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Identification the reaction

Rosvitha Amanda, X.12 / 24 presents

Topic Aim

: Reaction between aldehyde and keton : to study about chemistry reaction of aldehyde and keton

Tools and Materials : Reaction tube The box of reaction tube The Baker glass Pipette Sprites Buffer Formalin Fehling A and Fehling B Acetone

I The Formalin reaction (aldehyde group) Procedures : 1. Put The formalin into reaction tube 2. Add The liquid of Fehling A and Fehling B into the reaction tube with scale 28 : 20 pours with helps of the pipette 3. Stir 4. Boil into baker glass that contains water. It boils on the sprites. 6. Note the result ! II The Acetone reaction (ketone group) 1. Put the acetone into reaction tube 2. Add the liquid of Fehling A and Fehling B into the reaction tube with scale 28: 20 pours with helps of the pipette 3. Stir 4. Boil into baker glass that contains water. It boils on the sprites. 6. Note the result !

Observation Data No 1 2 The Substance

: Value Green Liquid and appear precipitate Brown liquid

Formalin + Fehling A and Fehling B Acetone+ Fehling A and Fehling B


Fehling test aim to determine the level of oxidation of aldehyde and ketone because Fehling A and B are oxidation element. So we can conclude from the result that aldehyde is more easily oxidized than ketone because of appearance of precipitate (endapan) when we poured Fehling A and B into formalin.

Topic Aim

: The Reaction between alcohol and Na : to study about reaction between alcohol and Na

Tools and Materials : Reaction tube The box of reaction tube The Baker glass Pipette Alcohol 98% Sodium Metal


1. Put The alcohol 98% into the reaction tube 2. Add a little sodium metal 3. Observe and note it result ! Observation data :

1. Appears bubbles in the alcohol 2. Alcohol increases in temperature 3. Forms Ethoxide Sodium as known as alkoxide Conclusion :

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