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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Final Results Record

Muhammad Usman Ibrahim
Student name:

Assessor name:


Final assessment results


Task Type Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Did not submit

Assessment Task 1 Knowledge questions S U DNS

Assessment Task 2 Project Portfolio S U DNS

Overall unit results C NYC


 My performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me.

 I would like to appeal this assessment decision.

Student signature: Date:

 I hereby certify that this student has been assessed by me and that the assessment has been
carried out according to the required assessment procedures.

Assessor signature: Date:

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Introduction 3
Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions 4
Assessment Task 1: Checklist 6
Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio 7
Assessment Task 2: Checklist 10

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

The assessment tasks for ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning are outlined in the assessment
plan below. These tasks have been designed to help you demonstrate the skills and knowledge that
you have learnt during your course.
Please ensure that you read the instructions provided with these tasks carefully. You should also
follow the advice provided in the IT Works Student User Guide. The Student User Guide provides
important information for you relating to completing assessment successfully.

Assessment for this unit

ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning describes the skills and knowledge required to plan and
manage an Information and Communications Technology (ICT) project in small, medium and large
For you to be assessed as competent, you must successfully complete two assessment tasks:

 Assessment Task 1: Knowledge questions – You must answer all questions correctly.

 Assessment Task 2: Project – You must work through a range of activities and complete a project

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Assessment Task 1: Knowledge Questions

Information for students

Knowledge questions are designed to help you demonstrate the knowledge which you have acquired
during the learning phase of this unit. Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding answering knowledge questions in the IT Works Student
User Guide

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

i Assessment information

Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the IT Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 the maximum time allowed for completing this assessment task

 whether or not this task is open-book.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix C of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Identify three cost estimation techniques/methods and explain how they are used.

2. Describe the purpose of Gantt charts.

3. Explain the work breakdown structure. In your answer, include reference to how work packages
can help project scheduling.

4. Identify three project methodologies used in ICT projects. Briefly describe each one and its
benefits and disadvantages.

5. Provide a definition of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

6. Identify the common stages of the SDLC. In your answer, explain what happens when the final
stage is achieved.

7. Explain how a business’s needs can affect project management activities. In your answer,
consider the implications for project control and expected returns on business investment.

Answ ered:
Provide answers to all of the questions below:

1. Identify three cost estimation techniques/methods and explain how they are used.

1. Expert Judgment: Expert judgment is a cost estimation technique that involves seeking
input and advice from individuals or teams with relevant experience and expertise in the field.
These experts provide estimates based on their knowledge and historical data. The process
involves gathering opinions, analyzing them, and arriving at a consensus estimate. Expert
judgment is commonly used in early project stages when there is limited detailed information

Usage: Expert judgment is used by project managers and teams to leverage the insights of
experienced professionals who have worked on similar projects. It helps in obtaining a well-
rounded view of potential costs, risks, and uncertainties. For example, in software
development, expert programmers might provide input on coding time, potential challenges,
and resource requirements, aiding in more accurate cost predictions.

2. Parametric Estimating: Parametric estimating involves using mathematical models to

predict costs based on historical data and relevant project parameters. This technique
assumes a relationship between project attributes (parameters) and costs, which is
established through historical data analysis. These relationships are then used to estimate
costs for new projects.

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Usage: Parametric estimating is applied when there is a significant amount of historical data
available and a consistent relationship can be identified between project variables and costs.
For instance, in construction, the cost per square foot of a building can be estimated using
historical data from similar past projects, adjusting for differences in size, materials, and other

3. Analogous Estimating: Analogous estimating, also known as top-down estimating,

involves using data from past projects that are similar in nature to the current project. Cost
estimates from previous projects are used as a basis for estimating the current project's costs.
This method assumes that projects with similar characteristics will have similar cost patterns.

Usage: Analogous estimating is useful when there is limited detailed information available
about the current project, making it difficult to use more data-driven methods. For instance,
when estimating the cost of a new marketing campaign, past campaigns with similar target
audiences, media platforms, and objectives can provide a rough estimate of the potential
costs involved.

2. Describe the purpose of Gantt charts.

Gantt charts are a fundamental tool in project management, designed to visually represent the
scheduling and progress of tasks within a project. Their purpose encompasses several critical
aspects of project planning, execution, and monitoring.


1. Task Scheduling: Gantt charts serve as a roadmap for project tasks, illustrating when
each task is planned to start and finish. This visual representation allows project managers
to allocate resources efficiently, balance workloads, and prevent overloading specific team

2. Time Management: The chronological layout of tasks in a Gantt chart provides a clear
understanding of the project's timeline. Project stakeholders can identify key milestones,
deadlines, and critical paths—the sequence of tasks that must be completed on time to
avoid delays in the entire project.

3. Dependency Visualization: Gantt charts highlight task dependencies, indicating which

tasks need to be completed before others can begin. This feature helps project managers
identify potential bottlenecks and make informed decisions about task sequencing and
resource allocation.

4. Progress Tracking: As tasks are completed and progress is made, Gantt charts allow
stakeholders to visualize the actual status compared to the planned schedule. This tracking
helps in early identification of delays or deviations, enabling proactive adjustments to keep
the project on track.

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5. Resource Allocation: By showing when specific resources are required for different tasks,
Gantt charts aid in resource allocation and management. Project managers can ensure
that resources are available when needed and make adjustments to prevent conflicts or

6. Communication and Reporting: Gantt charts facilitate clear communication among

project team members, stakeholders, and clients. They provide an easily understandable
visual overview of the project's status, helping to align expectations and foster

7. Decision Making: Gantt charts support data-driven decision making by providing a

comprehensive view of the project's timeline and dependencies. If unexpected delays or
changes arise, project managers can assess the impact on the overall schedule and make
informed choices to mitigate risks.

8. Project Coordination: Gantt charts enhance project coordination by enabling project

managers to allocate tasks, assign responsibilities, and track progress across different
teams and individuals.

3. Explain the work breakdown structure. In your answer, include reference to how work
packages can help project scheduling.

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):

A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) is a hierarchical representation of a project's tasks,

subtasks, and deliverables. It decomposes the project scope into smaller, manageable
components known as work packages. Each work package represents a distinct unit of work
that can be planned, executed, and tracked independently. The WBS serves as a foundational
tool in project management, enabling effective planning, communication, and execution.

Purpose of WBS:

Scope Definition: The WBS provides a structured breakdown of the project scope,
ensuring that all work required to complete the project is identified and accounted for. It
helps project teams and stakeholders gain a comprehensive understanding of the project's

Task Organization: By breaking the project into smaller work packages, the WBS
organizes tasks into a logical structure. This organization aids in assigning responsibilities,
coordinating activities, and managing project complexity.

Project Scheduling: Work packages are crucial for project scheduling. Each work
package can be assigned estimated start and end dates, allowing project managers to
create a detailed project timeline. This scheduling process helps in optimizing resource
allocation and managing dependencies.
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Resource Allocation: Work packages facilitate resource allocation by defining specific

tasks and deliverables. Project managers can assign resources based on work package
requirements, ensuring that the right resources are available at the right time.

Progress Monitoring: Work packages enable effective progress monitoring and

performance tracking. As each work package represents a discrete unit of work,
completion can be easily measured, and actual progress can be compared against the
planned schedule.

Role of Work Packages in Project Scheduling:

Work packages play a critical role in project scheduling by providing a structured framework
for organizing and sequencing tasks:

Estimation: Work packages define distinct tasks with well-defined boundaries. This
granularity allows for more accurate estimation of task durations, enabling better
scheduling decisions.

Dependency Management: Work packages help identify task dependencies and

relationships. This information is crucial for sequencing tasks and determining the most
efficient order of execution.

Critical Path Analysis: Work packages contribute to critical path analysis, helping to
identify the sequence of tasks that collectively determine the project's minimum duration.
This aids in focusing efforts on tasks that directly impact the project timeline.

Resource Leveling: Work packages aid in resource leveling by specifying which tasks
require specific resources. Project managers can allocate resources based on work
package priorities and deadlines, optimizing resource utilization.

Baseline for Monitoring: Work packages serve as a baseline for tracking and monitoring
project progress. By comparing completed work packages to the planned schedule, project
managers can assess project health and identify potential delays.

