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The Old English Heptateuch: Genesis Heafod 1 [On angynne] On angynne gesceop God heofenan and eoran.

2 Seo eore solice ws idel ond mti, ond eostra wron ofer re nywelnysse bradnysse; ond Godes gast ws geferod ofer wteru. 3 God cw a, "Gewure leoht," ond leoht war geworht. 4 God geseah a t hit god ws, ond he todlde t leoht fram am ystrum. 5 Ond het t leoht dg ond a ystru niht: a ws geworden fen ond merigen an dg. 6 God cw a eft, "Gewure nu fstnys tomiddes am wterum ond totwme a wteru fram am wterum." 7 Ond God geworhte a fstnysse, ond totwmde a wteru, a wron under re fstnysse, fram am e wren bufan re fstnysse: hit ws a swa gedon. 8 Ond God het a fstnysse heofenan, ond ws a geworden fen ond mergen oer dg. 9 God a solice cw, "Beon gegaderode a wteru e synd under re heofonan ond teowige drignys." Hit ws a swa gedon. 10 Ond God gecygde a drignysse eoran ond re wtera gegaderunge he het s. God geseah a t hit god ws. 11 Ond he cw, "Sprytte seo eore growende grs ond sd wyrcende ond ppelbre treow wstm wyrcende fter his cynne, s sd sy on him syluum ofer eoran." Hit ws a swa gedon. 12 Ond seo eore forteah growende wyrta ond sd berende be hyre cynne ond treow wstm wyrcende ond gehwilc sd hbbende fter his hiwe. God geseah a t hit god ws.. 13 Ond ws geworden fen ond mergen se ridda dg. 14 God cw a solice, "Beo nu leoht on re heofenan fstnysse, ond todlan dg ond nihte, ond beon to tacnum ond to tidum ond to dagum ond to gearum, 15 ond hi scinon on re heofenan fstnysse ond alihton a eoran." Hit ws a swa geworden. 16 Ond God geworhte twa micele leoht, r mare leoht to s dges lihtinge, ond t lsse leoht to re nihte lihtinge, ond steorran he geworhte. 17 Ond gesette hi on re heofenan, t hi scinon ofer eoran, 18 ond gymdon s dges ond re nihte ond todldon leoht ond ystro. God geseah a t hit god ws. 19 Ond ws geworden fen ond mergen se feora dg. 20 God cw eac swylce, "Teon nu a wteru for swymmende cynn cucu on life ond fleogende cynn ofer eoran under re heofenan fstnysse!" 21 Ond

God gesceop aa miclan hwalas ond eal lybbende fisccyn ond styrigendlice, e a wteru tugon for on heora hiwum, ond eall fleogende cyn fter heora cynne. God geseah a t hit god ws. 22 Ond bletsode hi, us cweende, "Weaxa ond beo gemnifylde, ond gefylla re s wteru, ond a fugelas beon gemnifylde ofer eoran. 23 Ond a ws geworden fen ond merigen se fifta dg. 24 God cw eac swilce, "Lde seo eore for cuce nytena ond heora cynne ond creopende cyn ond deor fter heora hiwum." Hit ws a swa gedon. 25 Ond God a geworhte re eoran deor fter heora hiwum ond a nytenu ond eall creopende cynn on heora cynne. God geseah a t hit god ws. 26 Ond cw, "Uton wyrcan man to anlicnysse ond to ure gelicnysse, ond he sy ofer a fixas ond ofer a fugelas ond ofer a deor ond ofer ealle gesceafta ond ofer ealle creopende, e styria on eoran." 27 God gesceop a man to his anlicnysse, to Godes anlicnysse he gesceop hine; werhades ond wifhades he gesceop hi. 28 Ond God hi bletsode ond cw, "Weaxa ond beo gemenifylde ond gefylla a eoran ond gewylda hi, ond habba on eowrum gewealde re s fixas ond re lyfte fugelas ond ealle nytenu, e styria ofer eoran." 29 God cw a, "Efne ic forgyfe eow eall grs ond wyrta sd berende ofer eoran ond ealle treowa, a e habba sd on him sylfum heora agenes cynnes, t hi beon eow to mete, 30 ond eallum nytenum ond eallum fugelcynne ond eallum am e styria on eoran, on am e is libbende lif, t hi habbon him to gereordigenne." Hit ws a swa gedon. 31 Ond God geseah ealle a ingc e he geworhte ond hi wron swye gode. Ws a geworden fen ond merien se sixta dg. Heafod 2 Eornostlice a wron fulfremode heofonas ond eore ond eall heora frtewung. 2 Ond God a gefylde on one seofoan dg his weorc e he worhte. Ond he gereste hine on one seofoan dg fram eallum am weorcum e he gefremode. 3 Ond God gebletsode one seofoan dg ond hine gehalgode, for an e he on one dg geswac his weorces, e he gesceop to wyrcenne. 4 as synd re heofenan ond ra eoran cneornysse, a a hi gesceapene wron on am dge e God geworhte heofonan eoran, 5 ond

lcne telgor on eoran, r an e he up asprunge on eoran, on eal grs ond wyrta ealles eardes, r an e hi up asprytton. God solice ne sende nnne ren ofer eoran a gyt: ond mann ns, e a eoran worhte. 6 Ac an wyl asprang of re eoran wterigende ealle re eoran bradnysse. 7 God gesceop eornostlice man of re eoran lame, ond on ableow on his ansyne lifes orunge, ond se man ws geworht on libbendre sawle. 8 God a aplantode wynsumne orcerd fram fryme, on am he gelogode one man e he geworhte. 9 God a for ateah of re moldan lces cynnes treow, fger on gesyhe ond to brucenne wynsum, eac swylce lifes treow on middan neorxnawange ond treow ingehydes godes ond yfeles. 10 Ond t flod eode of stowe to stowe re wynsumnysse to wterigenne neorxnawang. t flod is anon todled on feower ean. 11 An ea of am hatte Fison; seo g onbuten t land e is gehaten Euila, r r gold wyx. Ond s landes gold is golda selost; r beo eac gemette a gimstanas dellium ond honynchinus. 12 re ore ea nama is Gion; seo is eac gehaten Nilus: seo ymbg eall ra Silhearwena land. 14 re riddan ea nama is Tygris; seo g ongean a Assyriscan. Seo feore ea is gehaten Eufrates. 15 God genam a one man ond gelogode hine on neorxnawange, t he r wyrcean sceolde ond s begyman. 16 Ond bebd him, us cweende, "Of lcum treowe ises orcerdes u most etan. 17 Solice of am treowe ingehydes godes ond yfeles ne et u; on swa hwylcum dge swa u etst of am treowe, u scealt deae sweltan." 18 God cw eac swylce, "Nis na god isum men ana to wunigenne; uton wyrcean him sumne fultum to his gelicnysse." 19 God solice geldde a nytenu, e he of eoran gesceop, ond re lyfte fugelas to Adame, t he foresceawode hu he hi gecygde. Solice lc libbende nyten, swa swa Adam hit gecygde, swa is his nama. 20 Ond Adam pa genamode ealle nytenu heora naman, ond ealle fugelas ond ealle wildeor. Adam solice ne gemette a gyt nanne fultum his gelican. 21 a sende God slp on Adam, ond a a he slep, a genam he an rib of his sidan, ond gefylde mid flsce r t rib ws. 22 Ond geworhte t rib, e he genam of Adama to anum wifmen ond geldde hi to Adame. 23 Adam a cw, "is is nu ban of minum banum ond flsc of minum flsce;

beo heo geciged fmne, for an e heo is of hyre were genumen." 24 For an forlt se man fder ond modor, ond geeot hine to his wife, ond hi beo buta on anum flsce. 25 Hi wron a buta, Adam ond his wif, nacode ond him s ne sceamode. Heafod 3 [Mancynnes gefall] Eac swylce seo nddre ws geapre onne ealle a ore nytenu e God geworhte ofer eoran. Ond seo nddre cw to am wife: Hwi forbead God eow t ge ne ton of lcon treowe binnan Paradisum? 2 t wif andwyrde, "Of ra treowa wstme e synd on Paradisum we eta; 3 ond of s treowes wstme e is on middan neorxnawange, God bebead us, t we ne ton, ne we t treow ne hrepodon i ls we swelton." 4 a cw seo ndre eft to am wife, "Ne beo ge nateshwon deade, eah e ge of am treowe eton. 5 Ac God wat solice t eowre eagan beo geopenode on swa hwylcum dge swa ge eta of am treowe, ond ge beo onne englum gelice, witende ger ge god ge yfel." 6 a geseah t wif t t treow ws god to etenne, be am e hyre uhte, ond wlitig on eagum ond lustbre on gesyhe, ond genam a of s trewoes wstme ond get ond sealde hyre were: he t a. 7 Ond heora begra eagan wurden geopenode; hi oncneowon a t hi nacode wron, sywodon him ficleaf, ond worhton him wdbrec. 8 Eft a a God com, ond hi gehyrdon his stemne r he eode on neorxnawange ofer midne dg, a behydde Adam hine, ond his wif eac swa dyde, fram Godes gesihe on middam am treowe neorxnanwonges. 9 God clypode a Adam, ond cw "Adam, hwr eart u?" 10 He cw, "ine stemne ic gehire, leof, on neorxnawange, ond ic ondrde me, for am e ic eom nacod, ond ic behyde me." 11 God cw, "Hwa sde e t u nacod wre, gyf u ne te of am treowe e ic e bebead t u ne te?" 12 Adam cw, "t wif e u me forgeafe to geferan, sealde me of am treowe, ond ic tt." 13 God cw to am wife, "Hwi dydestu t? Heo cw, "Seo ndre bephte me ond ic tt." 14 God cw to re nddran, "For an e u is dydest, u bist awyrged betweox eallum nytenum ond wildeorum: u gst on inum breoste

