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US Data Recovery Training will be held during 1anuary 23-26, 2012

Cne of SalvaLlonuA1A's uS Lralnlng cenLers C Warehouse wlll hold a daLa recovery Lralnlng ln new !ersey
durlng !anuary 2326 2012
1lme !anuary 2326 2012
LocaLlon 3681 Plghway 9 SulLe 23 freehold n!07728 uSA
AbouL llrmware repalr daLa reLrleval hard drlves plaLLer/head swap
ln Lhls Lralnlng you wlll learn how Lo open Lhe hard drlve reLrleve Lhe daLa from physlcal damaged dlsk and
repalr Lhe flrmware properly wlLhln four days Lralnlng C Warehouse wlll use SalvaLlonuA1A's equlpmenLs as
Leachlng Lools such as uaLa Compass and uaLa Copy klng for dlsk lmaglng and daLa reLrleval lesson Pu uocLor
for flrmware repalr and Pu PL 8C for hard drlves plaLLer/head swap 1hls wlll make you undersLand boLh daLa
recovery knowledge and u8 Lools from SalvaLlonuA1A more easlly

C Warehouse ls one of SalvaLlonuA1A's lmporLanL Lralnlng cenLers and parLners ln Amerlca Lhey have been
worklng wlLh SalvaLlonuA1A for over 3 years Lach year Lhey wlll hold a few Lralnlngs Lo meeL more and more
cllenLs' demand for daLa recovery knowledge 1hey share Lhelr rlch experlence of u8 Leach Lralnees Lhe new
Lechnologles answer all Lralnees' quesLlons and dlscuss wlLh Lhem durlng Lhe Lralnlng Many aLLendees who
[olned ln Lhe Lralnlng before sald LhaL Lhey had obLalned plenLy of lnformaLlon and Llps on daLa recovery afLer lL
Pere ls one of Lhe cusLomers' revlews abouL Lhelr Lralnlng
l wenL Lo Lhe daLa recovery class abouL 2 weeks ago 1he Lralnlng ls exLremely useful for me Lo undersLand Lhe
foundaLlon of daLa recovery and Lhe sLraLegles and skllls Lo successfully recovery daLa from falllng hard drlves l
am really forLunaLe Lo be able Lo aLLend Lhe class lf you are looklng for lmprovlng your skllls Lo Lhe nexL level ln
l1 l wlll recommend Lhls class ?ou wlll noL be dlsappolnLed" sald P CPu a former Lralnee of C Warehouse
lf you are lnLeresLed ln Lhe upcomlng daLa recovery Lralnlng please conLacL SalvaLlonuA1A PeadquarLer or
SalvaLlonuA1A uSA uaLa 8ecovery 1ralnlng CenLer
SalvaLlonuA1A uSA uaLa 8ecovery 1ralnlng CenLer
001732866 9799
SalvaLlonuA1A PeadquarLer

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