4. Identify three project methodologies used in ICT projects. Briefly describe each one
and its benefits and disadvantages.

1. Waterfall Methodology: The Waterfall methodology is a linear and sequential project

management approach where each phase of the project must be completed before the next
one begins. It consists of distinct phases such as requirements gathering, design,
implementation, testing, deployment, and maintenance. Waterfall is suitable for projects with
well-defined requirements and minimal changes expected during development.


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 Clear structure: Phases are well-defined, making it easy to plan and manage.

 Predictable timeline and costs: Due to its linear nature, the Waterfall model allows for
accurate estimation of timelines and costs.

 Documentation: Each phase requires comprehensive documentation, which can be helpful

for future reference and maintenance.


 Limited flexibility: Changes are difficult to accommodate once a phase is completed.

 Late feedback: Stakeholders often see the final product only after completion, leading to
potential misunderstandings.

 Risk of outdated technology: Long development cycles can result in using outdated
technology by the end of the project.

2. Agile Methodology: Agile is an iterative and incremental approach that emphasizes

collaboration, adaptability, and delivering small increments of working software in short cycles
called sprints. Agile methodologies, such as Scrum or Kanban, prioritize customer feedback,
continuous improvement, and responding to changing requirements.


 Flexibility: Agile embraces changes, allowing the project to adapt to evolving customer

 Customer involvement: Regular feedback loops ensure that the product meets customer

 Faster delivery: Incremental development allows for quicker delivery of functional



 Requires active customer participation: Agile relies heavily on customer collaboration,

which can be challenging if stakeholders are not fully engaged.

 Potential scope creep: Frequent changes can lead to scope creep if not managed properly.

 Documentation challenges: Agile focuses on working software over comprehensive

documentation, which can lead to gaps in documentation.

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3. DevOps Methodology: DevOps is a combination of development and operations practices

that emphasizes automation, collaboration, and a continuous delivery pipeline. It aims to
streamline software development, testing, and deployment processes, fostering a culture of
collaboration between development and IT operations teams.


 Faster deployment: Automation and continuous integration/continuous deployment

(CI/CD) pipelines enable rapid and reliable software releases.

 Improved collaboration: DevOps encourages close collaboration between development

and operations teams, reducing bottlenecks.

 Reduced risk: Automated testing and deployment processes minimize the risk of
human errors during software releases.


 Initial setup complexity: Implementing DevOps practices and tools can be complex and
require a learning curve.

 Cultural shift: DevOps requires a shift in organizational culture, which can be

challenging to achieve.

 Resource-intensive: Setting up and maintaining automation and CI/CD pipelines

require dedicated resources and expertise.

5. Provide a definition of the software development lifecycle (SDLC).

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to the structured sequence of phases and
processes that a software project undergoes from initiation to deployment and maintenance. It
provides a comprehensive framework for planning, designing, and building, testing, and
maintaining software applications. The SDLC involves various stages, each with specific goals
and activities, aimed at ensuring the delivery of a functional and reliable software product that
meets user needs and quality standards. By following the SDLC, development teams can
streamline their processes, manage resources effectively, and produce software that aligns
with project requirements and organizational objectives.

6. Identify the common stages of the SDLC. In your answer, explain what happens when the
final stage is achieved.

Common Stages of the SDLC:

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Requirements Gathering: In this stage, project stakeholders gather and document the
software's functional and non-functional requirements. This includes understanding user
needs, business objectives, and technical specifications.

System Design: During this phase, the software architecture and design are created
based on the gathered requirements. It involves defining the system's structure,
components, interfaces, and data flow.

Implementation: In this stage, developers write code based on the design specifications.
They create the actual software components, modules, and features, translating the design
into functional code.

Testing: The software undergoes various levels of testing to identify and fix defects. This
includes unit testing, integration testing, system testing, and user acceptance testing to
ensure the software meets the desired quality standards.

Deployment: Once testing is complete, the software is deployed to the production

environment. This involves installing, configuring, and launching the software for end-

Maintenance: After deployment, ongoing maintenance and support activities are carried
out to address issues, release updates, and make enhancements based on user feedback
and changing requirements.

Final Stage Achievement:

When the final stage of the SDLC is achieved, which is the "Maintenance" stage, the software
is fully operational and accessible to end-users. This stage involves:

 Bug Fixes and Updates: During maintenance, any issues or bugs that arise post-
deployment are identified, investigated, and fixed. Updates are released to address these
problems and improve software performance.

 Enhancements: User feedback and changing requirements may lead to the development
of new features or improvements to existing ones. These enhancements are incorporated
into the software through updates.

 Performance Monitoring: The software's performance is continually monitored to ensure

it meets performance benchmarks and remains responsive under various conditions.

 Security Updates: As new security threats emerge, the software is updated to address
vulnerabilities and ensure that user data and system integrity are protected.

 Compatibility: Maintenance includes ensuring the software remains compatible with

evolving technologies, platforms, and devices.
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7. Explain how a business’s needs can affect project management activities. In your
answer, consider the implications for project control and expected returns on business
Impact of Business Needs on Project Management Activities:

A business's needs have a profound influence on project management activities, shaping how
projects are planned, executed, and controlled.

Project Control Implications:

Scope Management: Business needs define the project scope. Changes in business
requirements can lead to scope changes, affecting project goals, timelines, and resources.
Effective scope management ensures that project objectives align with business needs
throughout the project lifecycle.

Risk Management: Business needs dictate project risks. Identifying potential risks early
allows project managers to develop mitigation strategies that align with the business's risk
tolerance. Regular risk assessment and management help maintain control over potential

Resource Allocation: Business needs determine the resources required for project
success. Aligning resources, such as personnel, budget, and technology, with business
priorities ensures optimal resource allocation and efficient project execution.

Schedule Management: Business deadlines and priorities drive project timelines.

Effective scheduling ensures that project activities are sequenced to meet business
requirements, delivering value in alignment with the business's timing expectations.

Expected Returns on Business Investment:

ROI Alignment: Project management activities must align with the business's expected
return on investment (ROI). Projects need to deliver outcomes that provide value and
contribute to the business's profitability or growth.

Value Delivery: Successful project management ensures that project outcomes meet the
business's needs and expectations. The closer the project aligns with business needs, the
higher the likelihood of delivering value and achieving expected returns.

Risk Mitigation: Addressing potential risks based on business needs helps protect the
expected returns on the business's investment. Effective risk management minimizes the
likelihood of unexpected events that could impact returns.

Stakeholder Engagement: Engaging stakeholders, including business leaders and end-

users, throughout the project ensures that their expectations and needs are understood
and incorporated. This increases the likelihood of achieving the intended returns on

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Assessment Task 1: Checklist

Student’s name:

Did the student provide a Completed

sufficient and clear answer successfully? Comments
that addresses the
suggested answer for the Yes No

Question 1

Question 2

Question 3

Question 4

Question 5

Question 6

Question 7

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Assessment Task 2: Project Portfolio

Information for students

In this task, you are required to demonstrate your skills and knowledge by working through a number
of activities and completing and submitting a project portfolio.
You will need access to:

 a suitable place to complete activities that replicates an ICT environment including a computer
and relevant software and internet access

 your learning resources and other information for reference

 Project Portfolio template

 Simulation Pack (if you need a case study).

Ensure that you:

 review the advice to students regarding responding to written tasks in the IT Works Student User

 comply with the due date for assessment which your assessor will provide

 adhere with your RTO’s submission guidelines

 answer all questions completely and correctly

 submit work which is original and, where necessary, properly referenced

 submit a completed cover sheet with your work

 avoid sharing your answers with other students.

Assessment information
Information about how you should complete this assessment can be found in Appendix
A of the IT Works Student User Guide. Refer to the appendix for information on:

 where this task should be completed

 how your assessment should be submitted.

Note: You must complete and submit an assessment cover sheet with your work. A
template is provided in Appendix B of the Student User Guide. However, if your RTO
has provided you with an assessment cover sheet, please ensure that you use that.

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Complete the following activities:

1. Carefully read the following:

This assessment task requires you to develop and manage project management
plans for two ICT projects. For each project you will need to select an appropriate
project methodology, develop the project management plan, a project schedule and
develop a project budget, as well as ensure there are budgetary controls in place.
You can do this for two real ICT projects at your workplace or you can use the
Simulation Pack provided. If you use your own business or workplace, make sure
you can access information about the business problem or opportunity or unfilled
legislative need as relevant to the projects. Speak to your assessor to get approval
if you want to base this on your own business.
You will be collecting evidence for this unit in a Project Portfolio. The steps you
need to take are outlined below.