ond etst a eoran eallum dagum ines lifes. 15 Ic sette feondrdene betwux e ond am wife ond inum ofspringe ond hire ofspringe; heo tobrytt in heafod ond u syrwst ongean hire ho." 16 To am wife cw God eac swylce, " Ic gemnifylde ine yrma ond ine geeacnunga; on sarnysse u ancenst cild, ond u bist under weres anwealde ond he gewylt e." 17 To Adame he cw, "For an e u gehyrdes ines wifes stemne, ond u te of am treowe e ic e bebead t u ne te, is seo eore awyrged on inum weorce: on geswyncum u etst of re eoran eallum dagum ines lifes. 18 ornas ond bremelas heo aspryt e, ond u ytst re eoran wyrta. 19 On swate ines andwlitan u brycst ines hlafes, o t u gewende to eoran of re e u genumen wre, for an e u eart dust ond to duste gewyrst." 20 a gesceop Adam naman his wife, Eua, t is lif, for an e heo is ealra libbendra modor. 21 God worhte eac Adame ond his wife fellene reaf ond gescrydde hi. 22 Ond cw, "Nu Adam can yfel ond god, swa swa ure sum, e ls he astrecce his hand ond nime eac swylce of lifes treowe ond ete ond libbe on ecnysse." 23 Adrfde hine a of neorxnawange, t he a eoran worhte ond him ron tilode, of re e he genumen ws. 24 a a he adrfed ws of neorxnawanges myrhe, a gesette God t am infre engla hyrdrdene ond fyren swurd to gehealdenne one weg to am lifes treowe Heafod 4 [Cain ond Abel] Adam solice fter isum breac his wiues, ond heo eacnode ond acende Cain, ond cw, "Ic fde mannan urh God." 2 Eft heo acende his broor Abel. Abel ws a sciephirde, ond Cain hirling. 3 Hit ws a fter manegum dagum t Cain ofrode Gode lac of re eoran wstmum. 4 Ond Abel ofrode of am frumcnnedum sceapum his heowodum ond of hire ftnesse. a beseah God to Abele ond to his lacum 5 ond ne beseah to Caine ne

to his lacum. a hirsode Cain earle ond his newlite tfeol. 6 Ond Drihten cw to Caine, "Hwi eart u yrre ond hwi tfeol in ansin? 7 Gif u god dest, hit e bi mid gode forgolden; gif u onne yfel dest rrihte bi eo syn t am ingange, ac his gewilnung bi under e ond u wylst hine." 8 Cain cw a to Abele his broer, "Uton gan ut on feld." a hi ut agane wron, a yrsode Cain wi his broor Abel, ond ofsloh hine. 9 a cw Drihten to Caine, "Hwr is Abel in broor?" a andswarode he ond cw, "Ic nat. Eom ic mines broor hyrde?" 10 God cw to him, "La, hwt dydest u? Seo stemn ines broor blodes clipo to me of eoran. 11 Nu u bist awyrged ofer eoran, eo e oponode hire mu ond underfeng ines broor blod of inre handa. 12 onne u tilast in on eoran, ne syl heo e nane wstmas; woriende ond flyma u bist ofer eoran." 13 Cain cw to Gode, "Mare is min unryhtwisnyss onne ic mage milstunge geearnian. 14 Nu todg u me aflymst ond ic me behyde fram inre ansyne, ond ic worige ond beo aflymed geond ealle eoran: lc ra e me gemett me ofslyh." 15 God cw a to him, "Ne bi hit nateshwon swa, ac swa hwa swa ofslih Cain, bi gewitnod beo seofonfealdum. Ond God him sealde tacn t nan ra e hine gemette hine ne ofsloge. 16 Cain eode fram Drihtnes ansyne ond he wunode flyma on am eastdle s landes, e is genemned Eden. 17 Cain breadc his wiues ond heo geacnode ond acende Enoh. Cain a geworhte him ane burh ond genamode a burh be his sune Enoh. 18 Witodlice Enoh gestrynde Irad, Irad gestrynde Mauiehel. Mauihel gestrynde Matusahel, ond Matusahel gestrynde Lamech. 19 Witodlice Lamech nam twa wif; oer ws genemned Ada, oer Sella. 20 a acende Ada Iabel, e ws fder e wunedon on geteldum, and hirda 21 His broor hatte Iubal, e ws fder hearpera ond ra e organan macodan. 22 at oer wif Sella acende Tubalcain, e ws sclecgwirhta, ond smi on eallum weorcum res ond ysenes. His swistor hatte Nohema. 23 Lameh cw a to his wiuum, Ada ond Sella, "Gehyra myne stemne, Lameh wif, hlista mine sprce for an e ic osloh wer on minre wunde ond iunglincg on minum handan.


Seofonfeald wracu bi geseald for Cain ond hundseofontigseofonfeald for Lamec. 25 Eft Adam solice briac his wiues, one heo acende sunu ond gecigde hine Seth, us cweende, "God forgeaf me oerne ofspring for Abel, one Cain ofsloh. 26 Eac swilce a Seth ws sunu acened, one he het Enos: es ongan to clipienne Godes naman Heafod 5 [Fram Adam o Noah] is his seo boc Adames mgrace: on one dg, e God gesceop man, to Godes gelicnesse he geworhte hine. 2 Wer ond wif gesceop hii ond gebletsode hi ond het his naman Adam on am dge e hi gesceapene wron. 3 Adam solice leofode hunteonti geare ond ritti geare ond gestrinde sunu to his gelicnesse on anlycnysse on het hine Seth. 4 a wron Adames dages sian he gestrinde Seth viii hund geara, ond he strind suna ond dohtra. 5 Ws a geworden eal e tim e Adam leofode nigon hund geara ond xxx geare; ond he a forferde. 6 Seth leofode fif ond hundteontig geara ond gestrinde Enos. 7 He lyfede seen he gestrinde Enos viii hund geare ond seofon gear ond gestrynde sunu ond dohtra. 8 Wron a gewordene ealle Sethes dagas ix hund geare ond xii gear, ond he forferde. 9 Enos solice leofode hundnygontyg geare, ond he gestrynde Cainan. 10 fter es upspringe, he leofode viii hund geare ond xv gear, ond gestrinde suna ond dohtra. 11 Wron a gewordene ealle Enoses dagas ix hund gear ond v gear: he forferde. 12 Cainan lyfode hundsefontig geare ond gestrinde Malaleel. 13 He lefede sian he gestrinde Malaleel viii hund geara, ond gestrynde sunu ond dohtra. 14 Wron a gewordene ealle Cainanes dagas ix hund geare ond x gear, ond he forferde. 15 Malaleel leofode v ond sixti geare ond gestrinde Iared. 16 He lifode sian he gestrinde Iared viii hund geare ond xxx geare ond gestrinde sunu ond dohtra. 17 Wron a geworden ealle Maleleelas dagas viii hund geare ond v ond hundnigontig geare ond he forferde. 18 Iared leofode hundteonti geare ond twa ond sixti ond gestrinde Enoh. 19 He leofede sian he gestrinde Enohc viii hund geare ond gestrinde sune ond dohtra. 20 Wron a gewordene ealle Iaredes dagas ix hund geara ond twa ond syxti, ond he forferde. 21 Witodlice Enohc lyfode v ond sixti geare, ond gestrinde Matusalam. 22 Ond Enoch ferde mid

Gode. Heo leofode sian he gestrinde Matusalam iii hund geare ond gestrynde sune ond dohtra. 23 Wron a gewordene ealla Enoches dagas iii hund geare ond v ond syxti geare. 24 Ond he ne forferde na, ac ferde mid Gode ond ns gesewen sian mid mannum, for an God hine genam. 25 Matusala a leofode hundteontig geara ond seofon ond hundeahtatig geare ond gestrinde Lamech. 26 He leofode sian he gestrinde Lamech vii hund geare ond ii ond hundeahtatig geare ond gestrinde suna ond dohtra. 27 Wron a gewordene ealle Matusalames dagas ix hund geare ond ix ond sixty geare, ond he forferde. 28 Lamech a leofode hundteontig geare ond ii ond hundeahtatig geare, ond he gestrynde sunu. 29 Ond gecigde hine Noe, ond cw, "es gefrefra us fram weorcum ond geswincum ure handan ofer eoran, e God awirigde." 30 Lamech leofode a, sian he gestrinde Noe, v hund geare ond v hundnigontig geare ond gestrinde sunu ond dohtra. 31 Wron a gewordene ealla Lameches dagas vii hund geare ond vii ond hundseofontig, ond he forferde. 32 Noe solice a a he ws v hund geare eald, a gestrinde he ry sunus, Sem, Cam, ond Iaphe. Heafod 6 [Se Flod] Men wurdon a gemenifgylde ofer eoran ond dohtra gestryndon. 2 a gesawon Godes bearn, t wron gode men, manna dohtra t hi wron wlitige, ond namon him wif of eallum am e hi gecuron. 3 Ond God cw a, "Ne urhwuna na min gast on men on ecnysse, for an e he is flsc. [omitted: heora dagas belifa hundteontig ond twenti gearas.]" 4 Entas wron wron eac swylce ofer eoran on am dagum, fter an e Godes bearn tymdon wi manna dohtra ond hi cendon: a synd mihtige fram worulde ond hlisfulle weras. 5 a geseah God t micel yfelnys manna ws ofer eoran, ond eal geanc manna heortena ws awend on yfel on eallum timan. 6 Gode ofuhte a t he mann geworhte ofer eoran: he wolde a warnian on r ond ws gehrepod mid heortan sarnysse wiinnan. 7 Ond cw, "Ic adylgie one man, e ic gesceop, fram re eoran ansyne, fram am men o a nytenu, fram am slincendum o a fugelas: me ofing solice t ic hi worhte." 8 Noe solice ws Gode gecweme, ond gyfe tforan him gemette. 9 as synd Noes cneornyssa: Noe ws rihtwis wer ond fulfremed on his mgum; mid Gode he ferde.


