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Iuturo en pasado

?o lba a leer
1u lbas a leer
Ll lba a leer
ron + was]were + go|ng to + verb
l was golng Lo call you
Iuturo en pasado cont|nuo
?o lba a esLar leyendo
1u lbas a esLar leyendo
Ll lba a esLar leyendo
ron + was]were + go|ng to be +
verb con |ng
l was golng Lo be calllng you
resente perfecto cont|nuo
?o he esLado leyendo
1u has esLado leyendo
Ll ha esLado leyendo
ron + have]has + been + verb con
l have been readlng
resente perfecto
?o he leldo (hace poco)
1u has leldo (hace poco)
Ll ha leldo (hace poco)
ron + have]has + verb
l have read
Iuturo perfecto
?o habre leldo
1u habras leldo
Ll habr leldo
ron + w||| + have]has + verbo
l wlll have read
asado cont|nuo
?o esLaba leyendo
1u esLabas leyendo
ron + was]were + verb con |ng
l was readlng
asado erfecto
?o habla comldo
1u hablas comldo
ron + had + verb part|c|p|o
l had eaLen
l would eaL lf
?o comerla sl
l would have eaLen lf
?o hublera comldo sl

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