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Route of the eye

The route of the eye starts with the directors name on top, this director is a well-known director and the viewer would be interested in to investing his time on the poster. The eye follows diagonally to the left hand corner where we see a character looking towards the scenario. Finally we see the title of the movie, and a slogan. Below there are little text that gives information.

Hot Spots
The hot spots are where the viewer will see first and here are where important things are placed. Such as the two buildings which seem to be symmetrical. This shows the film is masculine and appeals to the male audience. The gun is also in the hot spots and this is a convention of action films, showing violence and power.

The colour scheme of the magazine is main black, navy blue and white. The subject is wearing black, where a third of the poster is navy sea blue. The centre is very bright, which makes the character stand out and make him look very powerful and important. The text of the title is a transparent red which can symbolise incepting, where you incept in a discrete manner. Whereas the other text are white, whom strongly stands out from the page, therefore making it a hell of a lot easier for the audience to read.

Design and Lay out

The design of the poster is very symmetrical where the figure is almost symmetrical along with the background. The character has been composed to be in the centre which suggests he is the main cast and very important. The capture of the character has been in a low angle shot, which one again makes him look very powerful. The rule of thirds can be applied here. 1/3 sea, 1/3 scenario and 1/3 clouds. The theme of the poster appears to be the end of the world theme which is very appealing to all.

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