Ond gestrynde ry sunaSem ond Cham ond Iaphet. 11 a ws eall seo eore gewemmed tforan Gode ond afylled mid unrihtwisnysse. 12 a geseah God t seo eore ws gewemmed, for an e lc flsc gewemde his weg ofer eoran. 13 Ond God cw a to Noe, "Geendung ealles flsces com tforan me; seo eore is afylled mid unrihtwisnysse fram heora ansyne, ond ic fordo hi mid re eoran samod. 14 Wyrc e nu anne arc of aheawenum bordum ond u wyrcst wununga binnan am arce ond clmst wiinnan ond wiutan mid tyrwan. 15 Ond u wyrcst hine us: reohund fma bi se arc on lenge ond fiftig fma on brde, ond ritig on heahnysse. 16 u wyrcst ron egyrl ond u tihst his heahnysse togdre on ufeweardum to anre fme; duru u setst be re sidan wineoan, ond u macast reo fleringa binnan am arce. 17 Efne ic gebringe flodes wteru ofer eoran, t ic ofslea eall flsc on am e is lifes gast under heofonum: ealle a ing e on eoran synd beo fornumene. 18 Ic sette min wedd to e, ond u gst in to am arce, ond ine suna, ond in wif ond inra suna wif mid e. 19 Ond of eallum nytenum ealles flsces twegen gemacan u ltst in to am arce mid e, t hi libban magon. 20 Eac of fugelum be heora cynne, ond of eallum orfcynne, ond of eallum creopendum cynne twam ond twam faran in mid e, t hi magon libban. 21 u nimst witodlice of eallum mettum, e to mete magon, in to e, t hi beon ger ge e ge him to bigleofan." 22 Noe solice dyde alle a ing, e him God bebead. Heafod 7 And God cw to him, "Gang in to am arce ond eal in hiwrden, e ic geseah solice rihtwisne tforan me on isre mge. 2 Nim in to e of eallum clnum nytenum seofan ond seofan gres gecyndes ond of unclnum twam ond twam. 3 Ond of fugelcynne seofan ond seofan gres gecyndes, ond sd si gehealden ofer ealre eoran bradnysse! 4 Ic solice sende ren nu embe seofan niht ofer eoran feowertig daga ond feowertig nihta togdere ond ic adylegie ealle a edwiste, e ic worhte ofer eoran bradnysse." 5 Noe a dyde ealle a ingc e him God bebead. 6 Ond he ws a sixhund geara on ylde, a a s flodes wteru yedon ofer eoran. 7 Hwt a Noe eode in to am arce, ond his ry suna ond his wif ond his suna wif, for s flodes wterum. 8 Eac swylce a nytenu of eallum cynne ond eallum fugolcynne [omitted: ond of eallum creopendum

cynne], 9 comon to Noe in to am arce, swa swa God bebead. 10 a on am eohtoan dge, a a hi inne wron ond God hi belocen fde wiutan, a yode t flod ofer eoran. 11 On am orum mone, on one seofonteoan dg s mones, a asprungon ealle wyllspringas re miclan nywelnysse ond re heofenan wtereotan wron geopenode. 12 Ond hit rinde a ofer eoran feowertig daga ond feowertig nihta on an. 17 Ws a geworden micel flod ond a wteru wron gemenifylde ond ahefd on up one arc. 18 Ond yodon swye ond gefyldon re eoran bradnysse: witodlice se arc ws geferod ofer a wteru. 19 Ond t wter swyrode swylce ofer eoran; wurdon a behelede ealle a heahstan duna under ealre heofenan. 20 Ond t wter ws fyftyne fma deop ofer a heahstan duna. 21 Wear a fornumen eal flsc e ofer eoran styrode, manna ond fugela, nytena ond creopendra. 22 Ond lc ingc e lif hfde wear adyd on on am deopan flode, 23 buton am anum e binnan am arce wron. 24 t flod stod a swa anhund daga ond fiftig daga. Heafod 8 Ond God a gemunde Noes fare ond ra nytena e him mid wron, ond asende wind ofer eoran, ond a wteru wurden gewanode. 2 Ond a wylspringas re miclan nywelnysse wurdon fordytte ond re heofonan wtereotan, ond se ren wear forboden. 3 a wteru a gecyrdon of re eoran ongean farende ond begunnon to wanigenne fter oer healfhund daga. 4 a tstod se arc on am seofoan mone [omitted: on seofoan dge] ofer a muntas Armenisces landes. 5 Ond a wteru toeodan ond wanodon of one teoanmon, on on am teoan mone teowedon ra munta cnollas. 6 a fter feowertigum dagum undyde Noe his eahyrl, e he on am arce gemacode, 7 ond asende ut nne hremn: se hrem fleah a ut ond nolde eft ongean cyrran, r an e a wteru adruwodon ofer eoran. 8 He asende a eft ut ane culfran, t heo sceawode gyf a wtera agyt geswicon ofer re eoran bradnysse. 9 Heo a fleah ut ond ne mihte findan hwr heo hire fot asette, for an e a wtera wron ofer ealle eoran; ond he gecyrde ongean to Noe, ond he genam hi in to am arce. 10 He abad a gyt ore seofan dagas ond asende ut eft culfran. 11 Heo com a on fnunge eft to Noe, ond brohte an twig of anum elebeame mid grenum

leafum on hyre mue. a undergeat Noe t a wtera wron adruwode ofer eoran. 12 Ond abad swa eah seofan dagas ond asende ut culfran; swa heo ne gecyrde ongean to him. 13 a geopenode Noe s arces hrof, ond beheold ut ond geseah t re eoran bradnis ws adruwod. [omitted: 14 On seofon ond twenteoan dge s twegdan mones ws seo eore eall adruwode.] 15 God a sprc to Noe, us cweende, "Gang ut of am arce, u ond in wif ond ine suna ond heora wif. 17 ond eal t r inne is mid e, ld ut mid e ofer eoran, ond weaxe ge ond beo gemnifylde ofer eoran." 18 Noe a uteode of am arce, [omitted: ond his suna ond his wif ond his suna wif mid him. 19 Ealle a nytena ond creopenda ond fugolas, ealle e ofer eoran styria, comon ut of am arce, ealle be heora cynne.] 20 Ond he arrde on weofod Gode, ond genam of eallum am clnum nytenum ond clnum fugelum, ond geoffrode Gode lac on am weofode. 21 God a underfeng his lac on re winumnysse br, ond cw him to, "Nelle ic nateshwon awyrgean a eoran heononfor for mannum; andgyt ond geoht menniscre heortan syndon forhealde to yfele fram iugoe. Eornostlice ne ofslea ic heononfor mid wtere lc ingc cuces, swa swa ic dyde. 22 Eallum dagum re eoran, sd ond gerip, cyle ond hte, sumor ond winter, dg ond niht ne geswica. Heafod 9 [Godes wed mid Noe] God bletsode a Noe ond his suna, ond cw him to, "Weaxa ond beo gemenifylde ond afylla a eoran! 2 Ond beo eower ege ond oga ofer ealle nytenu ond fugelas ond ofer ealle a ingc e on eoran styria. Ealle sfixas syndon eowrum handum bethte. 3 Ond eal t e styra ond leofa beo eow to mete, swa swa growende wyrta ic hi betce ealle eow. 4 "Butan am anum t ge flsc mid blode ne eton. 5 Eorwer blod ic ofgange t eallum wildeorum ond eac t am men; of s weres handa ond his broor handa ic ofgange s mannes lif. 6 Swa hwa swa agyt s mannes blod, his blod by agoten; witodlice to Godes anlicnysse is se man geworht.

Weaxe ge nu ond beo gemnifylde ond ga ofer eoran ond gefylla hi." 8 God cw eft to Noe ond to his sunum, 9 "Efne nu ic sette min wed to eow ond to eowrum ofspringe. 10 Ond to eallum libbendum nytenum e of am arce eodon 11 t ic nateshwon nelle heononfor eal flsc adydon mid flodes wterum; ne heononfor ne bi flod tosencende a eoran. 12 "is bi t tacn mines weddes t ic do betwux me ond eow ond eallum libbendum nytenum on ecum mgum, 13 t is, t ic sette minne renbogan on wolcnum, ond he by tacn mines weddes betwux me ond re eoran. 14 onne ic oferteo heofonan mid wolcnum, onne tweowa min boga on am wolcnum, 15 ond ic beo gemyndig mines weddes wi eow, t heononfor ne by flod to adylgienne eall flsc. 16 Bi onne se min renboga on am wolcnum ond ic hine geseo ond beo gemyndig s ecean weddes, e geset is betwux Gode ond eallum libbendum flsce, e ofer eoran is. 17 "is by t tacn mines weddes t ic gesette betwux me ond eallum flsce ofer eoran." [Noes Suna] 18 Wron a Noes suna e of am arce eodan: Sem ond Cham ond Iaphet; ond Cham witodlice is fder re Chananeiscre eode. 19 Ond of isum rym Noes sunum is tosawen eall mancyn ofer eoran. 20 Noe a yrlinge began to wyrcenne t land ond gesette him wingeard. 21 Ond a a he dranc of am wine, a wear he druncen ond lg on his getelde unbehelod. 22 His sunu a, Cham, [omitted: Chananes fder] geseah his gesceapu unbeheled, ond cydde hit his twam gebrorum ut on felda. 23 Hwt, a Sem ond Iapheth dydon anne hwitel on heora sculdrum, ond eodon underbc ond beheledon heora fderes gecynd, swa t hi ne gesawon his ncednysse. 24 Noe solice a a he awoc of am slpe, ond he ofaxode hwt his suna him dydon, 25 a cw he, "Awyrged is Chanaan, ond he by eowena eowa his gebrorum." 26 Ond he cw, "Gebletsod is Drihten, Semes God; beo Chanaan his eowa. 27 Gemnifylde God Iaphe, ond he wunie on Semes geteldum, ond be Chanaan his eowa. 28 Noe a leofode reohund geara ond fiftig geara fter am flode. 29 Ond wron a gefyllede ealle his dagas nygonhund geara ond fiftig geara, ond he forferde.


