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BICD 120 Fall 2008 TA: Abraham Tang

Section: Wednesday 6-6:50PM, York 3000A

OH: by appointment

Week 3 (lecture 7 cont.)

1. What are polyploids?
2. What is the result of meiosis occurring in a haploid cell or any cell with an
odd number ploidy?
3. Why is the hybrid made from two distantly related species sterile?
4. What is the consequence of reproducing fruits as clones such as

Week 4 (lecture 8)
1. How is a triploid and a tetraploid made?
2. What is the difference between an autotetraploid and an allotetraploid?
3. What are transposable elements?
4. What are the two classes of transposable elements and how do they
differ from each other?
5. List a few transposable elements.
6. What are the three common features of Class II transposable elements?
7. What is the difference between autonomous and non-autonomous
transposable elements?
8. Suppose that a transposon inserts itself into the gene for anthocyanin
production. What would be the phenotype of the progeny?
9. How would the normal phenotype be restored?
10. What are possible outcomes of target site duplications?
11. Transposon tagging is a tool used to clone genes. How does this work?

Week 4 (lecture 9)
1. Describe the vascular system, and specifically how xylem and phloem
2. Be able to reproduce the diagrams provided in class about xylem and
3. What is a meristem? There are two different meristems found in plants.
What are they and what are they responsible for?
4. Be able to distinguish between perfect, imperfect, complete, incomplete,
monoecious, dioecious flowers.
5. Be able to understand and apply the ABC model of flower development.

Psalm 103:15 (NKJV)

As for man, his days are like grass;
As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

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