefs and principles. 1.God is the creator and source of all goodness, truth,and beauty. 2.Man is a responsible ,dinified and honourable agent of his creator 3.God has put everything in the heavens and the earth in the service of mankind. 4.By his mercy and wisdom, God does not expect the impossible from or hold him accountable for anything beyond his power.Nor God forbid man to enjoy the good things of live.
Islamic Knowledge & Science

The concept of Morality in Islam

The concept of morality in islam centers around certain basic beliefs and principles. 1.God is the creator and source of all goodness, truth,and beauty. 2.Man is a responsible ,dinified and honourable agent of his creator 3.God has put everything in the heavens and the earth in the service of mankind. 4.By his mercy and wisdom, God does not expect the imposibble from or hold him accountable for anything beyond his power.Nor God forbid man to enjoy the good things of live.
Islamic Knowledge & Science

The concept of Morality in Islam

I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E

5. Moderation ,practicality, and balance are the guarantees of high integrity and sound morality. 6. All things are permissible in principle except what is singled out as obligatory, which must be observed, and what is singles out as forbidden, which must be avoided. 7. Man`s ultimate responsibility is to God and his highest goal is pleasure of his creator

The definition of Akhlaq

I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E

Literally =from Arabic Word Khuluq means character, behaviour, personal traits, manner. Terminology = Personal behaviour deal with the relationship between man and God, man and his fellow man, man and the other elements and creatures of the universe, man and his innermost self.

Al-Ghazali defines an establish state of soul from high actions proceed easily, without any need for reflection and deliberation. Ibn al-Athir defines Akhlaq is the inner characteristic of oneself whether it is good or bad

Islamic Knowledge & Science

The importance of Akhlaq

I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E

2) 3)



Plays a vital role in life- the reason why prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was sent down to the world. It is a part of Iman The true value and honour of a person is measured by his akhlaq Determine the human civilization arabic poet indeed nations that are morally upright will last forever. But with the fall of their morals, it will bring about the fall of the nations To get pleasure of God in this world and hereafter.

Akhlaq in al-Quran and al-Hadith

-al-Qalam :4 -al-Israk :23 -al-Hajj : 41 .Verily I have been sent for the perfection of virtous moral (tradition reported by Ahmad) .the akhlaq of the prophet is al-Quran (narated by Aisyah r.a) God in this world and hereafter.
Islamic Knowledge & Science

I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E

There is nothing which weighs heavier on the scales of the servant on the day of resurrection than good morals (reported by Abu Daud) Whoever is not prevented by his prayers from lewdness and iniquity, gains nothing from Allah except remoteness (tradition reported by al-Tabarani)

The role of Adab al-Islam in social relationship


The aim of Adab al-Islam to help in establishing and maintaning healthy social relationship. What is required of muslims toward each other is mutual responsibility and positive assistance. Muslims are encouraged to meet each otherstrengthen social bonds and defends the individual against the psychological consequences of social isolation. Acceptance of any invitation and holding feasts- will make social ties stronger between members of a community irrespective of social LingTerapan/JMJ/ENG/FBL/UM/200 status.. 10 6

Social relations should be quite free of personal interest and engaged in wholly for the sake of God. Social life is encouraged at a wider levellike performing congregational prayer in the mosque. Personal cleanliness is an important factor when communicating with others..

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Moral Crisis Among Muslims

1)Muslims are meant to be the role models of akhlaq for other people 2)They were made by Allah to be the best ummah (aali Imran:110) 3)Unfortunately, some of them are not playing the role. 4)They are facing moral crisis such as drug addict, illegitimate children, disciplinary problems in schools, divorces e.c.t

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The crisis actually happened because of several factors:

a) b) c)

Some muslims do not understand the teaching of Islam(lack of knowledge) Neglecting the responsibilities as Khalifah on this earth. Drowning in world of amusement and entertainment

Whatever matters, every muslim must continue playing his role in propagating Islam to non -muslim

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I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E


the authority of Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) , who said: I heard the messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) say: Whosoever of you sees an evil action , let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart..and that is the weakest of faith.(related by Muslim
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Rasullullah S.A.W (An Excellent Example)

Prophets Muhammad came to this world as an ideal model for mankind.. The ideas are mentionned in al-Quran and prophets tradition Prophet came to establish morality and assure every muslim of security, protection, moral integrity and a decent life..
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I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E