Heafod 10 [Folca list] is is seo mgracu Noe sunes Sem ond Cham ond Iafees. [Iafees sunas] 2 Ond Iafees sunas wron as: Gomer ond Magog, Mada ond Iaban, Tubal ond Moshoh ond Thyras. 3 [corrupted: Gomers sunas wron Ascenes ond Riphath ond Togorma. 4 Ond Iabans sunas wron Elisa ond Tarsis ond Cethim ond Rodanim.] 5 Ond fram isum synd todlede eoda hilnd on heora ricum angehwilc fter his gereorde ond fter his hiwrdene on his cynne. [Cames sunas] 6 Cames suna wron as: Chus ond Mesraim, Futh ond Canaan. 7 Se Chus gestrunde [corrupted: Saba ond Hefila ond Sabatha ond Regma ond Sabatacha.] Chuses suna Remgma gestrynde ii sunu, Sabba ond Dadan. 8 An re ws Nenroth; e Nemroth ws mihtig on eoran 9 ond strang hunta tforan Gode. Be am ws gecweden bigword, swa swa Nemroth strang hunta tforan Gode. 10 His rices angin ws Babilon ond Arah, ond Archat ond Cahanne on am lande Sennar. 11 Of am lande ferde Asur, ond getimbrode a buruh Niniuen [corrupted: ond Rehoboth Ir]. Ore burh he getimbrode eac, e hatte Chale. 12 a riddan burh e he arrde het Reson, betwux Niniuen ond Cale. 13 Mesraim, Cames oer sunu, gestrynde six suna [omitted: Ludim, ond Anamim ond Laabim ond Nephtuim, 14 ond Phetrusim ond Chasluim] of am comon a Philistei ond seo mg Capturym. 15 Canaan, Cames sunu, gestrynde xi suna, [omitted: Sidonem his frumcennedan sunu, ond Hethum, 16 ond Iebusum, ond Amorrhum, ond Gergesum, 17 ond Heuum, ond Aracum, ond Sinum, 18 ond Aradium, ond Samarum, ond Amathuum]. [corrupted: Eft a Cananeysra eoda wron forsceaden] 19 ond heora landgemre wron fram Sidon ie o a burh Gaza ond to am burhgum Sodoma ond Gomorra, ond swa for to Bethaman ond Seboim o Lesa. 20 a sind Cames sunu on heora yerdum ond gereordum mgum ond landum ond eodum. [Semes sunas] 21 [omitted: Seme wron eac suna acenned. His yldra broor ws Iafe. Sem ws eallra Heberes suna fder.]

Sem gestrynde fif sunu, Elam, Asur, Arfaxad ond Ludim ond Aram. 23 Aram gestrynde iiii sunus, [omitted: Us ond Hul ond Gether ond Mes]. 24 Arfaxa gestrynde Salem of am asprang Heber. 25 am Heber wron acenned ii sunu; e an hatte Faleh, for am e on his dagum ws se eora todled, ond his broor hatte Iectan. 26 e Iectan gestrynde xiii. sune, [omitted: Elmodad ond Saleph ond Asarmoth ond Iare, 27 ond Aduram ond Usal ond Decla, 28 ond Ebal ond Abimael ond Saba, 29 ond Ophir ond Hefila ond Iobab. Eall es wron suna Iectannes]. 30 Ond he ws on eastdle wi one munt Sefar. 31 is sunde Semes sunus fter heora mgum ond gereordum ond hieardum on heora eodum. 32 is is Noes hiwredne fter heora folcum ond eodum: fram issum is todlede eoda on eoran fter am flode. Heafod 11 [Babeles stypel] Ws a an gereord on eoran, ond heora ealre an sprc. 2 Hi ferdon fram eastdele o t hi comon to anum felde on am lande Sennar, ond er wunedon. 3 a cwdon hi him betwynan, "Uton wyrcean us tigelan ond lan hi on fyre." Witodlice hi hfdon tigelan for stan ond tyrwan for weall-lim. 4 Ond cwdon, "Cuma ond utan wircan us ane burh ond nne stypel swa heahne t his rof atille a heofonan, ond uton mrsian urne namon, r an we beon todlede to eallum landum." 5 God a nyer astah, t he gesega a burh ond one stypel e Adames sunus getimbroden. 6 God cw a, "Efne is his an folc ond gereord him ealum, ond hi ongunnon is to wircenne; ne hi ne geswica heora geohta, r an e hi mid worce hi gefyllan. Cuma nu eornostlice ond uton nier astigan ond heora gereord er towendon, t heora nan ne tocnawe his nextan stemne." 8 Ond God a hi todlde swa of re stowe to eallum landum, ond hi geswicon to wyrcenne a buruh. 9 Ond for i ws seo burh gehaten Babel, for an e r ws todled t gereord ealre eoran. God a hi sende anon ofer bradnesse ealra eoran. [Semes mga] 10 as synd Semes mga. Sem, a a he ws anhund geare, a gestrynde he Arfaxat twam gearum fter am flode. 11 Ond he lyfode syon v hund geare, ond gestrynde sunu ond dohtra.


Arfaxa a lyfode vxxx geare, ond gestrunde Sale. 13 He leofode sian he strynde Sale iiii hund geare ond iiii geare, ond gestrynde sunu ond dohtra. 14 Sale eac leofode xxx geare, ond gestrunde Heber. 15 He leofode sian he gestrunde Heber iiiic ond iiii gear, ond gestrunde sunus ond dohtra. 16 Heber leofode iiii ond xxx geara, ond gestrynde Faleh. 17 He leofode sian he gestrinde Faleg iiii hund geare ond xxx geare, ond gestrinde sunu ond dohtra. 18 [omitted: Faleg eac leofode xxx geara, ond] gestrunde Reu. 19 He leofoda, sian he gestrinde Reu, ii hund geare ond ix geare. 20 Reu solice lifode ii ond xxx geare ond gestrinde Saruh. 21 He lifode sian he gestrinde Saruh iic geare ond vii gear, ond gestrunde sunu ond dohtra. 22 Saruh solice leofode xxx geare ond gestrinde Nachor. 23 He leofode sian he gestrinde Nachor iic geare, ond gestrinde sunu ond dohtra. 24 Nachor a leofode xxx geare, ond he gestrinde Thare. 25 He leofode sian he gestrinde Thare ic geare, ond ixx geare, ond gestrinde sunu ond dohtra. 26 Thare leofode hundseofontig geare, ond gestrinde Abram ond Nachor ond Aran. 27 is is Thares cynryn. are gestrynde Abram ond Nachor ond Aran. Witodlice Aran gestrynde Lot. 28 Aran forferde r an e Thare his fder [omitted: on am lande r he ws acenned] on Ur Chaldea. 29 Abram ond Nachor wifedon. Abrames wif hatte Sarai, ond Nachores wif hatte Melcha, Aranes dohter, ond hire swister hatte Iesah. 30 Sarai ws untymende, nfde heo nan bearn. 31 Hwt, a Thare genam his tweigen sunu mid heora twam wifum, ond Loth, his sune suna, ond geldde hig of are Chaldeiscre Hur t hi ferdon to Chanaan lande. Hi foron o hi comon to Aran, ond hi wunodan r. 32 a wron gewordene Tares dagas twa hund geare ond fif gear, ond he forferde on Aran. Heafod 12 [lfric: Her swutela s lmihtigan Godes mildheortnysse ond hys wundra, hu he Abraham geceas ond hys bletsunga him sealde ond his ofspringe.] [Abrames gebannung] God cw a to Abrame, "Far of inum lande ond of inre mge ond of ines fder huse, ond cum to am lande e ic e geswutelige. 2 "Ond ic macige e mycelre mge ond e gebletsige ond inne naman ic gemrsige, ond u byst gebletsod.

