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Peepli Live Review

Peepli Live starts with a problem, explodes the problem during the movie and ends with the problem problem doesnt end. Peepli live which is very near to the ground reality of rural India where farmers are routinely short changed by practically every one in the chain of command starting from the central minister,secretary, CM,MLA,Commissioner, BDO and so on.This film by Anusha Rizvi exposes the failure of our delivery system,the planning commission comes out with n number of Yojna's for the poor farmers but there is no practical mechanism to check whether the targeted populace is getting the benefit or not,though every state come out with their year end reports showing percentage of the implementation whereas the ground reality tells a different story. This picture has mercilessly exposed the two timing media which works with a single goal of TRP.The film also takes a look at how media and politicians use such tragedies to up their TRPs and votebanks. The theme of the story chosen is farmer's suicide and through that lens the director has looked at the micro working of the delivery system exposing the politicians ,bureaucrats, media and all other connected and unconnected people with a tinge of humour.she has picked up most of the lead actors from Naya Theater of Late Habib Tanveer ,it is a smart choice.. I think this movie should be translated in all the languages and shown to all concerned in the chain of command,this kind of movie should have been made long back to expose the rotten innards of our society.

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