His mission was put to the test in his life and did not stay in the stationary form of theory. *His integrity and truthfulness were beyond doubt not only in the sight of muslims but also in the minds of his most staunch opponents. *He was a successful political leader. *He was the kindest husband, the most loving and cherish able partner. *He was not merely a racial leader or a national liberator he was and still is a man of history and the best model of him who seeks God *in him every man can find something to learn, and excellent examples of goodness and piety to follow.
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Sickness and Medical Treatment

Diseases and afflictions are facts of life. Muslims as servants of God are required to bear ilness and afflictions with positive attitide and patience as in the Islamic view they are Gods blessing in disguise for Muslims, and above all are test of one staying true to his faith in God

Be sure We test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lves of fruits of your toil, but give glad tidings to those who patiently perserve, who say when afflicted with a calamity: to God we belong, and to Him is our return al-Baqarah 155-156:

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The reasons are: First diseases are part of Gods pre destination (Qadar) for a patient and to seek treatment is reversing one qadar with another qadar. Secondly, illness may prove useful for the patient as an opportunity to reflect and remember God.

Accordingly the prophet of God, set the following guidelines for Muslim to observe when dealing wuth the phenomemenon of disease: 1-Sickness is a means of strenthening a believers faith and getting his sins expited. the prophet said: when God wants to be good to someone , He tries him with some hardship. For every misfortune, illness, antiety, grief, or hurt that afflicts a Muslim even the hurt caused by the pricking of thorn-God removes some of his sins. 2-A patient when complaining about his sickness to a physian or to a friend or an acquintance should not indicate his ingratitude or anger to God. The Prophet said: If one thanks God before complaining about his pain or disease, then it is not considered impatience
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4- Enduring sickness patiently is rewarded by God 5-A patient is recomemded to seek medical treatmant. 6- using prohibited things as medicine is haram. 7-seeking treatmant with words from the Quran of Haduth is allowed

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Recommended Measures During Dead Illness

If a person after receiving all the medical treatments and other care and moral support still does not recover and he is about to die, according to the Sunnah , the caregiver to him wil have to do the folowing: 1-Advise the dying person, if still conscious, to say: La ilaha illa Allah 2-Lay the dying person so that the qiblat is on his right side 3-Recite surah yasin from the Quran by the side of a dying person so that God will ease his deadbed sufferings.
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4-close the eyes of the dead person immedietly after he passes away. 5-properly cover the corpse pf the deceased 6-prepare the body of the dead person for burial as soon as his death is confirmed by the physician 7-Next of kin must sttle the outstanding liability of the deceased from his estate. The state and community should contribute if the person dies insolvent.

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The role of Adab al-Islam in social relationship


The aim of Adab al-Islam to help in establishing and maintaning healthy social relationship. What is required of muslims toward each other is mutual responsibility and positive assistance. Muslims are encouraged to meet each otherstrengthen social bonds and defends the individual against the psychological consequences of social isolation. Acceptance of any invitation and holding feasts- will make social ties stronger between members of a community irrespective of social status..

Social relations should be quite free of personal interest and engaged in wholly for the sake of God. Social life is encouraged at a wider level-like performing congregational prayer in the mosque. Personal cleanliness is an important factor when communicating with others..

Moral Crisis Among Muslims

1)Muslims are meant to be the role models of akhlaq for other people 2)They were made by Allah to be the best ummah (aali Imran:110) 3)Unfortunately, some of them are not playing the role. 4)They are facing moral crisis such as drug addict, illegitimate children, disciplinary problems in schools, divorces e.c.t

The crisis actually happened because of several factors:

a) b) c)

Some muslims do not understand the teaching of Islam(lack of knowledge) Neglecting the responsibilities as Khalifah on this earth. Drowning in world of amusement and entertainment

Whatever matters, every muslim must continue playing his role in propagating Islam to non -muslim

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the authority of Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) , who said: I heard the messenger of Allah (p.b.u.h) say: Whosoever of you sees an evil action , let him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue, and if he is not able to do so, then with his heart..and that is the weakest of faith.(related by Muslim

Rasullullah S.A.W (An Excellent Example)

Prophets Muhammad came to this world as an ideal model for mankind.. The ideas are mentionned in al-Quran and prophets tradition Prophet came to establish morality and assure every muslim of security, protection, moral integrity and a decent life..

I S L A M I C K N O W L E D G E & S C I E N C E

His mission was put to the test in his life and did not stay in the stationary form of theory. *His integrity and truthfulness were beyond doubt not only in the sight of muslims but also in the minds of his most staunch opponents. *He was a successful political leader. *He was the kindest husband, the most loving and cherishable partner. *He was not merely a racial leader or a national liberator he was and still is a man of history and the best model of him who seeks God *in him every man can find something to learn, and excellent examples of goodness and piety to follow.

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