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[trC - strain, anxiety, worry, tension, trauma, hassle (inIormal), pressure

[ln nO [xmDtOm
O Frequent stomach upsets
O Trouble sleeping
O Feeling tired all oI the time
O Feeling burned-out at work
O Frequent migraine or tension headaches
O Being impatient with other people
In order to learn to deal with stress eIIectively, individuals need to understand what is triggering
the stress behavior. Stress is anything that places demands on the body physically, mentally or
emotionally. A little bit oI stress is normal and it keeps people motivated in their daily lives.
However, too much stress can have a negative eIIect on the body and in personal relationships
both at home and in the workplace.
[trC [nCmCnt
Four components oI stress management:
O Avoiding Stress
O Altering Stress
O Accepting Stress
O Adapting to Stress
AvOlOln [trC
Managing stress can help people live longer and have better relationships with those they interact
with each day. People that are under stress can have health problems that are a direct result oI not
managing stress properly. The purpose oI teaching stress management techniques is to provide
people with the tools they need to deal with liIe's problems on a daily basis. The Iollowing tools
can help people avoid stress in their lives:
O Use the Serenity Prayer
O Learn to say "no"
O Avoid negative people
O Exercise
O Eat healthy
O Avoid hot-button topics
O Control the environment
O Keep a short to-do list and eliminate things that can be done later
AltCrln [trC(ul [ltutlOn
Adaptation techniques are eIIective ways Ior people to deal with stress when they cannot control
the environment they are in. Ways to alter an environment include:
O Express your Ieelings in a respectIul way
O Be assertive and honest
O Compromise when necessary
O Use time wisely - plan ahead to avoid being late and to get things done on schedule
ACCCDtln [ltutlOn
No one can control everything in their liIe and all situations. When people learn to accept the
things they cannot change, they can alleviate some oI the stress in their lives.
O Accept that no one can control everything
O Look Ior the bright side oI a situation
O Share problems with others - Iriends, Iamily, or therapists
O Forgive others
AODt tO thC [ltutlOn
Sometimes the only thing that can be done to change a stressIul situation is to adapt to it. Regain
control oI the situation by using these techniques:
O Try to view a situation Irom all angles
O See the "big picture"
O Adjust standards
O Focus on the positive
&nhClthx ux O( CODln ulth trC
These coping strategies may temporarily reduce stress, but they cause more damage in the long
O Smoking
O Drinking too much
O Overeating or undereating
O Zoning out Ior hours in Iront oI the TV
or computer
O Withdrawing Irom Iriends, Iamily, and
O Using pills or drugs to relax
O Sleeping too much
O Procrastinating
O Filling up every minute oI the day to avoid
Iacing problems
O Taking out your stress on others (lashing
out, angry outbursts, physical violence)
Clthx ux tO rCl nO rCChrC
O o Ior a walk.
O Spend time in nature.
O Call a good Iriend.
O Sweat out tension with a good workout.
O Write in your journal.
O Take a long bath.
O Light scented candles.
O Savor a warm cup oI coIIee or tea.
O Play with a pet.
O Work in your garden.
O et a massage.
O Curl up with a good book.
O Listen to music.
O Watch a comedy.

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