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Curriculum Vitae Name: Agustn Ferro Date of Barth: 12/11/1993 Adress: Sourdeaux 2065 Phone: 4666-7849 Personal profile:

file: I am finishing my last secondary school year at Aberdare College. I have proved to be excellent at scientific subjects in school such as math, physics and chemistry. I have acquired musical creativity for I have played drums drums during years. I have the capacity to solve practical problems and to analyze situations in order to find the best solution for each case. Keys Skills Organization skills: I have the capacity to organize my life according the different tasks and obligations that I am assigned. ICT skills: I have an excellent control over computers and technology in general, especially when using vectorial drawing programs. Logical skill: I have a logical way of thinking which helps when affording the different obstacles in life Educational qualifications Bachiller superior en cs. Sociales y humanidades at Aberdare College. (Pending) IGCSE(2010) Math (B) History (B) Physics (A*) Future Career: Industrial Engineering Languages Spanish (Mother tongue) English (Advanced level) Job experience (2007 present) Drawing Ph Pg Schemes Voluntary Work 2010 Missionary work in Chaco with the Catholic Church Awards Best Student 2003 (English and Spanish) Additional Info I like discovering and learning new things specially in matters of technology. I enjoy training in order to keep a healthy life.

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