2. Planning

Make sure you are familiar with the business you are basing this assessment on
and have read through the necessary background information and policies and
procedures. For the case study business, this is all of the documents included in
the ICTPMG613 Simulation Pack. If it’s your own business or a business where you
are working or are familiar with, it’s important at this step that you have your
business or case study approved by your assessor.
Complete Page 4 of your Project Portfolio for this unit.
Read through the requirements of Section 1, 2 and 3 of your Project Portfolio which
include detailed guidance relevant to all the assessment activities.

3. Develop project management plan

You are now to complete Section 1 of your Project Portfolio by developing both of
the project management plans. This involves:

 Assessing project management and systems development models to be used

and selecting a suitable approach, including tailoring methodologies to suit

 Developing an overall project management plan including:

o Project overview
o Project methodology
o Scope
o Assumptions and constraints

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o Deliverables
o Roles and responsibilities
o Risk management plan.

Complete Section 1 of your Portfolio.

4. Develop a project schedule and budget

You are now to complete Section 2 of your Project Portfolio by developing a project
schedule and budget for each project. This involves:

 Developing a work breakdown structure (WBS).

 Estimating project effort and duration to develop a project schedule, including

project schedule controls.

Complete Section 2 of your Portfolio and submit it your assessor.

5. Develop a project schedule and budget

You are now to complete Section 3 of your Project Portfolio by developing a project
schedule and budget for each project. This involves:

 Identifying project costs and cash flow requirements to develop a project


 Establishing budgetary controls.

Complete Section 3 of your Portfolio and submit it your assessor.

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Assessment Task 2 : Checklist

Student’s name:

successfully? Comments

Did the student: Yes No

Assess and select a suitable project

management model and system
development approach?

Tailor methodologies to solution

requirements and report on this?

Develop and document two project

management plans following
organisation requirements?

Develop and document project

management sub-plans?

Develop a Work Breakdown Schedule

including work packages to meet project

Estimate project effort and duration?

Create and document a project schedule

and document as per policies and

Allocate work packages by documenting

roles and responsibilities?

Establish and document schedule

controls to use for monitoring the project

Identify and document areas of

anticipated project spend?

Determine dollar amounts for project

items, as well as the timing of cash

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Develop and document project budget

based on anticipated expenditure and
cash flow?

Establish controls for monitoring budget?

Lodge all documentation following

policies and procedures?

Task outcome:  Satisfactory  Not satisfactory

Assessor signature:

Assessor name:


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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Case Study – Boutique Build Australia

For the purpose of this assessment, you are to assume you are a Senior Project Manager of IT Biz
Solutions, which offers a wide range of Information and Computer Technology services to businesses
of all sizes.
The company is made up of the following staff:

Name Area of speciality

Roy Belk Software including website design

Dani Chen Software

Maurice Berry Software

Zakary Pineda Hardware

Martha Johannsson Hardware

Jen Moss Networking

Roland Morris Project management

Muhammad Patel Client support/

help desk

Ali Reynholm Project administration

The company often manages projects for clients, following its Project Management Policy and
Procedures at all times.
You have been assigned a new client, Build Australia, based in Sydney.
Established in 2010, Boutique Build Australia is a small building company specialising in the design
and building of high-quality designer homes for the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas.
The company’s overall business objectives for the next three years are to expand into Queensland
and to set up and operate a permanent model home.
The company is currently quite small in size and everyone except for the site managers work in the
same building. At this stage the business is using an old server which often has problems.
Management have preferred not to upgrade their systems as they did not believe it was worth the
expense and everyone just ‘got on’ with any software of hardware issues. Anything ‘dramatic’ required
a tech from IT Biz Solutions to come and address.
Staff have been saving their documentation on their hard drives, which is against procedure. This
process has in some cases led to data loss and file corruption. Recently there was a situation in which

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data in a client’s directory was corrupted. This information was being held on one of the Customer
Service Officer’s laptops and had not been copied to the server. The client was not impressed at the
loss of data that they needed to resend to Boutique Build, and they questioned the organisation’s IT
processes. It took some days to obtain information from suppliers and other sources to replace what
was corrupt.
Management realised that this mistake was quite costly in terms of their reputation and the time that
was wasted in gathering all the required information. They decided to contract IT Biz Solutions to
implement new hardware and software, with a focus on applications that will allow the team to work
remotely – as they are looking to expand interstate, they will need effective systems to keep the
business running and keep all staff connected.
As well as the issue with the hardware and software as described above, the company would like you
to design a new website for them. Their current one is adequate but very basic. A new high quality
web site designed to attract more customers and create a better brand image.
The new website should be simple but engaging and stylish. The website will need to include
information about the company, details of the products (ideally videos of each type of house), have a
contact page and have a blog page for the latest news.
Your job is to develop two project management plans so your team and those at Boutique Build have
a road map to project completion.
The information you have been provided with to develop the project management plan related to the
hardware and software project is as follows:

 IT Biz Solutions will replace the outdated IT systems and hardware of Boutique Build Australia
and implement user-friendly, accessible products and services. This will include use of cloud-
based applications to allow remote access for all staff, upgrading existing hardware to ensure all
staff are able to remain efficient and productive, implementing applications that are able to be
integrated to ensure maximum productivity.

 The budget for this project is $40,000 and is not negotiable. The full amount will be provided
upfront for the project and will be spent accordingly.

 Hardware and software decided upon:

o Accounting software: Xero
o Office application: Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium
o Anti-virus: Webroot Secure Anywhere
o File management: Dropbox
o Project management application: Wrike
o Tablet devices: Apple iPad 32GB, Wi-Fi and cellular connectivity
o Hardware:
 All customer service staff – desktop computers with specifications appropriate to
general administrative duties

 Three customer service officers – new monitors up to 27 inches in size

 All managers - new laptops no larger than 15 inch

 Major milestones to include

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o Hardware installation and configuration

o Installation of all required applications
o Setting up of user accounts
o Data backup and migration
o Testing of hardware and software
o Rollout

Roles and responsibilities for this project will be as follows:

Name Role Responsibilities

Student name Senior IT Project Manager  Develop and manage the project

 Liaise with CEO and Operations

Manager of Boutique Build

 Monitor project progress

 Performance manage the team

Roland Morris Assistant Project Manager  Provide information from project

manager to the team

 Keep team focused during


 Ensures project schedule is being


 Refers to project manager where

difficulties are encountered

Zakary Pineda Hardware Specialist  Order and acquire hardware as

per project resources

 Configures hardware to

 Installs hardware

 Tests hardware

 Refers to Assistant Project


Dani Chen Software Specialist  Order and acquire software as

per project resources

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Name Role Responsibilities

 Installs software

 Sets up user accounts

 Configures software

 Tests software

 Refers to Assistant Project


The information you have been provided with to develop the project management plan related to the
website project is as follows:

 The new website should be simple but engaging and stylish. The website will need to include
information about the company, details of the products (ideally videos of each type of house),
have a contact page and have a blog page for the latest news.

 The budget is $10,000. The full amount will be provided upfront for the project and will be spent

 Call to action is watch videos and buy products.

Roles and responsibilities for this project will be as follows:

Name Role Responsibilities

Student name Senior IT Project Manager  Develop and manage the project
 Liaise with CEO and Operations
Manager of Boutique Build
 Monitor project progress
 Performance manage the team

Ben Nguyen Project Assistant  Provide information from project

manager to the team

 Keep team focused during


 Ensures project schedule is being


 Refers to project manager where

difficulties are encountered

Dani Chen Software Specialist  Designs and builds website as

per WBS

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Name Role Responsibilities

 Refers to Assistant Project


Please note that all ICT team members are costed out to clients at $150 per hour.

