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Chapter 1: Outline Psychology APA APS Industrial/Organizational Psychology Division 14 of the APA SIOP Two sides of I/O Psychology:

Science versus practice FOUR main work settings of I/O Psychologists Fields of I/O Psychology (Can you see how they are different?) Selection and Placement Training and Development Performance Appraisal Organization Development Quality of Work Life Ergonomics Licensing of Psychologists Licensing law Purpose of licensing Controversy regarding licensure of I/O Psychologists

The Early Years of I/O Psychology (1900-1916) W.L. Bryan Walter Dill Scott Frederick W. Taylor Lillian Moller Gilbreth Hugo Munsterberg World War I (1917-1918) Robert Yerkes Army Alpha Army Beta Journal of Applied Psychology Between the Wars (1919-1940) Bureau of Salesmanship Research Psychological Corporation James Cattell Hawthorne studies Hawthorne effect World War II (1941-1945) Army General Classification Test (AGCT) Situational stress tests

Selection and training of pilots Impact of the world wars on I/O psychology Toward Specialization (1946-1963) Development of college programs in I/O psychology Engineering psychology Elton Mayo Personnel psychology Human relations movement Governmental Intervention (1964-1993) Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 Civil Rights Act of 1991 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1991 Project A ASVAB The Information Age (1994-Present) Invention of the internet The impact of change E-business Chief information officer I/O psychology and 9/11/01

Cross-Cultural I/O Psychology Cross-cultural psychology The impact of globalization Language differences Time spent at work across countries The Mandate of I/O Psychology Increase the fit between the workforce & the workplace in a time of rapid change Workforce trends Industry trends Societal trends

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