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III Business terms discussion and explanation of the following words: Agreement arrangement between two or more people

le or companies Bargain price reduced price Counter-offer offer made in response to an offer by another party Counter-productive having the opposite effect to that intended Figure out to find a solution; estimate the cost Know-how practical knowledge or skill Negotiate discuss a business deal or contract in order to reach an agreement Supply provide customers with goods or services Supplier a person or a company that supplies goods or services ATM Automated Teller Machine (cash dispenser) To be broke without money Currency the money used in a country Owe to be in debt to somebody Withdraw take money from a bank account Employee a person who works for a firm Employer a person/firm that employs people Personnel - staff Agenda a written list of points to be discussed in a meeting Chairperson/chairman/the chair the person who conducts the meeting Minutes a written summary of the proceedings at the meeting

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