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(Field report)



Finding your independence is one of the advantages of university life, but it can come with its
fair share of stress. Study goals, money trouble, living away from home and the impact of
COVID-19 can all play on your mind. Here's how to keep the worry at bay

Student stress can be caused by a number of factors, including:

 struggling with mental health.

 loneliness, homesickness or relationship difficulties.
 finding it hard to save money or deal with debt.
 not knowing how to balance work and study.
 harmful use of, or withdrawal from, alcohol or drugs.

There are a number of common reactions to stressful circumstances such as these, including:

 Behavioural - these could involve avoiding or escaping from the situation and turning to
alcohol or drugs, a change in appetite or an inability to concentrate.
 Physical - you may experience an increased heart rate, sweating, shaking, headaches,
butterflies and over-breathing.
 Psychological - stress can lead to fear, panic and the feeling that something bad is going
to happen.

'Stress is a normal, and in some cases, helpful part of everyday life,' explains Kate Aitchison,
team manager of the counselling and mental health team at Newcastle University. 'The
adrenaline that comes as part of our stress response can be motivating and actually help us to
perform better. The difficulty comes when stress tips over to distress. When stress is having a
negative impact on day-to-day life, when it stops you achieving, relaxing or communicating -
that’s when some support may help.'

 Successful coping mechanisms differ for everyone, but if stress is beginning to

affect your mental wellbeing, try the following strategies.

This doesn't have to be a gruelling gym session - you simply need to get your heart racing, for
example by going for a brisk walk or a bike ride.

'Exercise releases endorphins, it makes us feel good,' says Kate. 'We feel a great sense of
accomplishment from exercise and it also often goes hand in hand with other positive steps
towards good mental health, such as spending time with other people or time outdoors.'

Research has shown that exercise is as effective in treating depressive symptoms, as talking
therapies or antidepressants.

If you'd like to get moving but are struggling for inspiration see what schemes are available at
your institution and get involved with clubs and societies. There's usually a huge array of
activities on offer from hiking to dancing, basketball to boxing and martial arts to yoga.

A relaxation technique originating in Buddhism, mindfulness is a popular coping mechanism for
those tackling stress or anxiety. Used by clinicians to improve patients' physical and mental
health, it can significantly lower stress levels. It is most often practised through deep breathing or
guided meditation.

'When we are stressed our minds sometimes behave in ways that hinder rather than help. Rather
than ruminating over the problem, catastrophising about the future or critically analysing your
latest attempts, take time out to focus your mind on something relaxing and positive,' explains

Talking to someone
Isolation can have an extremely negative impact on your happiness. Accepting that you need
help and talking to someone is often the first step to feeling better.

Speak to your friends and family - they know you best and care about you the most. What's
more, studies suggest that socialising with a friend just once a week can reduce your stress levels
and improve your mood as much as therapy or counselling.

Sharing difficulties can help. However, going over and over them often doesn't and is likely to tire your
friend, so ask them to listen first and then help you to get a different angle on things.

Time management
People often get stressed when they feel that they're running out of time to complete a task - this
could be study or work related or even stem from feeling overwhelmed with social activities.
However, simple time management techniques can help you to feel more relaxed and focused.

Try creating a written schedule, breaking your tasks down into manageable chunks, planning
accordingly and allocating yourself time everyday to relax or socialise. Divide your work into
urgent and non-urgent tasks, and important and non-important tasks.

Getting enough sleep

'Maintaining a sleep routine is of paramount importance to mental health and managing stress,'
says Charlotte. 'Taking time to relax before you go to sleep can help the quality of your sleep.
Try to go to sleep at the same time and wake up at the same time each day. Seven to eight hours
is recommended.'

Stress can often interrupt your sleeping pattern so try to do everything you can to relax yourself
before going to bed. Take a bath to wind down, watch your favourite TV show or sit quietly and
read. Avoid screen time as much as possible and switch off laptops, phones and tablets at least an
hour before going to sleep.



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