"Ic gebletsige a e e bletsia, ond ic awyrige a e e wyria, ond on e beo gebletsode ealre eoran mga." 4 Abram a ferde of Aran, swa swa God him bead, ond Loth ferde mid him. [omitted: Abram a leofode v ond lxx geare geare a he ferde.] 5 [omitted: Mid his wife Sarai, ond mid Loth, ond] mid ealre fare ond mid eallum htum, o t hi comon to am lande Chanaan. 6 Ond Abram sceawode t land, [omitted: o am heahtreowe t Morech t Sichem] ond a gemru: Chananeus ws a on lande 7 God a geswutelode hyne sylfne Abrame, ond cw him to, "inum ofspringe ic forgyfe is land." Hwt, a Abram arrde r an weofod Gode, e him teowde. 8 Ond ferde syan to am munte be eastan Bethel, be westan Hai, ond r gesloh hys geteld ond arrde r an weofod Gode, ond hys naman r clypode. 9 anon he ferde eft to am sudle s landes. [Abram on Egypta lande] 10 Ond hyt wear a mycel hungorgear on am lande. Abram a ferde to Egypta lande, wolde r an leodninysse anbidian, for an e se hunger earle swyrode. 11 Mid am e hi wron gehende Egypta lande, a cw Abram to hys wife, "Ic wat t u eart wlitig on hiwe. 12 ond onne a Egyptiscean e geseo, onne cwea hi t u min wif sy, ond hi ofslea me ond e healda. 13 Sege nu, ic e bidde, t u min swuster sy, t me wel sy for e, ond min sawel lybbe for inum intingan." 14 Hi comon a to Egypta lande, ond a Egyptiscean gesawon t t wif ws swye wlitig. 15 Ond s cyninges ealdormen spcon be hyre wlite to am cyninge Farao, ond heredon hi beforan him. t wif wear a gelht ond geldd to am cyninge. 16 Ond Abram underfeng fela sceatta for hyre: he hfda a on orfe ond on eowum, on olfendum ond on assum mycele hta. 17 God solice beswang Farao one cyning mid am mstum witum ond ealne hys hired for Sarai, Abrames wife. 18 Farao a het clypian Abram, ond cw him to, "Hwt la, hwi dydest u swa wi me? Hwi noldest u secgan t heo in wif ys? 19 For hwylcon intingan sdest u t heo in swustor wre? Efne nu her ys in wif: nim hig and far e aweg." 20 Abram a ferde of Egypta lande [omitted: mid his wife, ond] mid ealre hys fare, ond Farao se cyning him funde ladmen. Heafod 13

[Abram ond Loth getwman] [omitted: y Abram a ferde of Egypta lande] o t hi comon to sudle, [omitted: mid his wife] ond Loth ferde for mid him. [2 displaced: Abram solice ws swye welig on golde ond on seolfre ond on orfe ond on geteldum.] [omitted: 3 He ferde fram sudle, ond ferde fram stowe to stowe o t he com to Bethel,] betwux Bethel ond Hai, [r his geteld r ws,] 4 to re stowe e he t weofod r arrde, ond gebd hyne r to Gode. [corrupted: 5 Hwt, a Loth mid Abram ferde, ond he hfde heorda, ond drafa ond geteld.] 6 Swa t t land ne mihte aberan t hi begen, he ond Loth, tgdere wunedon; heora hta wron menigfealde ond ne mihton wunian tgdere. 7 Wear eac urh one intingan ascu betwux Abrames hyrdemannum ond Lothes. On re tide wunedon Chananeus ond Ferezeus on am lande. 8 Abram a cw to Lothe, "Ic bidde t nan sacu ne sy betwux me ond e, ne betwux minum hyrdum ond inum hyrdum; wyt synd gebroru. 9 Efne nu eall seo eore li tforan e: ic bidde, far fram me. Gyf u frst to re wynstran healfe, ic healde a swyran healfe. Gyf u onne a swyran healfe gecyst, ic fare to re wynstran healfe." 10 Loth a beheold geond eall, ond geseah t eall se eard wi a ea Iordanen ws myrge mid wtere gemenged, swa swa Godes neorxnawang, ond swa swa Egypta land becumendum to Segor, r an e God towende a burga Sodomam ond Gomorram. 11 Loth a geceas him one eard wi Iordanen ond ferde fram eastdle, ond hi wurdon totwmede heora ger fram hys breer. 12 Abram eardode a on am lande Chanaan; Loth solice wunode on am fstenum e wron embe Iordanen, ond he eardode on re byrig Sodoma. 13 a Sodomitiscan men wron a forcuostan ond swye synfulle tforan Gode. 14 God cw a to Abrame, fter an e Loth ws totwmed him fram, "Aheffe upp ine eagan ond beheald fram re stowe e u on stenst to nordle, ond to sudle, ond to eastdle, ond to westdle. 15 Eal is land e u gesyxt, ic forgyfe e ond inum ofsprincge on ecnysse. 16 Ond ic do inne ofsprincg swa menigfealdne swa swa re eoran dust. Gyf nig man mg geriman re eoran dust, onne mg he eac swylce geriman inne ofspring. 17 Aris nu, ond far geond is land on lencge ond brde, for an e ic hyt e forgyfe." 18 Abram a eornostlice astyrode hys geteld, ond com ond eardode wi one dene Mambre, t e ys on Ebron, ond r arrde weofod Gode.

Heafod 14 [Abram nerie Lo] Hyt gelamp a on re tide t a cyningas wunon him betwynan, [Amraphel Sennaares cyning, ond Arioch Pontes cyning, ond Chodorlahomor Elamitara cyning, ond Thadal Goiimes cyning,] 2 o t hi comon to gefeohte [wi Bera Sodomes cyninge, ond Birsha Gomorrahes cyninge, ond Sinab Admahes cyninge, ond Semeber Seboiimes cyninge, ond Belan cyninge, t is Soares cyning. 3 Eall issa cyningas forbundon hi on Siddimes dene, r t saltflot ys. 4 Twelf geara wron hi Chodorlahomor undereodas gewesen, ac on am xiii geare hi arison him ongegn. 5 On am xiiii geare a ferdon Chodorlahomor ond a cyningas e him mid forbunden wron ond oferwunnon a Rephaitas on Astero Karnaime, ond a Susitas on Hame, a Emitas on Safe Kiriaaime, 6 ond a Horitas on dunlande e hatte Sr, geond El Parane be am ande. 7 a wendon hi underbc ond eodon to En Mispat, t ys Kadesc, ond hi oferwunnon eall t land ara Amalekitas, ond ara Amorita e on Haseson Tamare eardodon. 8 a ferdon Sodomes cyning ond Gomorrahes cyning ond Admahes cyning ond Seboiimes cyning ond Belan cyning, t is Soares cyning, ut on gefeohte and trymodon him on Siddimes dene 9 wi Chodorlahomore Elamitara cyninge, ond Thadalle Goiimes cyninge, ond Amraphel Sennaares cyninge ond Arioch Pontes cyninge,] iiii cyningas wi v cyningas, o t hi comon to gefeohte. [10 Hwt, Siddimes dene hfde menigu teoruhol, ond onne a cyningas Sodomes ond Gomorrahes flugon, a feollon heora geferan sume, ond ore] flugon afyrhte to muntum. 11 a namon a [feowran] sigefstan cyningas sona on am burgum Sodoma ond Gomorra a god e hi r fundon, [ond eac one mete. Ond hi forleton a byrig.] 12 Ond eac lddon aweg Loth mid hys htum, Abrames broor sunu, e on am burgum eardode. 13 a tbrst him sum man, se hyt sde Abrame, hu man hys broor sunu on bendum aweg ldde. [Hwt, Abram eardode neah am heahtreowum Mamres s Amorites, Escoles ond Aneres, brora sumes, e Abrame eall forbunden wron.] 14 Abram a genam ardlice reohund manna ond eahtatyne men of hys inbyrdlingum, ond efste wi s heres, o pt he hi ofrad [t Dane.] 15 Todlde a hys geferan frlice on re nihte, ond him on bersde ond on eornost hi sloh ond afligde a lafe, o t hi

comon to Fenicen[, o Hoba, t ys Damasce benoran.] 16 He ldde a ongean Loth, hys broor sunu, mid eallum hys htum, ond t oer folc samod, mid wifum ond htum, gewunnenum sige. 17 a [a Abram him underbc ferde, a he Chodorlahomor ond a cyningas him befreonde oferwunnen hfde,] eode Sodomitiscra cyning sona him togeanes on Saue dene, t is s cyninges dene. 18 r com eac Melchisedech , se mra Godes man, se ws cyning ond Godes sacerd; ond he brohte hlaf ond win. 19 Ond bletsode Abram, ond cw: "Gebletsod ys Abram am healican Gode, se e gesceop heofenan ond eoran. 20 Ond gebletsod ys se healica God: urh hys scyldnysse synd a fynd on inum handum oferwunnene." Ond he sealde him a teounge of ealum am ingum. 21 Ond bd t he hfde eall t he of am here genam, buton am mannum anum. 22 Ond Abram him cw to: "Ic ahebbe mine hand to am healican Gode, se e ys agnigend eoran ond heofonan. 23 t ic ne underfo furon nne wang of eallum isum ingum e ine r wron, t u ne secge eft: Ic gewelgode Abram. 24 Buton am anum ingon, e mine geferan ton, ond ra manna dl e me mid comon, Anr ond Escol ond Mambre; nymon as heora dl. Heafod 15 [Goddes wed mid Abrame] a is gedon ws, a wear Godes sprc to Abrame urh gesyhte him secgende: "Ne ondrd u e Abram; ic eom in wergend, ond in med by swye mycel." 2 a cw Abram, "Eala u min Drihten God, hwt gyfst u me? Ic fare butan bearnum, [ond se yrfenuma mines landes ys Elyheser of Damascus?" 3 Ond Abram cw, "u nbbest me gegifen bearnas] ond efne min inbyrdling by min yrfenuma." 4 r rihte wear Godes sprc to Abrame, us cweende, "Ne by es in yrfenuma, e u embe spce, ac one u hfst to yrfenuman, e of e sylfum cym." 5 God ldde hyne a ut, ond het hyne locian to heofonum, ond cw, "Tell as steorran, gyf u mge; us menigfeald by in ofsprincg." 6 Abram a gelyfde Gode, ond hyt was him geteald to rihtwisnysse.

