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Katarzyna Korytkowska Szkoa Podstawowa w Babach

This is what I have done with my pupils from a primary school. First of all, I presented new vocabulary in the form of drawings and wordcards. I put the pictures on the board and asked the pupils to stick the wordcards to the corresponding pictures. At the same time I discussed religious symbolism connected with the words and we tried to compare the idea of Christmas in Poland and Great Britain. The kids had a lot of fun, they love talking about their experiences, their personal lives and whats even more important, they love doing things (matching, choosing, sticking etc.) The words I used at this stage were as follows: stocking, Santa Clause, reindeers, sledge, bell, cake, milk, star, Christmas Tree, pudding, elf, presents, carol, Christmas greeting cards, turkey. After this introduction I gave them the text about Christmas and the crossword. I used to underline the words used in the crossword to make it a little bit easier for my pupils. Some of the words from the text were translated on the board. The task was to do the crossword in pairs or in groups (if there are some weaker students). After they had finished, I asked one person to write the correct answers on the board for everyone to check whether they were right. Then again we talked more about the differences between celebrating Christmas in Poland and Great Britain. The last part of the lesson dealt with carols. I distributed the text of one or two famous carols (each time it is a different song as the students represent different tastes in music), we listened to a cassette and then sang altogether. Earlier I had practiced the texts of the songs at the end of the previous three or four classes to make the pupils familiar with the carols and introduce the Christmas mood.
1 S L E 2 3 T U 4 R T 5 6 7 8 9 10 M S H I A O R D N L 11 12 T E N T I C P D P K R S R I I A D A U 13 G R E E T I N G C A R D S E E Y E O N D H L Y O D T L I A N R G C K E T A K E E M U I T R A S N S S S E S G S S E N T

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