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Boutique Build Australia Information

Organisation Chart

Chief Executive Officer

Judith Lee

Operations Manager
Ishtar Kahn
Human Resources Manager
Erin Close

Marketing and Sales Manager

Susan Morgan

Customer Service Manager

Lucas Ngan

Customer Customer Customer

Service Service Service
Officer Officer Officer
Ben Sasha Salma
Nguyen Quinn Vallin

Site Manager Site Manager Site Manager

Ingrid Kowalski Anwar Chen Manuel Hermes

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Roles and responsibilities

Role Name Responsibilities

CEO Judith Lee Company success

Operations Manager Ishtar Kahn Plan and direct operations and

improve productivity and

HR Manager Erin Close Co-ordinate human resources


Marketing and Sales Manager Susan Morgan Oversee marketing, advertising

and sales activities

Customer Service Manager Lucas Ngan Team coordination and training

Customer Service Officers Ben Nguyen Liaise with customers and

Sasha Quinn
Salma Vallin

Site Manager Ingrid Kowalski Coordinate employees and


Site Manager Anwar Chen Coordinate employees and


Site Manager Manuel Hermes Coordinate employees and


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Strategic Plan


Boutique Build Australia

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Executive Summary
Established in 2010, Boutique Build Australia is a building company specialising in the design and
building of high-quality designer homes for the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas.
Our vision – to be the best home builder in Australia – drives everything we do, from the friendly
greeting we give to customers at our display centre, to our supplier relationships and to our
employees’ professional development.

To be the best quality home builder in Australia.

Our values are:

The core values underpinning our activities are:

 Quality

 Innovation

 Leadership

 Respect

 Honesty and reliability

Our policies:
In order to meet our core values, we have policies in these areas:

 Quality control

 High-quality and timely customer service

 Continuous improvement

 Customer complaints and feedback

 Respectful, sensitive and transparent work practices

 Work health and safety, to protect our staff and our customers

 Compliance against relevant Australian Standards, state and federal legislation and

Strategic Goals
To be well led, high performing, profitable and accountable

 Ensure that all financial operations, performance indicators and results support the strategic

 Identify new and expand existing sources of revenue

 Achieve profits of at least 10% per annum

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 Increase sales of homes in current Sydney market by 10% per annum over the next three

 Establish a presence in Queensland and build at least 100 new homes in Brisbane and its
surrounding areas during the period of the Strategic Plan, beginning 2020

 Plan expansion into other Australian states and territories during the second half of 2021.

Set up and operate a permanent model home

 Give potential customers the experience of being in a high-quality home

 Demonstrate new environmentally friendly building techniques

 Provide a point of reference for customers

 Improve brand recognition.

Attract, engage and develop the best staff

 Continuing the drive to a customer centred, high performance workforce and culture

 Strengthening the skills of our people, to better support customer needs

 Continuing to enhance the diversity of our workforce.

Situation Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

 Value and quality  Focus on Sydney market only

 Strong management  Brand name not developed as yet

 Customer loyalty  High turnover of casual workforce

 Friendly organisational culture  Poor IT infrastructure

 Level of available finance for investment  Lack of diversity in workforce

Opportunities Threats

 Housing sector experiencing growth  Environmental effects

 Potential for growth in Brisbane and  Changes in Industry/ Government

Sunshine Coast market legislation affecting construction industry

 Innovation in environmental housing  Possible adverse effects of government

policy formulation
 Many advertising channels unexplored
 High level of competition

 Predicted uncertainties in the world

economy impacting level of demand for

 Low price competitors

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 Failing to satisfy client demands

Marketing Strategies
Our marketing strategies aim to:

 build trust

 generate leads now and convert those leads quickly

 demonstrate our commitment to deeper customer engagement.

We plan to develop our market share by:

 Improving our marketing and advertising

 Setting up a permanent model home near a popular shopping centre to increase interaction
with potential customers.

 Placing brand recognition advertisements in the Sydney Domain Magazine

 Continually improving communication channels with all our stakeholders, ensuring a flow of
timely and accurate information to facilitate effective planning and decision making

 Targeting identified growth markets with planned, market appropriate campaigns employing a
variety of promotional strategies and advertising mediums

 Offering attractive fee structures to our clients

 Continually improving the skills, knowledge and effectiveness of Boutique Build Australia
through our commitment to training and development

 Regularly reviewing the effectiveness of all our operations and making improvements when
and where necessary.

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Project management plan template

Project overview
Provide a brief explanation of the background of the project.

Project methodology
Provide a brief explanation of the project methodology chosen and rationale. Include reference to
tailoring required.

Benefits that the project intends to achieve.

Document the project scope.

Assumptions and constraints

List assumptions and constraints.

List project deliverables.

Roles and responsibilities

Identify the roles of the project team.

Risk management plan

List the major risks that could be expected for this type of project, as well as consequences of the
risk occurring (add more rows as required). Use the risk management legend below.

Risk Likelihood Severity Treatment/control methods

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Risk Likelihood Severity Treatment/control methods


Negligible Minor Moderate Significant Severe

Very likely Low Medium Medium Medium High High High

Likely Low Low Medium Medium Medium High


Possible Low Low Medium Medium Medium Medium

High High

Unlikely Low Low Medium Low Medium Medium Medium



Very unlikely Low Low Low Medium Medium Medium

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Section 1: Project Management Plan 28
Section 2: Project schedule 30
Section 3: Project budget 34

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Student name: Muhammad Usman Ibrahim

Assessor: Zaman

Date: 9/8/2023

Business this assessment is Case Study – Boutique Build Australia

based on:

Project descriptions: Established in 2010, Boutique Build Australia is a building company

specialising in the design and building of high-quality designer homes
for the Sydney metropolitan and surrounding areas.
Our vision – to be the best home builder in Australia – drives
everything we do, from the friendly greeting we give to customers at
our display centre, to our supplier relationships and to our employees’
professional development.

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Section 1: Project Management Plan

PROJECT 1: Include name of the Project (website design project)

Project management models 1.Choose one of the project managements methods:

Discuss the most suitable PROJECT 1: Website Design Project
project management
Project Management Model: Agile Software Development
model/systems development
approach for this project. The Agile Software Development model is the most suitable
approach for the Boutique Build Australia website design project
Consider the following in your
due to its flexibility, iterative nature, and emphasis on client
collaboration. This methodology allows for incremental
 Why is this methodology development, enabling quick adaptation to changes and
suitable rather than continuous improvement. The tailored approach to Agile for this
others? project would be the Scrum framework, which offers clear roles,
ceremonies, and artifacts that align well with the project's goals
 What tailoring is
and team structure.
appropriate in regards to
the project methodology 2. Reason to choose?
you have chosen? The Agile methodology is well-suited for projects like Boutique Build
Australia due to its flexibility, iterative nature, and focus on customer
collaboration. Here's why Agile is a good choice:

Client Collaboration: Boutique Build Australia's project involves

developing new IT systems, hardware, and a website. Agile
emphasizes regular interactions with the client and stakeholders,
allowing them to provide feedback, make changes, and ensure the
project aligns with their evolving needs.

Incremental Development: The project has multiple components,

such as hardware, software, and website development. Agile's
incremental approach allows these components to be developed in
iterations or sprints, ensuring that each piece is thoroughly tested
and functional before moving on to the next.

Adaptability: The company's goal of expanding to different locations

and changing market demands requires adaptability. Agile allows for
changes to be incorporated even in the middle of development,
ensuring that the final product meets the evolving business

Quality Assurance: Agile's focus on regular testing and validation

ensures that each iteration is of high quality, reducing the chances of
data loss or defects that the company has experienced in the past.

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3.What is the problem with this models and tailoring used for it?
Problem with Agile and Tailoring:

While Agile is well-suited for the Boutique Build Australia project,

there are some challenges that need to be addressed:

Communication: Boutique Build Australia has a mix of technical and

non-technical staff. Agile requires strong communication and
collaboration, which might pose challenges when dealing with non-
technical stakeholders who might not be familiar with Agile practices.

Managing Expectations: Agile's iterative nature might lead to

expectations of constant change. Clear communication about what
can and cannot be changed during each iteration is crucial.

Documentation: Agile emphasizes working software over

comprehensive documentation. However, for Boutique Build
Australia's expansion plans, documentation might be necessary for
on boarding new staff in different locations.

