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Bob is eighty. Heold and weak. s Mary, his wife is seventy-nine. She old, too.

Fifty years ago they were young. wasnt Bobwas .strong. He .weak. wasnt Mary was .beautiful. She ..old

The past simple of the verb to be is was & were.

I He
was/ wasnt

We You They
were/ werent ..


an hour/a week/a month/a year ago.

. ago I was young strong beautiful a student abroad in America a child in hospital poor

..ago I wasnt
abroad/ in America/ in Germany/in Spain fat tired busy married rich a student - hungry

We form questions by putting was/were before

the subject pronoun. She was ill yesterday. ( + ) Was she ill yesterday? ( ? ) We form negations by putting not after was/were. She was not ill yesterday. She wasnt ill yesterday.

We use the past simple for actions which finished at a definite stated time in the past. That is, we know when the action happened.

were They .in Berlin last month.

was in hospital He two weeks ago.



John was at the square.


Mary and Peter

Mary and Peter were at the castle.


Jill was at the palace.

souvenir shop

George and Mary

George and Mary were at the souvenir shop.


Nina and Rhonda Nina and Rhonda were at the museum.

1. Were there CDs 100 years ago? No, there werent.

2. Were there boats 100 years ago? Yes, there were.

3. Were there helicopters 100 years ago? No, there werent.

4. Were there bowls 100 years ago? Yes, there were.

5. Were there videos 100 years ago? No, there werent. 6. Were there irons 100 years ago? No, there werent.

7. Were there washing machines 100 years ago? No, there werent.
8. Were there motorcycles 100 years ago? No, there werent. 9. Were there cookers 100 years ago? No, there werent.

10. Were there TVs 100 years ago? No, there werent. 11. Were there bicycles 100 years ago? Yes, there were. 12. Were there glasses 100 years ago? Yes, there were.

Where / Lyn / last Tuesday / ? Where was Lyn last Tuesday?

She was at the supermarket.

Where / children / yesterday afternoon / ? Where were the children yesterday afternoon? They were at the playground.

Where / John / last night / ? Where was John last night? He was at the cinema.

Where / Kevin and Sally / two days ago / ?

Where were Kevin and Sally two days ago? They were at the museum.

Where / you and your friends / last Saturday / ?

Where were you and your friends last Saturday? We were at a restaurant.

Where / Diane / yesterday / at noon? Where was Diane yesterday at noon? She was at a train station.

Lisa / actress
Lisa wasnt an actress ten years ago. She was a singer.

Betty and Tom / poor Betty and Tom werent poor ten years ago. They were rich.

Bob / fat Bob wasnt fat ten years ago.

He was thin.

Tina and Allison / doctors Tina and Allison werent doctors ten years ago. They were students.

Ted / in Italy
Ted wasnt in Italy ten years ago. He was in Spain.

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