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Ixercise oI the bruin is us importunt us exercise oI the

moscles. As we grow older, it's importunt thut we keep

mentully ulert. The suying; "II yoo don't ose it, yoo will lose
it" ulso upplies to the bruin.
The Iollowing is u very privute wuy to guoge yoor corrent
stute oI intelligence. Tuke the Iollowing test und determine
iI yoo ure losing it or ure still "with it."
AIter yoo unswer the qoestion, scroll down to the unswer.
OK, relux, cleur yoor mind und.... begin.
The Bruin Chullenge
WIuL do you puL In u LousLer?
TIe unswer Is "breud." I you suId "LousL," LIen gIve up now und go do
someLIIng eIse. Try noL Lo IurL yourseII.
I you suId, "breud," go Lo QuesLIon z.
$uy "sIIk" IIve LImes.
Now speII "sIIk."
WIuL do cows drInk?
Cows drInk wuLer. I you suId "mIIk," pIeuse do noL uLLempL LIe nexL quesLIon.
Your bruIn Is obvIousIy over sLressed und muy even overIeuL. L muy be LIuL you
need Lo conLenL yourseII wILI reudIng someLIIng more upproprIuLe sucI us
"CIIIdren's WorId."
I you suId, "wuLer" LIen proceed Lo QuesLIon .
I u red Iouse Is mude Irom red brIcks und
u bIue Iouse Is mude Irom bIue brIcks und
u pInk Iouse Is mude Irom pInk brIcks und
u bIuck Iouse Is mude Irom bIuck brIcks,
wIuL Is u greenIouse mude Irom?
GreenIouses ure mude Irom gIuss. I you suId "green brIcks," wIuL LIe devII ure
you sLIII doIng Iere reudIng LIese quesLIons ??
I you suId "gIuss," LIen go on Lo QuesLIon q.
One degree. I you suId "6o degrees" or unyLIIng oLIer LIun "one degree," you
ure Lo be congruLuIuLed on geLLIng LIIs Iur, buL you ure obvIousIy ouL oI your
Ieugue. Turn your pencII In und exIL LIe room.
Everyone eIse proceed Lo LIe IInuI quesLIon.
I LIe Iour Iund on u cIock moves 1J6o oI u degree every mInuLe
LIen Iow muny degrees wIII LIe Iour Iund move In one Iour?
You ure drIvIng u bus Irom ondon Lo
MIIIord Huven In WuIes.
n ondon, 1; peopIe geL on LIe bus.
n ReudIng, sIx peopIe geL oII LIe bus & nIne peopIe geL on.
n $wIndon, Lwo peopIe geL oII & Iour geL on.
n CurdIII, 11 peopIe geL oII & 16 peopIe geL on.
n $wunseu, LIree peopIe geL oII & IIve peopIe geL on.
n CurmuLIen, sIx peopIe geL oII & LIree geL on.
You LIen urrIve uL MIIIord Huven. WIuL wus LIe nume oI LIe bus
WILIouL usIng u cuIcuIuLor --
OI, Ior cryIng ouL Ioud! Don'L you
remember your own nume?
L wus YOU ... LIe very IIrsL IIne suys
LIuL you're drIvIng LIe bus).
All those Iriends that are laughing at your
memory.send this to them to see how THEY do!
But 88 88
Don`t tell them
you didn`t do so well.

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