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Chapter 1:General Introduction

ECP4166- Advanced Microprocessors

Tutorial 1
1. What is a von Neumann machine? 2. Describe the MIPS and iCOMP index used for comparing the performance of microprocessors. Why one is considered more broad-based than the other one? 3. Why MIPS is no longer a good indicator of performance for modern microprocessors? 4. List any five major differences between CISC and RISC computers? 5. What is the difference between 8086 and 8088 processors? 6. Suggest reasons why 80386 processor has a great advancement from its predecessor? 7. Which is the first Intel microprocessor with internal mathcoprocessor? 8. Explain what is meant by double-clocked processor like 80486DX2? 9. In which processor the MMX technology was first introduced? What is MMX used for? 10. List five features of a Pentium Processor family

11. What is a multicore processor ? Discuss briefly the single core and dual core processors in the Intel Family of processors ?

Tri 3, 2008-2009, Feb 2009

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