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Amii Aunan Suivey Repoit

About tbe brandJdesigner

1he Amlr Adnan brand began ln 1990 as a collecLlon of unlque couLure Lles handmade by a creaLlve
and vlslonary banker Pls vlslon was slmple 1o creaLe a cloLhlng llne LhaL wlll lllumlnaLe your
ldenLlLy noL overshadow lL 1hls vlslon furLher developed lnLo hls presenL unlque Selllng roposlLlon
he sLeps back lnLo our hlsLory and Lurns our very own LradlLlonal wear lnLo Lhe laLesL Lrend
Amlr Adnan ls wldely credlLed wlLh relnLroduclng Lhe sherwanl lnLo modern fashlon and ls known as
aklsLan's flrsL lnLernaLlonal menswear label CurrenLly Amlr Adnan ls Lhe largesL enLerprlse of
deslgner cloLhlng ln aklsLan AfLer maklng hls mark ln Lhe aklsLanl markeL he has now Laken hls
company lnLo Lhe lnLernaLlonal markeL wlLh carefully deslgned exporLs
Amlr Adnan caLers solely Lo hlgh lncome brackeL cllenLele Pls eleganL revlval of Lhe Sherwanl and hls
meLlculous crafLsmanshlp has even aLLracLed sLaLesmen lncludlng ervez Musharraf and ALal 8lharl
va[payee Pe was also besLowed wlLh Lhe presLlglous rlde of erformance Award besLowed by Lhe
CovernmenL of aklsLan
Amlr Adnan ls a huge lnsplraLlon Lo all young upcomlng fashlon deslgners and Lhe young and
LalenLed fashlon and buslness sLudenLs who wlsh Lo pursue Lhelr career ln Lhe llne of fashlon or
Unique Selling Proposition {USP]
8elnvlgoraLlng our hlsLory and Lurnlng our very own LradlLlonal wear lnLo Lhe laLesL Lrend feaLurlng
upLoLhemark flnlshlng ma[esLlc handmade deslgns and quallLy fabrlcs
Amlr Adnan's maln forLe ls hand embelllshmenL meLlculously uLlllzlng flne sllk and meLal Lhreads Lo
decoraLe Lhe ensemble wlLh sLones beads and lmpeccable sequlns subLly showcaslng Lhe brand's
core compeLency 1618 sLlLches are used per lnch ln all producLs provldlng a neaLer flaLLer and
sLronger seam LxcluslvlLy also has Lo be supporLed wlLh durablllLy whlch ls why Lhe cloLhes are
flLLed wlLh pearl sLlLch buLLons labrlc employed ln Lhe creaLlon of Lhese ensembles depends on Lhe
sulLablllLy and sLyle hls cusLomers boLh locally and lnLernaLlonally are accusLomed Lo 1he maLerlals
are chosen ln llne wlLh Lhe vlslon so LhaL Lhere ls synchronlsaLlon beLween our LradlLlonal culLure
and Lhe modern llfesLyle
1he fabrlcs used ln Amlr Adnan's producLs lnclude
O SulLlng fabrlc
O amawar
O 8aw Sllk
1he producLs offered lnclude
O Sherwan|
4 1hese are avallable ln [azzy colours wlLh heavy and llghL embroldery Lo glve
Lhem a royal look
4 1he prlces vary from 8s 2730030000 Lo 8s 200000
O Couture
4 1hls label offers Sherwanls wlLh khussas and Lurbans and ls relaLlvely more
expenslve Lhan oLher labels Powever Lhe prlce of khussas and Lurbans vary
wlLh Lhe LexLure of fabrlcs and deslgnlng
4 1he prlces vary from 8s 200000 8s 300000
O Sherwan| sty|e kurtas
4 1hls label offers sLyllsh cuLs and deslgns wlLh a varleLy of embroldery paLLerns
4 1he prlce range sLarLs from 8s 1300 onwards
O 1urbans
4 1hree maln Lypes of Lurbans are avallable 1 lancy sLyle 2 Loose sLyle 3
8a[lsLanl sLyle
4 1he prlce range ls 8s 4600 10000 13000
O khussas
4 1hree maln Lypes of khussas are avallable 1 Palf olnLed khussas 2 lull polnLed