Project Management Plan

Project management plan template
Write a Project Management
Plan using the template in the
Simulation Pack. Please open file to see
List the name of your
document here and attach
your Project Management
complete templet:
Plan to this section of your
portfolio. If you are completing
this for a project in your
workplace, you must also use
the template in the Simulation
Pack for your Project
Management Plan.
man agemen t plan template.docx

Project overview

The Boutique Build Australia IT Solutions Project aims to address the

existing IT challenges faced by Boutique Build Australia by
implementing new hardware, software, and a website. IT Biz
Solutions has been contracted to provide a comprehensive solution
to enhance the company's operations, enable remote work, and

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improve data management.

Introduction to the project.
The project involves implementing new IT systems, hardware, and
software for Boutique Build Australia. IT Biz Solutions has been hired
to address their current IT challenges and improve their overall
technology infrastructure. The project also includes designing and
building a new website to enhance the company's online presence
and brand image.

Project methodology
Agile Software Development Model

1. Upgrade Boutique Build Australia's IT systems and hardware
to improve efficiency, accessibility, and productivity.
2. Implement user-friendly cloud-based applications to allow
remote access and facilitate expansion plans.
3. Design and develop a new engaging and stylish website to
attract more customers and enhance brand image.


 The scope of the project includes the following activities:

 Acquiring and installing hardware (desktop computers,

monitors, laptops, tablet devices)

 Acquiring and configuring software (accounting software,

office applications, antivirus, file management, project
management application)

 Setting up user accounts and access permissions for

software and cloud-based applications

 Migrating data from legacy devices to a central cloud server

 Testing both hardware and software components for

functionality and integration

 Providing training for Boutique Build Australia's staff to use

the new systems effectively

Assumptions and constraints

List assumptions and constraints.
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 The specified software applications (Xero, Microsoft Office

365 Business Premium, Webroot Secure Anywhere,
Dropbox, Wrike) have been pre-assigned by Boutique Build

 CEO sign-off is required before proceeding with hardware

and software acquisition and implementation.

 The project budget of $40,000 must not be exceeded,

considering the balance between quality components and

 Training will be necessary for Boutique Build Australia's staff

to use the new systems proficiently.

 Minimizing downtime caused by installation, data migration,

and training is essential.

 The project must be completed within the allocated time


 Upgraded IT systems and hardware.

 Installed and configured software applications.

 User accounts set up for software access.

 Data successfully migrated to the central cloud server.

 Tested and functional hardware and software.

 Trained staff capable of using the new systems proficiently.

 Completed and functional new website.

Roles and responsibilities

Boutique Build Australia

Role Name Responsibilities

CEO Judith Lee Overall project

oversight and sign-off.

Operations Ishtar Kahn Collaborate with IT Biz

Manager Solutions for

HR Manager Erin Close Support in managing

staffing and training
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Marketing and Susan Morgan : Coordination of

Sales Manager marketing and
branding efforts

Customer Service Lucas Ngan Coordination of on-site

Manager activities related to the

Customer Service Ben Nguyen Collaborate with IT Biz

Officers Solutions for data
Sasha Quinn
migration and training.
Salma Vallin

Site Manager Ingrid Kowalski Coordination of on-site

activities related to the

Site Manager Anwar Chen Coordination of on-site

activities related to the

Site Manager Manuel Hermes Coordination of on-site

activities related to the

IT Biz Solutions:

Name Role Responsibilities

Drew Bursey Drew Bursey  (Senior IT Project

Manager): Develop
and manage the
project, liaise with
Boutique Build
Australia, monitor
progress, and
performance manage
the team.

Ben Nguyen Ben Nguyen  (Project Assistant):

Provide support to the
project manager, keep
the team focused,
ensure schedule
adherence, and report
difficulties to the
project manager.

Dani Chen Dani Chen  (Software Specialist):

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Order and acquire

software, install
software, set up user
accounts, configure
software, test
software, and report
progress to the project

Risk management plan

Risk Likelihood Severity Treatment/control


Budget Overrun Likely Moderate Regular monitoring of

continuous budget
tracking, prioritize

Staff Absence Possible Moderate Develop contingency

plans, ensure cross-
training, and maintain
open communication.

Staff Turnover Possible Moderate Document

processes, ensure
proper knowledge
transfer, and

Delay in Likely Moderate Regular

Schedule due communication with
to vendors vendors, contingency
plans for delays.

Not available Possible Significant Diversify vendor

supply from options, ensure early
vendors procurement.

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Receiving Unlikely Moderate Quality assurance

Faulty during hardware
Equipment acquisition, timely
testing upon receipt.

No Access to Unlikely Low Coordinate access

client’s facility requirements with the
after hours client, schedule work
during working hours.

Project Management Plan ☒

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PROJECT 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade

Project management models PROJECT 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade

Discuss the most suitable
project management
Project Management Model: Agile Software Development Model
model/systems development
approach for this project. Choose one of the project managements methods:

Consider the following in your Reason for Choosing Agile:

response: The Agile Software Development model is the most suitable
 Why is this methodology approach for the Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade project
suitable rather than due to the dynamic nature of IT system upgrades and the need for
others? iterative development and continuous improvement. Unlike traditional
waterfall models, Agile allows for adaptability to changes in
 What tailoring is technology, requirements, and user needs, which is essential for a
appropriate in regards to successful system upgrade. The tailored approach to Agile for this
the project methodology project would be the Kanban method, which focuses on visualizing
you have chosen? work, maintaining flow, and maximizing efficiency.

3. What is the problem with this models and tailoring used for it?
Tailoring the Agile Approach - Kanban:
1. Visualizing Work: Utilizing a Kanban board to visualize and
manage the flow of tasks, from hardware acquisition to
software configuration and testing. Columns can represent
different stages such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done."
2. Limiting Work in Progress (WIP): Implementing WIP limits
to prevent overloading the team with too many tasks
simultaneously. This ensures a smooth and efficient
workflow, reducing bottlenecks.
3. Continuous Improvement: Regular review meetings will
focus on identifying improvements in the process. The team
will analyze the efficiency of each stage and make
adjustments as needed.
4. Flexibility: Agile's iterative cycles will allow the team to
adapt to unexpected challenges or changes in requirements
during the project. Adjustments can be made in each iteration
to align with the client's evolving needs.
Chosen Project Management Model's Problem and Tailoring:

While Agile addresses many challenges associated with IT projects,

including system upgrades, there are potential drawbacks to
1. Scope Creep: Agile's flexibility can sometimes lead to scope
creep, where additional requirements are continuously
added. To address this, the Kanban approach will maintain a
clear scope, focusing on well-defined tasks and deliverables.

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2. Client Involvement: Agile emphasizes client collaboration,

but in certain cases, clients may not have the capacity for
continuous involvement. The tailored Kanban approach can
mitigate this by providing transparency through the visual
board and regular progress updates.
3. Documentation: Agile may result in less comprehensive
documentation compared to traditional models. To address
this, the team will ensure that critical documentation related
to hardware and software configurations is well-maintained.
4. Limited Predictability: Agile's adaptive nature may affect
predictability in terms of project timelines and costs. The
Kanban approach's focus on continuous improvement and
efficient workflow can help mitigate this issue.

Project Management Plan

Project management plan template
Write a Project Management
Plan using the template in the
Simulation Pack. Please open file:
List the name of your
document here and attach
your Project Management
Plan to this section of your
portfolio. If you are completing plan template.docx
this for a project in your
workplace, you must also use
the template in the Simulation
Pack for your Project Project overview
Management Plan.

The Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade project

aims to replace the outdated IT systems and hardware of
Boutique Build Australia. This includes implementing
user-friendly, accessible products and services, utilizing
cloud-based applications for remote access, upgrading
existing hardware, and integrating applications for
maximum productivity. The project has a budget of
$40,000 and involves hardware and software installation,
user account setup, data backup and migration, hardware
and software testing, and rollout.

Project methodology

The Agile Software Development methodology,

specifically the Kanban approach, will be adopted for this
project. This methodology is chosen due to its flexibility,
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adaptability, and iterative nature, which aligns well with

the dynamic IT environment and the need for continuous
improvement. The Kanban board will visualize tasks, limit
work in progress, and focus on efficient flow, allowing for
better control over the project's progress.


1. Replace outdated IT systems and hardware.

2. Implement user-friendly, accessible software and


3. Enable remote access for all staff through cloud-

based applications.