God cw eft to Abrame, "Ic eom se God e e ldde of ra Chaldeiscra Hur, t ic e is land forgeafe to agenne." 8 Abram cw a to Gode, "Min Drihten God, hu mg ic witan t ic hyt agan sceal?" 9 God cw eft to him, "Geoffra me to lace an rywintre hryer ond nne rywinterne ram, ond and rywintre gat, ond sume turtlan, ond sume culfran." 10 He dyde a swa, ond todlde hi on twa, buton a fugelas he ne todlde. 11 a woldon ore fugelas fleogan to am holde; Abram hi afligde fram am flsce ealle. 12 Eft a on fnunge befeol slp on Abram, ond micel oga him becom a mid eostrum. 13 Him ws a gesd swutelice urh God, "Wite u t in ofspring sceal wunian leodig on orum earde, ond hi hi yfele geswenca ond on eowte gebringa feower hund geara. 14 Ic deme swa eah a eoda e hi on eowte gebringa, ond hi cuma syan ongean mid swylicum htum. 15 u solice forfrst on sibbe, onne in tima cym on godre ylde to inum ealdfderum. 16 On re feoran mge hi gecyrra eft hider: ne synd na gyt gefyllede ises folces unrihtwisnyssa, isra Amoreiscra, o a andweardan tid." 17 a a sunne eode to setle, a sloh r mycel mist, ond ferde swylce an ofen eal smociende, ond leohtberende fyr ferde ofer a lac. 18 On am dge sealde God him sylf hys wed Abrame, ond cw, "inum ofsprincge ic forgyfe is land fter e, fram re Egyptiscan ea o Eufraten, e as eoda habba. 19 Cynei ond Cenezi; Cetmonei 20 ond Ethei; Ferezei ond Raphaim; 21 Amorrei ond Chananei; Gergessei ond Iebusei." Heafod 16 [Agar ond Ismahel] Abrames wif ws a gyt wunigende butan cildum, ond heo hfde ane inene, a Egyptiscan Agar. 2 Ond cw to hyre were, "u wast t ic eom untymende; nym nu mine inene to inum bedde, t ic huru underfo sum fostorcild of hyre." [Abram a geafenode mid am t Sarai him sgde. 3 Ond a Abram wunode on Chanaan tyn gearas, nom Sarai his wif hir Egyptiscra inene ond forgeaf hie hirum were.] 4 Abram a dyde swa swa him dihte Sarai ond Agar a geeacnode, ond eac forseah hyre hlfdian. 5 a cw Sarai to Abram, "u dest unrithlice wi me: ic let mine wylne to e; nu wat heo t heo ys eacniende, ond forsyh me; for i deme God betwux me ond e."

Abram hyre andwyrde, "Efne heo in wyln under inre handa; rea hi locahu u wylle." Sarai hig a geswencte, ond heo sona fleah ut to am westene. 7 r ws an wylspring: a ofseah hi Godes engel 8 ond hi sona clypode, "Agar, Saries inen, hu frst u, oe hwyder wylt u?" Heo andwyrde am engle: "Ic forfleo mine hlfdian." 9 a cw se engel hyre eft to, "Gecyr to inre hlfdian ond beo geeadmet under hyre handa. 10 Ic secge t in sd by swa swye gemenifgyld, t man hyt geriman ne mg for re meniu 11 Efne u geeacnodest ond u acenst sunu, ond y gecigst hys naman solice Ismahel, for an e God sylf gehyrde ine geswencednysse. 12 es by ree mann, ond win wi ealle ond ealle wi hyne, and he gewislice arr fre hys geteld onnemn hys gebrora." 13 Agar a clypode Godes naman, e hyre to sprc, "u God e me gesawe." Heo cw, "Solice ic geseah her one bftan e me geseah." 14 And for i heo het one wterpytt "Libbendes ond Seondes Me" (Beer Lahai Roi). Se pytt ys betwux Cades ond Barath. 15 Agar a acende sunu Abrame, ond he het hys naman Ismahel. 16 Hundeahtatigwintre ond syxwintre ws Abram, a a Agar him acende Ismahel. Heafod 17 [t wed re ymbsniunge] Eft a a he ws nygan ond hundnygantig-wintre, a tywde God hyne sylfne him, ond cw him to, "Ic eom lmihtig God; gang u tforan me ond beo fulfremed. 2 ond ic sette min wed betwux me ond e, ond ic e gemenigfylde swye earle." 3 a feol Abram astreht to eoran, ond God him to cw, 4 "Ic eom ond min wed mid e, ond u byst manegra eoda fder. 5 Ne in nama ne by geciged heononfor Abram, ac u byst gehaten Abraham, for am e ic e gesette manegra eoda fder 6 and ic gedo t u wyxt, ond ic e gesette on eodum, ond cyningas cuma of e 7 ond ic sette min wed betwux me ond e ond betwux inum ofsprincge fter e on inum mgum ecum wedde, t ic beo in God ond ines ofspringes fter e. 8 Ond ic forgyfe e ond inum ofsprincge t land inre leodignysse, eal Chananeisc land one ece ht, ond ic beo heora God." 9 Eft cw God to Abrahame, "And u healtst min wed ond in ofsprinc fter e on heora mgum. 10 is ys t wed, e ge healdan sceolon betwux me

ond eow ond in ofsprincg, t lc hysecild betwux eow beo emsniden 11 ond ge emsnia t flsc eowres fylmenes t beo tacn mines weddes betwux me ond eow. 12 lc hysecild betwux eow beo ymsniden on am eahteoan dge hys acennednysse, ond lc werhades man ond eowrum mgum ond inbyrdlincg ond geboht eowa beo ymsniden, eah he ne beo eowres cynnes. 13 Ond beo min wed on eowrum flsce on ecum wedde, [ge am inbyrdlinge, ge am e ys geboht.]. 14 Se werhades man e ne by emsniden on am flsce hys fylmenes, hys sawul by adylegod of hys folce, for an e he aidlode min wed." 15 God cw eac to Abrahame, "in wif Sarai, ne hat u hi heononfor Sarai, ac hat hi Sarra. 16 Ic hi gebletsige, and of hyre ic e forgyfe sunu, one ic wylle bletsian; he by on eodum ond folca cyningas cuma of [hire]." 17 a feol Abraham on cneowum ond hloh, cweende on hys heortan, "Wenst u la t sunu beo acenned hundwintrum men? Sara 18 hundnygontigwintre nu acenne?" He cw a to Gode, "Ic wisce t Ismahel lybbe tforan e." 19 God cw to Abrahame, "in wif Sarra e acen sunu, ond u gecigst hys naman Isaac, ond ic sette min wedd to him on ecne truwan, ond to hys ofsprince fter. 20 Ofer Ismahel eac swylce ic gehealde e; efne ic hyne bletsige ond geeacnige, ond swye ic hyne gemenigfylde. Twelf heretogan he gestryn ond ic hyne do mycelre mge. 21 Min wedd solice ic sette to Isaace, one e Sarra e acen on isre tide nu embe twelf mono." 22 God a astah up fram Abrahame, syan he as sprce geendod hfde. 23 Abraham solice ymbsna hys sunu Ismahel on one ylcan dg, swa swa God him bebead 24 ond he sylf wear ymbsniden a a he ws nyganondhundnygantig geara. 27 Ond ealla werhades man hys hiredes, ger ge inbyrdlingas ge gebohte eowan ond leodige men, e him mid wron; ealle wurdon s dges ymsnidene. Heafod 18 [regen giestas] God a teowde eft Abrahame on am dene Mambre, r r he st on hys geteldes ingange on re htan s dges 2 ond Abraham beseah upp ond geseah r ry weras standende him gehende. Mid am e he hi geseah, a efste he of am getelde him togeanes ond astrehte hyne to eoran 3 ond cw, "Min Drihten, gyf u me niges inges tiian wylle, ne far u fram inum eowan, 4 r an

e ic fecce wter ond eowre fet awea, ond geresta eow under isum treowe, 5 o t ic lecge eow hlaf tforan, t ge eow gereordion, ond ge fara syan, for i ge gecyrdon to eorwum eowan." Hi cwdon, "Do swa u sprce." 6 Abraham a efste in to am getelde to Sarran, ond cw hyre to, "Gecned nu hrdlice ry sestras smedeman ond wyrc focan." 7 Ond he arn him sylf to hys hryera falde ond genam an ft cealf ond bethte hys cnapan, ond se cnapa hyt mid ofste ofsloh ond gearcode. 8 Abraham a nam buteran ond meolc ond t flsc mid heorbacenum hlafum ond lede him tforan, ond stod him under am treowe wi hi. 9 Mid am e hi ton, a cwdon hi him to, "Hwr ys in wif Sarra?" He andwyrde, "On am getelde heo ys." 10 He cw him to, "Ic cume eft to e on isne timan ond in wif Sarra sceal habban sunu." Sarra a gehyrde as word binnan am getelde. 12 ond hloh digollice us cweende, "Syan ic ealdode ond min hlaford geripod ys, sceal ic nu niges lustes gyman?" 13 a cw God to Abrahame, "Hwi hloh Sarra in wif ond cw, Sceal ic nu eald wif cennan? 14 Cwest u la, ys nig inig Gode earfoe? Be am gecwedenan anddagen ic cume to e ond Sarra hf sunu." 15 a tsoc Sarra, "Ne hloh ic na" God cw a, "Nys hyt na swa, ac u hloge." [Abraham geingie for Sodome] 16 a arison a ry weras, ond a anon eodon, swylce hi woldon to re byrig Sodoma, ond Abraham eode for mid ond ldde hi. 17 God cw a, "Hu mg ic forhelan Abrahame t ic don wylle? 18 onne he ys toweard on mycelre mge ond re strengostan mge. Nu ealre eoran mga beo on him gebletsode. 19 Ic wat solice t he wyle bebeodan hys bearnum ond hys hirede fter him, t hi healdon Godes weg ond t hi don rithwisnysse ond rihtne dom, t God gelste for Abrahame ealle a ing e he him to sprc." 20 God a geopenode Abrahame hwt he mid re sprce mnde, ond cw him to, "ra Sodomitiscra hream ond re burhware of Gomorra ys gemenifyld, ond heora synn ys swye gehefegod. 21 Ic wylle nu faran to ond geseon hwer hi gefylla mid weorce one hream e me to com, oe hyt swa nys, t ic wite." 22 Hi gewendon a anon ond eodon to Sodoman weard. Abraham solice stod a gyt tforan Gode 23

