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10 Syndromes named after literary works/characters: cinderellainrubbershoes: 1.

Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Unlike the namesake of this disorder, sufferers of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome perceive their body parts and other objects in altered sizes even if they dont consume weird things with Drink Me! or Eat Me! on their labels. :P AIWS is commonly associated with migraines, brain tumors, use of psychoactive drugs, and signs of epilepsy and mononucleosis. This is also called Todds Syndrome. 2.Rapunzel Syndrome This syndrome is named after the fairy tale princess with beautiful and astonishingly long hair in one of Brothers Grimms bedtime stories. The Rapunzel Syndrome is a rare intestinal condition in humans resulting from tricophagia, or the abnormal urge to eat ones hair. This diagnosis is medically referred to as trichobezoar. In ancient times, the hair found in intestinal tracks are believed to be an elixir of some sort, able to cure lots of diseases. 3. Cinderella Syndrome Named after the main character in one of Charles Perraults fairy tales, this syndrome refers to the common phenomenon in kids where they make exaggerated stories about how they are abused, mistreated, or neglected by adoptive/step-parents. This is different from Cinderella Complex, which is said to be womens fear of independence and an unconscious desire to be taken care of by stronger others (like metaphorical Fairy God moms or Princes Charming). 4. Peter Pan Syndrome I dont want to grow up! says J.M. Barries popular character from Neverland. According to poppsychology, sufferers of Peter Pan Syndrome are adults who are socially immature. They tend to avoid responsibilities and often feel the need to be mothered. 5. Dorian Gray Syndrome This syndrome is named after the handsome main character of Oscar Wildes book The Picture of Dorian Gray who sells his soul so that his portrait will age instead of himself. Sufferers of DGS are characterized by an excessive preoccupation with their physical appearances and youth, thus having problems in terms of coping with aging. Often, people with DGS have narcissistic traits and are heavily reliant on cosmetic procedures and products. 6. Othello Syndrome Sufferers of Othello syndrome, very much like the namesake of this disorder from one of Shakespeares works, are characterized by intense and often delusional distrust of their partners. This syndrome is also called morbid jealousy and is often associated with alcoholism and sexual dysfunction. It can also be found in the context of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. 7. Pollyanna Syndrome Named after Eleanor Porters protagonist in her best-selling childrens book, Pollyanna Syndrome is the psychological phenomenon wherein a person becomes blindly or foolishly optimistic to a point that its almost delusional. 8. Emperors Clothes Syndrome The Emperors Clothes Syndrome is more like a mentality than a disorder. It got its name from Hans Christian Andersens tale where no one in townuntil the kid speaksis pointing out that the Emperor is naked because no one wants to be called stupid or unfit for their positions. People who have ECS claim

that they know something even if they dont, in order to avoid being judged as stupid or intellectually inferior to others. 9. Mowgli Syndrome This syndrome is named after the beloved main character of Rudyard Kiplings The Jungle Book, Mowgli. Mowgli is a boy who is raised by animals. Kids with this syndrome are said to have weak mental and/or physical traits, especially those who have suffered tremendous emotional stress due to parental neglect and abuse. 10. Huckleberry Finn Syndrome This is named after one of Mark Twains boy characters that became darlings to the readers, Huck Finn. Its a psychodynamic complex in which the obligations and responsibilities avoided as a child, eventuate into frequent job changes and absenteeism as an adult. The HFS may be a defense mechanism linked to parental rejection, low self-esteem and depression in an intelligent person.

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