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Th=fv fv1k ^z=1u

8y Allson Camacho
Cn uecember 8
Lhe sequel of SLlcks and SLones ln Cyber Space" wlll be showlng aL
uahlsLrom Mlddle School Shadow LlghL" wrlLLen by Amy Manslecane 1he flrsL parL of Lhe play
SLlcks and SLones ln Cyber Space" ls abouL a glrl who was belng cyber bullled by a glrl ln Lhe
braL pack aL her school and now everyone ls sLarLlng Lo Lurn on Lhe mean glrl because she was
golng way Loo far now Lhey are deallng wlLh lL and flndlng ouL how Lhey wlll cope wlLh Lhelr
l choose Lhls play because l wanLed Lhe audlence Lo see whaL happens" sald Mr
vlneyard Lhe LheaLre arLs Leacher Pe also wanLed people Lo see where Lhe cllff hanger lefL off
1he play ended wlLh one of Lhe braL packs havlng Lo choose sldes elLher wlLh Lhe mean glrl or
go wlLh Lhe crowd
l asked Mr vlneyard lf he had any plans for speclal effecLs ln Lhe play or lf he was golng
Lo use blgger and beLLer props 1here won'L be any speclal effecLs buL we wlll have beLLer
props we wlll be havlng real lapLops lnsLead of Lhe fake ones LhaL we used lasL Llme buL Lhese
lapLops are nonworklng ones" sald Mr vlneyard
Lmma 8arneLL sLudenL aL uahlsLrom Mlddle School ls one of Lhe lead roles ln Lhe play
Shadow LlghL" ln Lhe play she plays one of Lhe mean glrls (Angellna) l am noLhlng llke my
characLer she ls so mean and l would never do anyLhlng Lo hurL someone llke LhaL" sald
1hls play sends a message ouL Lo Lhe publlc Lelllng us LhaL cyber bullylng ls noL okay
Cyber bullylng can be lllegal lf Lhe person (who ls belng harassed) commlLs sulclde lf you know
anyone maklng Lhls mlsLake of harasslng someone or lf you know anyone LhaL ls or wlll hurL
Lhey alerL someone of whaL ls happenlng or whaL wlll happen

1hese Lwo faces are symbols for 1heaLre

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