ond him to genealhte, ond cw, "La leof, nelt u fordon one rihtwisan mid am arleasan? 24 Gyf on re byrig beo fiftig rihtwisra manna sceolon hi ealle samod forwuran, ond u nelt arian re stowe for am fiftigum rihtwisum, gyf hi r swa fela beo? 25 Ne gewure hyt, la leof, t u yfelne dom gesette, [ond rihtwisum mid yfelum fordo, ond rihtwisan swa yfelan deme. Ne gewure hyt, la leof! Nyll eores dema wyrcian rihtwisnysse?] 26 God cw a to him, "Gyf ic gemete on re byrig Sodoman fiftig rihtwisra wera, eallum ic gemiltsige for him." 27 Abraham a andwyrde, ond cw, "Nu ic ne began to sprecenne to minum Drihtne, onne ic eom dust ond ahse, la leof, hwt dest u gyf r beo fif ond feowertig rihtwisra? Wylt u adylegian ealle a burh?" God cw a, "Gyf ic r gemete fif ond feowertig rihtwisra, ne adyligie ic a burh." 29 Abraham cw a, "La leof, gyf r beo gemet feowertig rihtwisra, hwt dest u onne?" God cw, "Ne ofslea ic hi, gyf r beo feowertig." 30 Abraham cw a, "La leof, ic bidde t u e ne belge wi me gyf ic sprece. Hwt gyf r beo rittig?" God cw, "Ne do ic him na la, gyf r beo rittig rihtwisra." 31 Abraham cw a gyt, "Nu ic ne began to sprecenne to minum Drihtne, ic wylle specan gyt. La leof, hu by hyt gyf r beo twentig rihtwisra?" God cw, "Ne fordo ic hi gyf r beo twentig." 32 Abraham cw a gyt, "La leof Drihten, ic bidde t u ne yrsige gyf ic spece gyt ne. Hu by hyt gyf r beo tyn rihtwisra?" God cw, "Ne adilgie ic hi, gyf r beo tyn." 33 God a ferde for, swa he gemynt hfde, ond Abraham gecyrde to hys wununge. Heafod 19 [Sodom ond Gomorra adylgod] Comon a on fnunge twegen englas fram Gode asende to re byri Sodoma, ond Lo, Abrahames broor sunu, st on re strt ond geseah hi. He aras a sone ond eode him togeanes, ond strehte hyne tforan am englum. 2 Ond cw, "Ic bidde eow, Leof, t ge ge cyrron to minum huse, ond r wunion nihtlanges ond wea eowre fet, t ge magon faran to morgen on eowerne weg." Hi cwdoon, "Nelle we nateswhwon, ac we wylla wunian ut on re strt."

Lo a hi laode geornlice, o t hi gecyrdon to hys huse. He a gearcode him gereord, [aboc him hfleasne hlaf] ond hi ton. [4 Beforan hi wron on legre, comon men of eallum Sodome ofer, ge a geongan ge a ealdan, ond ymbseldon t hus. 5 Ond hi a gecigdon Lothe, "Hwr syndon men e comon eow to nihtes? Bring hie ut to us swa t we magon us forlecgan mid him." 6 Lo a eode on utan t he mid him sprc ond betynode duru fter hine 7 ond cw, "Nelles, leof. Na do is yfel ing. 8 La, ic hbbe twa dohtra e ne cnewa na wer. Ute me t ic bringe hie eow to, t ge do mid him swa ge willt. Ac ne do es issum mannum for e hi sind under mines hrofes beorge." 9 Hi cwdon, "Ga u. es man beo leodig ond nu will he beon dema. We sculon forhogian e wyrsa onne hie." Hi ne forsocon t hi Lothe rangon ond duru brecan woldon. 10 Ac a men on innan rhton handum on utan ond togon Lo on am huse in and betynodon duru. 11 Hi a ablendodon men on utan, ge a geongan ge a ealdan, swa t hi ne mihton findan duru.] 12 a cwdon a englas to Lothe, se e rihtlice leofode, "Hfst u sunu oe dohtra on isre byrig, oe aum oe nigne sibling? Gyf u hbbe, ld hi ealle of isre byrig. 13 We sceolon solice adylgian ealle as stowe, for an e heora hream weox to swye tforan Gode, ond God us sende, t we hi fordon." 14 Lo a eode to hys twam aumum, e woldon wifian on hys twam dohtrum, ond cw him to, "Arisa ond fara of issere stowe, for an e God wyle adylegian as burh." a ws him geuht swylce he gamenigende sprce. 15 a englas a on rne mergen cwdon to Loe, "Aris ond nym in wif ond ine dohtra ond far e heonon, y ls e u losige samod mid issere forscyldigan burhware." 16 He wandode a gyt, ac hi gelhton hys hand, ond hys wifes hand ond hys dohtra 17 ond gelddon hi ut of re byrig, for an e God heom arode. a englas cwdon him to, "Beorh inum feore. Ne beseoh u underbc; ne u ne tstand nawhar on isum eardo, ac gebeorh e on am munte, t u samod ne losige.". 18 a cw Lo, "Ic bidde e, min Drihten, 19 nu u ine mildheortnysse me cyddest, for an e ic ne mg on am munte me gebeorgan, e ls e me r gefo sum frlic yfel. 20 Nu ys her gehende an gehwde burh to re ic mg fleon minum feore gebeorgan."


Him ws a geandswarod us, "Ic underfeng ine bene, t ic a burh ne towende, nu u wylt yder bugan. 22 Efst ardlice yder, for an e ic nan ing ne do, r an e u yder cume." Ond seo burh ws gehaten for i, Segor. 23 Lo com a to Segor a a sunne upp eode 24 ond God sende to am burgum ealbyrnendne renscur mid swefle gemencged, ond a sceamleasan fordyde. 25 God towearp a swa mid gramam a burga, ond ealne one eard endemes towende, ond ealle a burhwara forbrnde tgdere, ond eall t growende ws, wear adylegod. 26 a beseah Lothes wif unwislice underbc ond wear sona awend to anum sealtstane. 27 a beheold Abraham on rne merigen yderweard [r he stod r beforan Gode] 28 ond geseah hu a ysla upp flugon mid am smice [fram Sodome ond Gomorahe]. 29 Ond God a alysde Lo for Abrahame, [for e God geohte Abrahames a he byrig adylgode r Lo wunode r.] [Loth ond hys dohtra] 30 Loth a ne dorste leng wunian on Segor, ac ferde mid hys twam dohtrum afyrht to am munte, ond r on anum scrfe ealle reo wunedon. 31 a cw seo yldre dohtor [anes dges] to hyre gingran swyster, "Ure fder ys eald man, ond nan oer wer ne belaf on ealre eoran, e unc mage habben 32 Uton fordrencean urne fder frlice mid wine, ond uton licgan mid him, t sum laf beo hys cynnes [urh urne fder]." 33 Hy dydon swa [nihtes] ond fordrencton heora fder, ond eode seo yldre swustor rest to hys bedde, ond se fder nyste hu he befeng on hi, ne hwnne heo aras, for re druncennysse, ne hu heo dearnunge aras. [34 Ores dges cw seo yldre dohtor to hyre gingran swyster, "Uton fordrencean urne fder frlice mid wine, ond u licge mid him, t sum laf beo hys cynnes urh urne fder.] 35 Eft hi fordrencton one unwaran Lo, ond seo gingre dohtor eodo to hys bedde, ond se fder nyste hu he befeng on hi, ne hwnne heo aras, for hys druncennysse. 36 Hi wron a eacnigende [urh heora fder] 37 ond seo yldre acende sunu, one heo het Moab, se ys Moabitiscra fder o isne andweardan dg. 38 And seo oer acende sunu, one heo het [Ben Ammi], t ys "Mines folces sunu"; he ys ra Amonitiscra fder o isne andweardan dg. Heafod 20 [Abraham ond Abimelech]

