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The Open University of Sri Lanka Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECI4262 Object Oriented Design and

d Programming - TMA05 Academic Year 2011/12

Answers to the Task 1 of this assignment should be sent by registered post to the following address or should be placed in the relevant box provided at Block No. 12 of Colombo Regional Centre. The Course Coordinator ECI 4262 Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, The Open University of Sri Lanka. You can upload a soft copy of the answer script of Task 1 to the given link in Moodle and this will be considered in case of a misplacement of your submitted hard copy. Slides of the presentation of Task 2 should be uploaded to the given link in Moodle on or before the due date given below and the schedule for the presentation will be uploaded afterwards to Moodle for the students who submitted their slides. (Answers should be clear, and readable. Use A4 paper. Unclear, unreadable, copied and direct reproduction from the textbook will not gain any points for the answers. )

Due Date: 26-12-2011 Task 1 (Marks: 25) Answer the following questions i) ii) iii) iv) What is meant by the term design pattern in the context of OO development? What are the three types of Design patterns? How they are distinguished? Give two examples of design patterns for each type of design pattern described in part (ii) Explain one of the given two examples in part (iii) of each type by giving a suitable application for each example. You are expected to draw the relevant UML diagram and write the code snippet in java for each. Explain what is an Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frame work and what are the advantages of ORM over traditional data access techniques.


Task 2 (Marks: 75) You are expected to deliver a presentation on the given topic. Topics assigned to each student are attached herewith. You are free to decide on the contents of the body of the presentation. For an example, you can start with a brief introduction to your topic, if you are presenting about a design pattern, it is possible to include UML diagrams for a specific scenario, code skeletons, Pros and cons etc. Make sure that your slides compromise with the following format. Slide format Slide Number 1 2 3-8 9 10 Description Presentation Topic, Your Name, Registration No. etc Table of contents Body of the presentation Conclusion / Summary References (Use Harvard style of referencing)

Font: On Footer: Filename: Maximum: Duration: Each Slide:

Times New Roman, Size at least 28, Color - Black Left side Registration number, Right side Slide number RegNo.ppt 10 slides 8 minutes (Maximum) + 2 minutes for discussion 7 statements (Maximum)

Background: Light color

Note: Presentation topics assigned to each student are attached herewith.

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