4. Upgrade hardware for improved efficiency.

5. Integrate applications for increased productivity.

6. Successfully complete the project within the

$40,000 budget.

The project scope includes hardware installation and
configuration, software installation and configuration, user
account setup, data backup and migration, testing of
hardware and software, and project rollout.

Assumptions and constraints

 The budget for the project is $40,000 and cannot be

 The project must be completed without disrupting daily


 The selected hardware and software must meet the

company's requirements.

 The project team has the necessary expertise to implement

the upgrades.

1. Successfully configured and upgraded hardware.
2. Installed and configured software applications (Xero,
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Microsoft Office 365, Webroot Secure Anywhere, Dropbox,

3. User accounts set up for all staff members.
4. Data backed up and migrated to the new systems.
5. Thorough testing of both hardware and software.
6. Successful project rollout, ensuring all staff members are
effectively using the new systems.

Roles and responsibilities

Name Role Responsibilities

Andrew Student name  Develop and manage

Bursey the project
 Liaise with CEO and
Operations Manager
of Boutique Build

 Monitor project

 Performance manage
the team

Ben Nguyen Project Assistant  Provide information

from project manager
to the team
 Keep team focused
during meetings

 Ensures project
schedule is being met

 Refers to project
manager where
difficulties are

Dani Chen Software Specialist  Designs and builds

website as per WBS

 Refers to Assistant
Project Manager

Risk management plan

List the major risks that could be expected for this type of project, as
well as consequences of the risk occurring (add more rows as
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required). Use the risk management legend below.

Risk Likelihood Severity Treatment/control


Budget Overrun Possible Moderate Regular budget

monitoring and cost
control measures.

Staff Absence Possible Moderate Cross-training team

members to cover for
each other.

Staff Turnover Possible Moderate Maintain clear

documentation and
knowledge transfer.

Delay in Possible Significant Establish backup

Schedule due vendors and monitor
to vendors supply timelines.

Not available Unlikely Moderate Keep an inventory of

supply from critical components
vendors and devices.

Scope Creep Likely High Strictly adhere to

defined scope and

Project Management Plan ☒

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Section 2: Project schedule

Complete this section for each project. If you are completing this for the case study organisation, use the
Simulation Pack information. If you are completing this for your own workplace projects, you will need to
include the information based on this.


Work List the tasks:

Structure 1) Hardware 1.1 1.1.1.Research and Software Acquisition
and Software
Include the title
Acquisition: 1.1.2. PERT chart
of your Work
Breakdown 1.2 Request for quote
Structure here
and attach it to 1.3. Negotiate with best vendor and Order
your Portfolio.
1.4. Receive goods and distribution team

2.Hardware 1. Gain Access to the site

2. Plan and design for installation.

3. Install the hardware.

4. Test

5.Fix issues

2.Software 1. Software Procurement and Preparation:


2. Ordering and Acquisition:

3. Installation of Software:

 Software Specialist (Dani Chen) takes

the lead in software installation.

 Install the software applications on

designated hardware devices and

 Follow installation guidelines and

ensure compatibility.

Configuration and Customization

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Integration and Testing:

Project effort Task Optimistic Most Pessimistic Calculated

and duration Likely/Realistic Time
Use your WBS M
to go through
the project Hardware 10 days 15 days 20 days 15 days
activities and
required and Software
identify the Acquisition

 Optimistic Hardware 5 days 7 days 10 days 7 days

estimation Installation
of each
activity Software 4 days 6 days 8 days 6 days
(best case Installation

 Pessimistic User 3 days 4 days 5 days 4 days

estimation Account
of each Setup
(worst Data 5 days 7 days 10 days 7 days
case Backup and
scenario). Migration

 Most likely
Testing of 2 days 3 days 4 days 3 days
time (best
Also use the Software
PERT formula
to develop and PERT Formula= (0+4M+P)/6
document the
task estimation
here. PERT Time=6O+(4×M)+P
Hint: Given the values:
Remember you

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

will need to Optimistic (O): 2 days

have watched
Most Likely (M): 3 days
the video in
your learning Pessimistic (P): 4 days
materials about
Substitute these values into the formula:
tasks and PERT Time=2+(4×3)+46=186=3 days
PERT Time=62+(4×3)+4=618=3 days

So, the calculated PERT time for the "Testing of Hardware and Software" task is 3 days.

Gantt Chart Use this Link:

Create a Gantt
Chart based on
your work. This
will be the
List the name of
your document
here and attach
it to your

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Schedule Draft a email the team about how scheduled will controlled in term of following
control parameters
Document here
how you will
-Performance Reviews-KPI, Milestones acheivements
ensure that the
schedule you -Project deliverable (Critical path method)
have developed -Addressing Issues / variance analysis
is kept to i.e.
schedule -Take action.

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Attac Work Breakdown Structure ☒

Gantt Chart ☒

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PROJECT 2: Include name of the Project PROJECT 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade

Work Breakdown List the task- WBS

PROJECT 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade - Work
Include the title of your Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown
Structure here and
attach it to your Portfolio. Project Initiation:
1.1 Define Project Scope and Objectives
1.2 Identify Stakeholders and Roles

Needs Assessment and Planning:

2.1 Assess Current IT Infrastructure and Systems
2.2 Identify Hardware and Software Requirements
2.3 Determine Budget and Resource Allocation
2.4 Develop Project Management Plan
2.5 Obtain Approval from Boutique Build Australia

Hardware and Software Selection:

3.1 Research and Evaluate Cloud-based Applications

3.2 Choose Accounting Software (Xero)
3.3 Select Office Application (Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium)
3.4 Decide on Anti-virus Solution (Webroot Secure Anywhere)
3.5 Pick File Management System (Dropbox)
3.6 Determine Project Management Application (Wrike)
3.7 Define Tablet Device Requirements (Apple iPad 32GB)

Hardware and Software Acquisition:

4.1 Order and Acquire Hardware Components
4.2 Procure Software Licenses
4.3 Coordinate Delivery and Receipt

Hardware Installation and Configuration:

5.1 Plan Physical Setup of Hardware Components
5.2 Design Network and Cabling Infrastructure
5.3 Install Desktop Computers for Customer Service Staff
5.4 Set Up New Monitors for Customer Service Officers

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5.5 Distribute New Laptops to Managers

5.6 Configure Tablet Devices (Apple iPads)
5.7 Test Hardware Functionality and Connectivity

Software Installation and Configuration:

6.1 Deploy Accounting Software (Xero)

6.2 Install Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium
6.3 Set Up Webroot Secure Anywhere Antivirus
6.4 Configure Dropbox for File Management
6.5 Implement Project Management Application (Wrike)
6.6 Set Up User Accounts and Permissions
6.7 Customize Software Settings for Maximum Productivity
6.8 Test Software Functionality and Integration

Data Backup and Migration:

7.1 Plan Data Backup Strategy
7.2 Execute Data Backup and Verify Integrity
7.3 Transfer Data to New Systems and Applications
7.4 Validate Data Accuracy Post-Migration

Testing and Quality Assurance:

8.1 Conduct Comprehensive Hardware and Software Tests

8.2 Perform User Acceptance Testing with Staff
8.3 Address and Resolve Any Identified Issues

Training and Rollout:

9.1 Develop Training Materials and Resources

9.2 Conduct Training Sessions for Staff
9.3 Officially Launch New Hardware and Software Systems
9.4 Monitor Initial Operations and Address Immediate Concerns

Project Closure and Evaluation:

10.1 Verify Completion of Deliverables

10.2 Evaluate Project Success Against Objectives
10.3 Document Lessons Learned

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10.4 Obtain Client Sign-off and Final Acceptance

Details of following points

please open file:

Work breakdone
structure report.docx
Project effort and As project 1: PROJECT 1: Website Design Project
Use your WBS to go
1. Project Management Plan for Hardware and Software Project:
through the project
activities required and Project Overview: The Boutique Build Australia project aims to replace
identify the following: the outdated IT systems and hardware with modern, user-friendly
solutions. The project's main objectives are to enhance efficiency, enable
 Optimistic
remote access, and ensure data security through the implementation of
estimation of each
activity (best case cloud-based applications, upgraded hardware, and necessary software.
scenario). Project Methodology: The project will follow a structured approach,

 Pessimistic incorporating elements of Agile and Waterfall methodologies. This

estimation of each approach will allow for flexibility in addressing evolving client needs while
activity (worst case ensuring proper planning and execution.
scenario). 2. Objectives:
 Most likely time Upgrade IT infrastructure to improve efficiency and remote access.
(best guess).
Implement cloud-based applications for enhanced collaboration.
Also use the PERT
formula to develop and Enhance data security and reduce the risk of data loss.
document the task Provide adequate training to staff on the new systems.
estimation here.
3. Scope: The project scope includes hardware procurement and installation,
software acquisition and configuration, user account setup, data
migration, hardware and software testing, and final rollout. The scope also
involves integrating applications for seamless functionality.