Abraham a ferde eft to sudle [to Negef ond wunode betwux Chadesc ond Scur] ond wunode leodig on am earde Gerera 2 ond cw be hys wife t heo wre hys swustor. a sende Abimelech re leode cyning to, ond het nyman t wif for hyre wlite to him. 3 Ac God sylf him com to on swefne, ond cw to him, "Efne u scealt. sweltan nu Abimalech, for am wife e u name; heo hf oerne wer." 4 Abimalech andwyrde earhlice, ond cw, "Ne ofsleh u Drihten unscyldigne mannan. 5 He sylf cw to me t heo hys swustor wre, ond t wif eac sde t he wre hyre broor. is ic dyde mid bylewitnysse. [ond clnum handum.]" 6 Ond Drihten him cw to, "Ic wat t u swa dydest ond ic e eac for i geheold t u wi me syngodest, t u hi ne scyndest, ond ic e swa geheold t u hi ne hrepodest. 7 Agyf nu am were hys wif swye hrae, for an e he ys witega ond for e gebitt. Gyf u is don nelt, u byst dead forhrae ond a e e to locia beo liflease eac." 8 Abimelech a aras ond ealle hys men clypode ond sde him a word e he on swefne gehyrde, ond hi wurden ealle wundorlice afyrhte. 9 He clypode each Abraham on re ylcan nihte, ond cw, "Hwi dydest u swa wi us ond swylce synne gebrohtest ofer me sylfne ond ofer min rice? 10 Hwt gesawe u mid us, t u swa don woldest?". 11 Abraham him cw to, "Ic cw on minum geance, Ic wene t Godes ege ne sy in isre stowe ond t hi wylla me ofslean for mines wifes ingon. 12 One heo ys swa eah min swustor to soan, mines fder dohtor, ond na minre moder; ic hi genam a to wife. 13 Ond unc gewear syan t heo sceolde secgan, t heo min swustor wre, swa oft swa wyt ferdeon to fyrlynum eardum." 14 a genam Abimalec oxan ond scep, wealas ond wylna, ond forgeaf Abrahame, ond hys wif him bethte ungewemmed 15 ond cw, "Land li beforan eow; wuna r e leofost ys." 16 To am wife Sarra he cw, "usend scyllinga ic forgeaf on seolfre inum breer; t beo e to heafodgewdon, t e huru ne sceamige wi a e e geseo, ond swa hwyder swa u frst: gemun t u gelht wre." 17 Abraham a gebd for Abimelech God, [ond God hlede Abimelech, hys wif ond hys inena swa t hi mihton hbban cild ongean] 18 for an e God gewitnode ealle hys wimmen, swa t heora nan ne mihte habban nig cild for Abrahames wife, r an e he hyt eft abd

Heafod 21 [Isaac geboren] God a geneosode Sarran, swa swa he behet, ond gefylde hys word 2 swa t heo wear mid cilde, ond on hyre ylde acende sunu on re ylcan tide e God gecw. 3 Abraham a gecigde Isaac hy sunu [e him Sarra geaf] 4 ond on am eahtean dge hyne eac ymsna, swa swa God him bebead. 5 And he sylf ws a hundwintre [onne Isaac ws geboren]. 6 Sarra cw a ofwundrod, "God me worhte hlehter; swa hwa swa hyt geaxa he hlyh mid me. 7 Hwa wolde gelyfan t Sarra lecgan sceolde cild to hyre breoste to gesoce on ylde, t e heo Abrahame on hys ylde acende?" 8 t cild solice weox ond wear gewened, ond Abraham worhte, swa swa heora gewuna ws, miclene gebeorscipte to blisse his mannum on one dg, e man t cild fram gesoce ateah. 9 Hyt gelamp eft syan, t Sarra beheold hu Agares sunu wi Isaac plegode, 10 ond cw to Abrahame, "Ado as wylne heonon. Ne by re wylne sunu solice yrfenuma mid minum bearne Isaace." 11 Abraham a undernam hefiglice as word. 12 Ac God sylf him cw to, "Ne sy e heficlic geuht t t Sarra e sde be inre cyfese, ac do swa swa heo cw, for an e e by geciged sd on Isaace 13 ac ic eac swylce do re wylne sunu mycelre mge, for an e he ys eac of inum sde." 14 Abraham a aras on rne mergen sona ond ldde aweg a wylne Agar ond Ismahel samod ond sealde him formete, hlaf, ond wter, ond gewende him ham. a a hi comon to am westene Bersabee a wurdon hi on gedwolan. 15 Ond t wter asceortode, e ws on am buteruce. Heo a alede one sunu under sumum treowe 16 ond st hyre feorran wepende, cw t heo nolde geseon hu t cild swulte. 17 God a sylf gehyrde s cildes stemne ond sende hys engel, e is sde Agare, "Hwt dest u Agar? Ne beo u afyrht. God sylf gehyrde ines suna stemne. 18 Aris nu ond gym hys for an e he wyr gyt mycelre mge." Ond seo modor swa dyde. 19 Heo geseah a sona, swa swa hyre geswutelode God, sumne wterpytt r onemn, ond heo of am sealde am cnapan drincan. 20 Ond [God] wunode mid him. He weox a 21 ond wear on am westene scytta, ond hys modor him genam wif on Egypta lande. [t wed t Bersabee] 22 On re tide cw se cyning Abimelech ond hys ealdorman Pichol to Abrahame us, "God sylf ys

mid e on eallum inum weorcum. 23 Behat me nu urh God, t u me ne derige ne minum ftergencgum ne minum ofspringe, ac cy him mildheortnysse, swa swa ic cydde e." [24 Ond Abraham behet hit him.] 25 Abraham a reade Abimelech mid wordum for am waterpytte e hys wealas him tbrudon. 26 a cw se cyning to him, "Nyste ic nan ing ises, ne u me hyt ne sdest, ne ic sylf hyt ne gehyrde." 27 Abraham forgeaf a Abimelech lac on oxum ond on sceapum ond hi slogon heora wed, ger to orum, t hi wurdon gefrynd. 28 Abraham a gesette seofan lamb on sundron 29 ond Abimelech axode Abraham, ond cw, "Hwt gemna as lamb e u gelogast on sundron?" 30 Abraham him andwyrde, "Ic wylle t u underfo as seofan lamb t me, t hi to swutelunge beon t ic dealf isne pytt." Ond he dyde a swa. 31 For i ws gehaten seo stow Bersabee, for an e heora ger sealde orum hys wed r, ond sworon him betwynan t hi sibbe heoldon. 32 a gewende Abimelech mid hys ealdormen Pichol to Palestina lande, ond Abraham belaf r. 33 Abraham a plantode anne holt on Bersabeae, ond r gecigde mid soum geleafan s ecean Godes naman 34 ond he t land bogode Philisteiscre eode fela daga syan. Heafod 22 [God het Abraham t he Isaac ofslea] God wolde a fandian Abrahames gehyrsumnysse, ond clypode hys naman. [He sgde to him, "Abraham" And he andwyrde, "Ic eom her."] 2 He cw him us to, "Nym inne ancennedan sunu Isaac, e u lufast, ond far to am lande Visionis [Moriae] hrae, ond geofra hyne r uppan anre dune [e ic eow geswutelie.] 3 Abraham a aras on re ylcan nihte [ond he aheow one wudu for re offrunge] ond ferde mid twam cnapum to am fyrlenum lande, ond Isaac samod, on assum ridende. 4 a on one riddan dg, a hi a dune gesawon, r r hi to sceoldon to ofsleane Isaac. 5 a cw Abraham to am cnapum us, "Anbidia eow her mid am assum sume hwile. Ic ond t cild ga unc to gebiddenne, ond we syan cuma sone eft to eow." 6 Abraham a het Isaac beran one wudu to

re stowe, ond he sylf br hys swurd ond fyr. 7 Isaac a axode Abraham hys fder, "Fder min, ic axige hwr seo offrung sy? Her ys wuda ond fyr." 8 Him andwyrde se fder, "God foresceawa, min sunu, him sylf a offrunge." 9 Hi comon a to re stowe e him geswutelode God, ond he r weofod arrde on a ealdan wisan, ond one wudu gelogode, swa swa he hyt wolde habban to hys suna brnette syan he ofslagen wurde. He geband a hys sunu 10 ond hys swurd ateah t he hyne geoffrode on a ealdan wisan. 11 Mid am e he wolde t weorc begynnan, a clypode Godes engel ardlice of heofonum, "Abraham!" He andwyrde sona[, "Ic eom her."] 12 Se engel him cw to, "Ne acwel u t cild, ne ine hand ne astrece ofer hys swuran. Nu ic oncneow solice, t u swye ondrtst God, nu u inne ancennedan sunu ofslean woldest for him." 13 a beseah Abraham sona underbc, ond geseah r nne ram betwux am bremelum be am hornum gehft, ond he ahefde one ram to re offrunge ond hyne r ofsna Gode to lace for hys sunu Isaac. 14 He het a a stowe Dominus uidit, [Heb. Jehovah Jireh] t ys "God gesyh, ond gyt ys gesd swa, In monte Dominus uidit, t ys "God gesyh on dune." 15 Eft clypode se engel Abraham, ond cw, 16 "Ic swerige urh me sylfne," sde se lmihtiga, "nu u noldest arian inum ancennedan suna, ac e ws min ege mare onne hys lif, 17 ic e nu bletsige ond inne ofspringe gemenigfylde swa swa steorran on heofonum ond swa swa sandceosel on s; in ofsprincg sceal agan heora feonda gatu, 18 ond on inum sde beo ealle eoda gebletsode, for an e u gehyrsumodest minre hse us." 19 abraham a gecyrde sona to hys cnapum, ond ferde him ham [to Beerseba] swa mid heofonlicre bletsunge [ond he wunode at Beerseba]. 20 [a eft issum ingum] him wiar sian gesd [, "Melcha hf eac sunu acenned inum] breer Nachor: [21 Hus frumcenneda, ond Bus hys broor, ond Camuel ra Syra fder, 22 ond Cased, ond Azau, ond Pheldas ond Iedlaph, ond Bathuel 23 of am beo acennedu Rebecca. as eaht Melcha gestrynde Nachor Abrahames breer. 24 Hwre hys unrihthmedcwene e hatte Roma, him gestrynde Tabee, ond Gaham ond Tahas ond Maacha.]

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