khussas 3 an shaped khussas
4 1he prlce range ls 8s 800010000
O ,ens' Shaw|s
4 MaLerlal raw sllk and [amawar
4 rlce range 8s 2700 3300
O ,en sto|es
4 1he prlce range ls 8s 2700 3300
O 1wo p|ece su|ts
4 1he label offers a varleLy of deslgns embroldery block prlnLs and sherwanl sLyle
4 1he prlce range ls 8s33003000
O us|ness Co||ect|on
4 1hls label offers wesLern sLyled buslness wear lncludlng regular or skln flL
cloLhlng Collars can be ad[usLed from 133" Lo 17" 1he prlces sLarL from
8s18002000 Lo 8s 2400
Amlr Adnan has made sure LhaL Lhe locaLlon of Lhelr ouLleLs caLer dlrecLly Lo Lhelr LargeL markeL lor
Lhls reason Lhey have opened ouLleLs ln popular yeL sophlsLlcaLed locaLlons across aklsLan ln
karachl Lhelr flrsL ouLleL was seL up aL Zamzama and Lhey have popular ouLleLs aL ark 1owers
uolmen Mall and ln uPA 1hey also opened popular ouLleLs ln Lahore lslamabad and more recenLly
ln Cu[ranwala
resenLaLlon ls Lhe way ln whlch Lhe producLs are grouped and presenLed ln a reLall sLore/ ouLleL
Such presenLaLlon should conform Lo Lhe sLore's poslLlonlng and cusLomer proflle Amlr Adnan
conslders presenLaLlon Lo be exLremely lmporLanL and dlsplays lLs merchandlse ln adequaLe
splendour wlLh Lhe help of
J|ndow D|sp|ays Amlr Adnan has an excluslve wlndow dlsplay wlLh closed backdrop 1he
dlsplays are organlsed accordlng Lo Lhe seasonal Lheme
2 reestand|ng D|sp|ays 1hese dlsplay Lhe laLesL arrlvals aL Lhe sLore 1here are abouL 34
mannequlns ln Lhe sLore and Lhe producLs on dlsplay are changed every Lwo days
3 Cascade] Jaterfa|| D|sp|ay
4 Sp|end|d Inter|or
1hese elemenLs may seem lmmaculaLe ln execuLlon buL many feel LhaL Lhe ouLleLs are a leLdown
lnsLead of hlghllghLlng Lhe very core elemenL of Lhe brand LhaL ls lllumlnaLlng lLs ldenLlLy Lhe
ouLleLs acLually overshadow lL ln Lhelr oplnlon Lhe sLore ls dull borlng and Lhe layouL lLself ls Lyplcal
and very slmple whlch does noL aLLracL Lhem Lowards Lhelr producLs Some of Lhe mosL aLLracLlve
shlrLs and sherwanls are placed ln Lhe corner of Lhe shop whlle Lhe newer producLs worn by Lhe
mannequlns can only be seen from one slde of Lhe shop 1hls may also be Lhe reason why aL flrsL
glance Lhe cloLhes fall Lo caLch Lhe aLLenLlon of Lhe cusLomer
1he sLaff Loo seems Lo be very alerL yeL lack confldence ln Lhe producLs Lhey are selllng 1he
LreaLmenL recelved ln Lhe ouLleL ls cold and hardly more Lhan a common glance ln facL mosL of Lhe
sLaff Lhere only have Lhe answers Lo 'frequenLly asked quesLlons'
1he packaglng and Lags are of sLandard quallLy slmllar Lo Lhe ones used by oLher brands
|st of compet|tors
O IooolJ IomsbeJ
O eepok letwool
O boblJ AftlJl
O Pumayun Saeed
O booJl
O Aljoz Aslom
O ol AbmeJ
O ombtlJqe
O Al karam
O ooozo
O kurLa Corner
Amlr Adnan has varlous hlgh end compeLlLors and low end compeLlLors 1here are far Loo many low
end compeLlLors buL Lhey lnclude popular brands such as 8onanza and kurLa Corner
1he hlgh end compeLlLors many be fewer ln number buL Lhey are a far sLronger LhreaL Lo Amlr
Adnan's markeL share unald amshed Shahld Afrldl Pumayun Saeed khaadl and ueepak erwanl
are some of Lhe names Lo be looklng ouL for 1helr producLs wlLh Lhelr premlum cuLs prlnLs and
