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Sub[ect Name arn Lng|neer|ng

Sub[ect 1eacher Dr Uzma Syed
resented by
ardeep kumar G|anchandan|
Summary of lecLure
WhaL ls splnnlng?
ClasslflcaLlon of splnnlng Lechnlques
SelecLlon of splnnlng Lechnlque
Self LwlsL splnnlng
Self LwlsL splnnlng machlnes
Comparlson of self LwlsL wlLh oLher Lechnlques
AdvanLages and dlsadvanLages
What |s sp|nn|ng?
1he act or process|ng of
convert|ng stap|e or short
|engths of f|ber |nto
cont|nuous yarns
SelecLlon of 1echnlque
selecLlon of splnnlng Lechnlques depends on
1 llbers Lo be used
2 Lconomlc lmpllcaLlons
3 ueslred properLles of Lhe yarn
Self 1wlsL Splnnlng
A process developed for wool
and wool llke flbers
alrs of rovlngs are drawn ouL on a
successlon of drafLlng rollers Lhe lasL
seL of whlch moves sldeways causlng a
rolllng acLlon of Lhe sLrands Lo
wraparound each oLher
Some Llmes addlLlves are used for Lhe
1he se|f tw|st process can sp|n
worsted yarn of good qua||ty up to 10
t|mes faster than convent|ona|
Worklng rlnclple
A flber sLrand passed beLween reclprocaLlng
rubblng rollers Lakes up Lurns of LwlsL buL ln
alLernaLlng dlrecLlons (over a shorL lengLh ln Z
and S dlrecLlons)
1he unLwlsLlng momenL releases Lhese Lurns
of LwlsL lf Lwo flber sLrands wlLh Lhe same
LwlsL dlrecLlon pass Lhrough ln parallel closely
ad[acenL Lo each oLher Lhe unLwlsLlng
momenL can no longer acL separaLely on Lhe
lndlvldual yarns lL acLs on boLh LogeLher Lo
LwlsL Lhe yarns around each oLher
A conLlnuously changlng dlrecLlon of LwlsL Z
LwlsL where S LwlsL ls presenL ln Lhe lndlvldual
yarns and S LwlsL where Lhe yarns have Z LwlsL
Powever slnce Lhe sLroke of Lhe rubblng rollers
has reversal polnLs Lhere ls always a small
lengLh of sLrand lefL wlLhouL LwlsL beLween
each secLlon of Z LwlsL and Lhe ad[olnlng
secLlon of S LwlsL 1he plled Lhread wlll also
have no LwlsL ln Lhls zone
ln order Lo obLaln adequaLe sLrengLh desplLe
Lhese LwlsL free zones
Lhe Lwo yarns cannoL be allowed Lo run ln
parallel buL lnsLead Lhey musL be passed
Lhrough wlLh a relaLlve phase sh|ft
hase shlfL
1hen S LwlsL wlll be generaLed ln Lhe plled yarn
wherever one yarn has Z LwlsL (wlLh zero LwlsL ln Lhe
second yarn) or where boLh yarns have Z LwlsL
Slmllarly Lhe plled yarn wlll have Z LwlsL wherever aL
leasL one yarn has S LwlsL (wlLh zero LwlsL ln Lhe oLher
yarn) or where boLh have S LwlsL
lf a yarn secLlon wlLh S LwlsL ls comblned wlLh a
secLlon wlLh Z LwlsL whlch cannoL be avolded Lhe
Lorslon forces sLablllze each oLher
1he Lwofold yarn obLalned wlLh Lhls process Lherefore
always conslsLs of Lhree successlvely arranged zones
1he Lwofold yarn has adequaLe sLrengLh Lo permlL
wlndlng up buL noL for furLher processlng lor LhaL
purpose lL musL be LwlsLed agaln
LCC SlnnlnC
laLL Saco Lowell has obLalned a llcense from CSlC for Lhe selfLwlsL splnnlng
process 1he correspondlng machlne has been called Lhe epco Splnner
LlghL rovlng sLrands (2) run from a creel (1) lnLo a double apron drafLlng
arrangemenL (3) where Lhey are drafLed ln a normal drafLlng range (llg 17) A
frlcLlon assembly (4) ad[olns Lhe drafLlng arrangemenL and conslsLs of Lwo
reclprocaLlng frlcLlon rollers ln passlng Lhrough Lhls devlce Lhe flber sLrands
leavlng Lhe drafLlng arrangemenL are sub[ecLed Lo alLernaLlng LwlsL 8efore Lhe
Lurns of LwlsL can cancel each oLher ouL Lhe sLrands are broughL LogeLher ln palrs
wlLh a phase shlfL beLween Lhe componenLs of Lhe Lwo sLrands (llg 13) 1hls
produces Lhe prevlously descrlbed selfLwlsL (S1) Lwofold yarn 1he four yarns
proceed Lo a wlndlng devlce (3) where Lhey are wound onLo crosswound
packages 1hls process ls sulLed only Lo Lhe splnnlng of long sLaple flbers and ls
Lherefore used solely ln worsLed splnnlng mllls
LCC SlnnlnC(CCn1lnuL)
ln Lhe 1980s epco splnnlng capLured a cerLaln proporLlon of Lhe worsLed markeL
malnly due Lo lLs conslderable economlc advanLages ln Lhe meanLlme however
mosL of Lhe epco machlnes have dlsappeared for varlous reasons
laLL Saco Lowell dlsconLlnued Lhe furLher developmenL of Lhls process (Lhe laLL
Saco Lowell company no longer exlsLs)
Lhe LwlsL sLrucLure of Lhe epco yarn ls dlfferenL from LhaL of a convenLlonal 2ply
Lhe LwlsL lnserLlon ls dependenL on frlcLlon and Lhus qulLe dellcaLe Lo ad[usL and
keep consLanL
SLClllCA1lCn Cl 1PL LCC SlnnL
Spinning positions per machine 4 (5)
Delivery speed up to 300 m/min
Raw material wool and synthetic fibers
Count range Ne 9/2-45/2; 13-65 tex x 2
Feedstock roving
Type of yarn two-fold yarn
Yarn characteristics full round, twist variations
Fields of use outerwear, pullovers
low energy consumption,
low space requirement,
low personnel demand,
low-noise process
Remarks worsted spinning sector
1he plaLL self LwlsL splnner Lype 888
Comparlson of new splnnlng sysLems
Summary of new splnnlng process
used for speclflc flber le wool
1wlsL varlaLlon
Low sLrengLh
llne yarn cannoL be spun
Plgh Cvm
Low space requlremenL
Mlnlmum labour requlred
Low energy consumpLlon as compared Lo convenLlonal
hlgher producLlon raLe
Mlnlmum malnLances and spare parLs comsumpLlon
Mlnlmum wasLe produce
llber Lo fabrlc
undersLandlng LexLlles
ockeL splnnlng experL
Manual of LexLlle Lechnology

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