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y mneee rove
8HEABURGH, VA- It was febiuaiy
!?, !2?1, wlen a scieam was leaid
by two police women, maelee giove
and Lyia 8lea, at midniglt. 1ley
iean ovei to tle old man`s louse,
Winston Iubkiss. 'Natanya
welcomed us in witl pleasuie,"
Maelee ciove said. '8le didn`t seem
tle sligltest a bit guilty." Natanya
lad been tle one wlo lad scieamed,
oi sle lad a bad dieam. Winston
was ound undeineatl tle
looiboaids witlout legs, aims eye? I go to see Natanya
8linglei wlo was in tle nutlouse.
'It was lis eye. His vultuious eye tlat
scaied me. His eye was bulbous,
coated witl a ilm ovei it." Natanya
lad said wlen I asked lei wly sle
lad killed sucl an innocent man. 'I
tliew tle bed ovei top o lim, cut
lis limbs o one by one, making suie
le would it undei tle looiboaids." I
go back to Maelee and Lyia outside
tle jail louse and I asked tlem about
low tley inally ound out tlat
Winston Iubkiss. My iesponse I got
was, 'well Mi. Len, sle just all o a
sudden tuined pale witl a sweat
iunning down lei ace. We tlouglt
notling o it because it was tle lu
season. 1len sle staited oaming at
tle moutl, lipping tables and
bieaking claiis. Mae and I just sat
tleie silent astonisled o wlat was
lappening," Lyia lad stated. '1len
sle sliieks, villainsI Dissemble no
moieI I admit tle deedI 1eai up tle
planksI Heie, leieI It is tle beating o
lis lideous leaitI` so tlat`s obviously
wlen we iguied tlat Natanya
8linglei killed Winston Iubkiss."

0008ER Z0NE TlVEZ FE8RuARY 13, 1231

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