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X150 FOCUS Project 1: Personal Assessment/Problem Course Exercise

Due: Wednesday, March 23 Goal: The purpose of this exercise is to figure out, with the help of Chapter 2 in your FOCUS text, in which course you have been struggling the most during this current semester (spring 2011). Once you have determined which course this is, you will have to apply all the remaining exercises that require you to use X150 tools in one of your classes to this Problem Course. You may not switch to a different course later on unless you unexpectedly excel in the Problem Course and fear you might fail another course. Any switch must be approved by me. If you switch without telling me, your remaining assignments will each lose a third of a letter grade. Step 1: Read all of Chapter 2. Do the following exercises in Chapter 2: Readiness Check (p.36) Challenge and Reaction (p.36) Control Your Learning (p. 43) Multiple Intelligences Exercise (p.44) Vark Learning Styles Assessment (p.52) The SuccessTypes Learning Style Type Indicator (p.60) Reality Check (p.66) You do not need to type up/turn in the answers to these exercises. You are doing this for yourself and for Step 2: Step 2: Answer the following questions (typed) and in detail: 1. Based on the results of the exercises, what kind of student are you? Write one (1) short, single-spaced paragraph about your academic strengths and one (1) short single-spaced paragraph about your academic weaknesses. Please note: A paragraph constitutes more than two sentences. 2. Based on your strengths and weaknesses, write one (1) single-spaced paragraph explaining which course is going to be your Problem Course this semester. Make sure you explain exactly why this will be the case. 3. Based on what you have learned from Chapter 2 about translating content into your own intelligences, list and discuss at least three (3) strategies you plan to apply to your Problem Course in order to overcome the academic obstacles you expect to encounter.

Name______________________ At the end of our course, you will have to turn in a Progress Report in which you will describe how successful you were in applying X150 strategies to your problem course (instructions forthcoming).

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