4. Assumptions and Constraints: Assumptions:

Budget of $40,000 will be adhered to.

IT Biz Solutions will provide all necessary hardware and software.

Boutique Build Australia staff will actively participate in the testing and

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training phases.

5. Constraints:

Budget cannot be exceeded.

All tasks need to be completed within the allocated time frame.

6. Deliverables:

Upgraded hardware and software systems.

Cloud-based applications for remote access.

Functional user accounts and configurations.

Data migration without loss.

Completed hardware and software testing.

Successful rollout to all staff.

7. Roles and Responsibilities:

 Senior IT Project Manager: Overall project management and

communication with Boutique Build Australia.

 Assistant Project Manager: Assist in project management tasks and ensure

the project schedule is met.

 Hardware Specialist: Order, configure, install, and test hardware


 Software Specialist: Order, configure, install, and test software


8. Risk Management Plan:

Likelihoo Severit
Risk d y Treatment/Control Methods

Regularly track hardware orders and

Hardware Mediu maintain close communication with
delivery delays Possible m suppliers.

compatibility Mediu Thoroughly test software compatibility
issues Likely m before full deployment.

User resistance to Mediu Provide comprehensive training and clear

change Likely m benefits of the new systems.

Data migration Implement thorough data backup and

errors Possible High verification processes.

Budget Mediu Regularly monitor project expenses and

constraints Unlikely m adjust if necessary.

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9. Project Effort and Duration: To estimate project effort and duration,

we'll use the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to break down the tasks
involved. Then, we'll apply the PERT formula to calculate the optimistic,
pessimistic, and most likely durations for each task. The formula is:

10. PERT Estimate = (Optimistic + 4 * Most Likely + Pessimistic) / 6

PERT Time=6O+(4×M)+P

Given the values:

Optimistic (O): 2 days

Most Likely (M): 3 days

Pessimistic (P): 4 days

Substitute these values into the formula:

PERT Time=2+(4×3)+46=186=3 days

PERT Time=62+(4×3)+4=618=3 days

11. Let's proceed with calculating the PERT estimates for each task based on
your provided WBS. Please provide the WBS breakdown of tasks so that I
can assist you further with this calculation.

12. Project Management Plan for Website Project:

13. Project Overview: The Boutique Build Australia website project aims to
design and build a new website that reflects the company's high-quality
designer homes. The website will include information about the company,
product details, a contact page, and a blog for news updates.

14. Project Methodology: The website project will follow an Agile

methodology, allowing for iterative development, continuous feedback,
and flexibility to incorporate changes as needed.

15. Objectives:

Design and develop a visually appealing and engaging website.

Showcase the company's high-quality designer homes and brand image.

Provide essential information to customers and generate leads.

Enhance user experience through intuitive navigation.

16. Scope: The project scope includes website design, content creation,
integration of videos and images, creation of contact and blog pages, and
overall website testing and optimization.

17. Assumptions and Constraints: Assumptions:

Budget of $10,000 will be adhered to.

IT Biz Solutions will provide the necessary resources for website


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Content and materials will be provided by Boutique Build Australia.

18. Constraints:

Budget cannot be exceeded.

The website needs to be completed within the allocated time frame.

19. Deliverables:

A fully functional and visually appealing website.

Detailed product pages with videos and images.

Contact page with effective communication channels.

Blog page for news updates and engagement.

20. Roles and Responsibilities:

 Senior IT Project Manager: Overall project management and

communication with Boutique Build Australia.

 Project Assistant: Assist in project management tasks and ensure the

project schedule is met.

 Software Specialist: Design and build the website according to the WBS.

21. Risk Management Plan:

Likeliho Severi
Risk od ty Treatment/Control Methods

Design revisions Mediu Regularly review design progress with

causing delays Possible m client and address feedback promptly.

Technical issues
affecting website Conduct thorough testing and
functionality Likely High debugging before launch.

Content delays from

Boutique Build Mediu Clearly communicate content
Australia Possible m requirements and deadlines.

Mediu Monitor expenses closely and adjust if

Budget constraints Unlikely m needed.

22. Project Effort and Duration: To estimate project effort and duration for
the website project, we'll need the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
breakdown of tasks. With the WBS in hand, we can calculate the PERT
estimates using the same formula as mentioned earlier

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Gantt Chart As project 1

Create a Gantt Chart
based on your work.
This will be the Project
List the name of your
document here and
attach it to your Portfolio.

Schedule control As project 1

Document here how you 1. PROJECT 1: Website Design Project - Schedule Control:
will ensure that the
Maintaining schedule control is crucial to ensure that the Website
schedule you have
Design Project for Boutique Build Australia is completed on time.
developed is kept to i.e.
To achieve this, the following schedule control measures will be
schedule controls.
2. Detailed Project Timeline:

 Develop a detailed project timeline that outlines all the

phases, tasks, and milestones of the website design

 Break down tasks into smaller, manageable units with

specific start and end dates to ensure accurate tracking of
3. Task Dependency Analysis:

 Identify task dependencies and relationships to ensure

that tasks are sequenced logically.

 Clearly define predecessor tasks that need to be

completed before certain tasks can start.
4. Project Management Software:

 Utilize project management software (e.g., Microsoft

Project, Trello, Asana) to create a visual representation of
the project timeline and schedule.

 Assign tasks to team members, set deadlines, and track

progress in real-time.
5. Regular Progress Meetings:

 Conduct regular progress meetings with the project team

to review the status of tasks and ensure that they are
being completed as planned.

 Address any issues or roadblocks that may arise and

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adjust the schedule accordingly.

6. Critical Path Analysis:

 Identify the critical path of the project, which represents

the sequence of tasks that determine the project's overall

 Focus efforts on tasks within the critical path to prevent

delays to the project's completion date.
7. Resource Allocation:

 Assign tasks to team members based on their expertise

and availability.

 Avoid overloading team members with multiple tasks that

could lead to delays.
8. Schedule Baseline:

 Establish a baseline schedule that serves as a reference

point for comparison against the actual progress.

 Regularly compare the actual progress against the

baseline to identify any schedule deviations.
9. Change Management Process:

 Implement a change management process to evaluate

and address any requested changes that could impact the
project schedule.

 Assess the potential schedule implications of change

requests before making decisions.
10. Risk Management:

 Anticipate potential risks that could impact the project

schedule and develop contingency plans to mitigate these

 Regularly review and update the risk register to ensure

timely response to emerging risks.
11. Early Warning Indicators:

 Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) that serve as

early warning indicators of potential schedule deviations.

 Monitor these indicators and take proactive measures to

address any deviations promptly.
12. Stakeholder Communication:

 Maintain open communication with stakeholders, keeping

them informed about the project's progress and any
potential schedule adjustments.

 Address any concerns or feedback from stakeholders that

could impact the project timeline.

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Attach: Work Breakdown Structure ☒

Gantt Chart ☒

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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

Section 3: Project budget

Complete this section for each project. If you are completing this for the case study organisation, use the
Simulation Pack information. If you are completing this for your own workplace projects, you will need to
include the information based on this.