hlgh quallLy are very popular yeL Lhelr prlces are much lower Lhan Amlr Adnan's
5hohid 4fridi has been able Lo aLLracL a large proporLlon of Lhe young crowd noL [usL wlLh Lhe name
buL also wlLh hls slmple deslgns and lnLeresLlng colour comblnaLlons aL affordable prlces
ok Prwoni ls anoLher very popular name ln Lhe markeL yeL many feel hls cloLhlng llne does
noL sLand ouL enough" 1helr prlce range ls slmllar Lo LhaL of Amlr Adnan's
lunoid lomshd
roducLs for males currenLly on sale
O Sherwanls
4 1he maLerlal used ls of hlgh quallLy as Lhey have an lnhouse producLlon
4 labrlcs used amawar banarsl and sllk
4 rlces sLarL from 8s2000030000
O SLoles
4 rlce range 8s12002300
O 1urbans
4 rlce range 8s30003000
O Chapals
O kurLas
O erfumes
1he flrsL few Lhlngs one noLlces abouL Lhelr ouLleLs are Lhe facL LhaL Lhey are very spaclous and Lhe
producLs on dlsplay are very well arranged uesplLe Lhe facL LhaL Lhelr producLs for men were placed
ln Lhe corner Lhe ouLleL was arranged ln a way LhaL Lhese producLs seemed eyecaLchlng 1he
llghLlng made Lhe ouLleL seem even more spaclous
1he sLaff was also very welcomlng and helpful 1hey knew qulLe a loL abouL Lhe brand and Lhe
producLs Lhey were selllng and responded Lo cusLomer querles wlLh confldence
8egardless of Lhe dark llghLlng ln Lhelr ouLleLs Lhey sLlll seem Lo look qulLe spaclous due Lo Lhelr well
arranged dlsplays AlLhough Lhelr men's deparLmenL was ln Lhe corner yeL lL managed Lo caLch Lhe
aLLenLlon of Lhe cusLomer as soon as he walked lnLo Lhe sLore
1he prlce range was much lower Lhan LhaL of Amlr Adnan's kurLas 1helr deslgns were slmple yeL Lhe
maLerlal was of Lhe besL quallLy slnce khaadl ls known malnly for lLs fabrlc
1he sLaff was also very helpful and had full knowledge of Lhe producLs Lhey were selllng
4ijot 4s/om
1helr producLs for men are furLher dlvlded lnLo 3 maln segmenLs
O Jeddlng
4 Sherwanls and Lurbans rlces sLarL for 8s30000 onwards (for 1 sherwanl)
4 SLoles rlce range 8s30003000
O Casual
4 SherwanlcuL kurLas 1he prlces vary dependlng on Lhe deslgn and embroldery
4 kurLas rlce range 8s33006000
O lashlon
4 1hls label offers varlous modern shlrLs coaL cuL shlrLs wlLh lnnovaLlve deslgns
1he ouLleL lLself was very large and Lhe producLs on dlsplay were very well organlsed so Lhe momenL
a cusLomer enLered Lhe sLore looklng for a parLlcular producL he would know exacLly where Lo look
1he sLaff was very frlendly and were very keen on helplng Lhe cusLomer selecL whaL Lo buy
roducLs on sale
O lormal kurLas
4 rlces sLarL from 8s32009000
O Casual kurLas
4 rlce range 8s28003000
O ShlrLs
4 rlce range 8s18003200
4 ShlrLs are offered ln a varleLy of fabrlcs
1he flrsL Lhlng one noLlces abouL Lhe ouLleL ls lLs vlbranL amblance and serene llghLlng 1he
arrangemenL ls very good as Lhe producLs are arranged accordlng Lo deslgn maklng lL very easy for
Lhe cusLomer Lo flnd a producL he llkes
u/ 4hmd
roducLs on sale
O lormal kurLas
4 rlce range 8s42008000
O Casual kurLas
4 rlce range 8s32003300
uesplLe Lhe facL LhaL Lhe Cul Ahmed ouLleL ls very blg and aL an ldeal locaLlon Lhe arrangemenL ls
very messy especlally

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