PROJECT 1: Include name of the Project

Areas of project spend Task Resource

List all the resources that are
required for the project and Hardware and software Zakary Pineda
that will incur costs. procurement

Remember to include physical Hardware and software Zakary Pineda

resources, as well as human procurement
Software configuration and Dani Chen
user setup

Data migration and backup Assistant Project Manager

Hardware and software Assistant Project Manager


Rollout to all staff Senior IT Project Manager,

Roland Morris

a) Areas of Project Spend:

Task Resource

Website design Dani Chen

Content creation Dani Chen

Video integration Dani Chen

Contact page setup Ben Nguyen

Blog page creation Dani Chen

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Project costs estimation

For each of the items you Project Effort and Duration: The project effort and duration will be
have listed above, include the estimated using the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the PERT
dollar amount. estimation method.
Further, outline when the Areas of Project Spend:
budget for the project will be
received so as to be clear on Cost
cash flow. Task Resource Estimation

Hardware procurement and Zakary

installation Pineda $15,000

Software acquisition and

setup Dani Chen $10,000

Data migration and backup Morris $5,000

Testing of hardware and Roland

software Morris $5,000

User training Senior IT PM $5,000

Rollout to all staff Senior IT PM $500

Contingency - $500

Total Estimated Budget - $40,000

Areas of Project Spend:

Task Resource Cost Estimation

Website design Dani Chen $4,000

Content creation Dani Chen $2,000

Video integration Dani Chen $2,000

Contact page setup Ben Nguyen $1,000

Blog page creation Dani Chen $1,000

Testing and Debugging Dani Chen $500

Rollout and Launch Senior IT PM $500

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Contingency - $500

Total Estimated Budget - $10,000

Budget control Money Topics Start Week Week 2 Week 3 Week 4

Received 1
Document here how you will
ensure that the budget you
have developed is kept to i.e.
budget controls.
List at least three actions that installation
you will take to ensure budget
control. Software
and setup

Money Data $8,000 $5,000 $6,500 $2,000

Spent migration
and backup

Testing of


Total Rollout to all $8,000 $13,000 $19,500 $21,500

Spent staff

Cash Contingency $8,000 -$3,000 $13,000 $19,500


Cash $8,000 $11,000 $24,500 $44,000


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PROJECT 2: Include name of the Project

Areas of project spend PROJECT 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade

List all the resources As project 1
that are required for the
1. Project Overview: The project involves upgrading Boutique Build
project and that will incur
Australia's outdated IT systems and hardware to improve
efficiency and productivity. The focus is on implementing cloud-
Remember to include based applications for remote access, upgrading existing
physical resources, as hardware, and integrating applications for maximum productivity.
well as human
2. Project Methodology: The project will follow a structured
approach based on industry-standard project management
methodologies, with a tailored approach to meet the specific needs
of Boutique Build Australia. The methodology will include initiation,
planning, execution, monitoring and control, and closing phases.
3. Objectives:
Replace outdated IT systems and hardware.
Implement user-friendly and accessible cloud-based applications.
Enable remote access for all staff.
Upgrade hardware to enhance efficiency and productivity.
Integrate applications to maximize operational efficiency.
4. Scope: The scope of the project includes:
Hardware installation and configuration.
Installation of software applications (Xero, Microsoft Office 365
Business Premium, Webroot Secure Anywhere, Dropbox, Wrike).
Setting up user accounts.
Data backup and migration.
Testing of hardware and software.
Rollout and training.
5. Assumptions and Constraints: Assumptions:

 The project budget is fixed at $40,000.

 The selected hardware and software solutions are appropriate for

Boutique Build Australia's needs.

 The project team has the necessary expertise to complete the

6. Constraints:

 The budget is not negotiable.

 All activities must be completed within the allocated budget and


 Limited time for project execution due to the need to set up a

permanent model home.
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7. Deliverables:
Upgraded hardware and software systems.
Functional cloud-based applications.
Configured user accounts.
Backed up and migrated data.
Tested hardware and software solutions.
Completed rollout and training.
8. Roles and Responsibilities:

 Senior IT Project Manager (Student Name): Overall project

management, communication with CEO and Operations Manager
of Boutique Build Australia, monitoring project progress, and
performance management.

 Assistant Project Manager (Roland Morris): Assisting the

project manager, maintaining team focus during meetings,
ensuring project schedule adherence, and escalating difficulties.

 Hardware Specialist (Zakary Pineda): Ordering and acquiring

hardware, hardware configuration, installation, and testing.

 Software Specialist (Dani Chen): Ordering and acquiring

software, software installation, setting up user accounts, software
configuration, and testing.
9. Risk Management Plan:

Likelihoo Severit
Risk d y Treatment/Control Methods

compatibility Mediu Thorough hardware compatibility
issues Possible m testing prior to installation.

integration Mediu Detailed planning and testing of
challenges Likely m software integration.

Backup data, conduct trial

Data migration Mediu migrations, and have rollback
issues Possible m plans.

Conduct training sessions and

Staff resistance communicate benefits of the new
to change Possible Low systems.

Project budget Regular budget tracking and

overrun Possible High adjusting plans if needed.

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Technical issues Mediu Comprehensive testing and

during rollout Likely m contingency plans in place.

Project costs estimation As project 1

For each of the items Project 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade - Project Costs
you have listed above, Estimation:
include the dollar
Accounting Software: Xero - $300 (Software cost)
Office Application: Microsoft Office 365 Business Premium - $150 per
Further, outline when the
user license (Estimated cost for user licenses)
budget for the project
will be received so as to Anti-virus: Webroot Secure Anywhere - $500 (Software cost)
be clear on cash flow. File Management: Dropbox - $300 (Software cost)
Project Management Application: Wrike - $500 (Software cost)
Tablet Devices: Apple iPad 32GB, Wi-Fi and Cellular Connectivity - $350
per device (Estimated cost per device)

Desktop Computers for Customer Service Staff - $800 per unit (Estimated
cost per unit)
New Monitors (Up to 27 inches) for Three Customer Service Officers -
$200 each (Estimated cost per monitor)
New Laptops (No larger than 15 inches) for All Managers - $1200 each
(Estimated cost per laptop)
Total Estimated Project Costs:
Software Costs: $1850
Tablet Devices: $350
Hardware Costs: (Depends on the number of units ordered)

Budget Receipt and Cash Flow:

The budget for the project is $40,000. The full amount will be provided
upfront for the project. This ensures that the project team has the
necessary funds available to execute the project without financial
constraints. The allocation of funds will be planned in a way that allows for
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ICTPMG613 Manage ICT project planning

efficient resource procurement, hardware and software acquisition, and

timely project execution.

Budget control As project 1

Document here how you 1. Project 2: Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade - Budget
will ensure that the Control:
budget you have
Budget control is a critical aspect of project management to ensure
developed is kept to i.e.
that the project stays within the allocated budget. To maintain
budget controls.
budget control for the Boutique Build Australia System Upgrade
List at least three actions project, the following actions will be taken:
that you will take to
2. Detailed Cost Tracking:
ensure budget control.
 Utilize project management tools and software to
accurately track all project-related expenses, including
hardware, software, labor costs, and any unforeseen
expenses that may arise.

 Maintain a comprehensive and up-to-date cost register

that outlines the estimated vs. actual costs for each
component of the project.
3. Regular Financial Reviews:

 Conduct regular financial reviews with the project team

and stakeholders to monitor the expenditure and compare
it against the approved budget.

 Review the financial status of the project at significant

milestones, such as hardware installation, software
implementation, and user acceptance testing.
4. Vendor and Supplier Negotiations:

 Engage in negotiation with vendors and suppliers to obtain

the best possible prices for hardware, software, and other
project-related resources.

 Explore opportunities for bulk purchases or discounts to

optimize the utilization of the allocated budget.
5. Change Management Process:

 Implement a robust change management process to

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assess and manage any requested changes to the project

scope, timeline, or resources that might impact the budget.

 Evaluate the cost implications of change requests and

obtain necessary approvals before proceeding.
6. Contingency Planning:

 Allocate a portion of the budget as a contingency fund to

account for unforeseen events or expenses that might
arise during the project.

 Ensure that the contingency fund is only used for genuine

project-related issues and not for scope creep or
unnecessary expenses.
7. Regular Reporting and Communication:

 Provide regular budget status updates to the project

sponsor, stakeholders, and management to keep them
informed about the financial health of the project.

 Communicate any deviations from the budget along with

recommended actions to mitigate or address these
8. Cost-Effective Resource Management:

 Efficiently allocate and manage resources to minimize

wastage and ensure optimal utilization of resources.

 Monitor the productivity of project team members and

ensure that they are working efficiently towards project
9. Prioritize Essential Items:

 In case of budget constraints, prioritize the implementation

of essential components that directly contribute to the
project's success and postpone non-essential items if

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