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Data line for a general static analysis:

First (and only) line:

do lon

1. Initial time increment. This value will be modified as required if the automatic time muc dich stepping scheme is used or will be used as the constant time increment if the DIRECT tham so parameter is used. If this entry is zero or is not specified, a default value that is equal to thua nhan the total time period of the step is assumed. 2. Time period of the step. If this entry is zero or is not specified, a default value of is assumed. do lon 3. Minimum time increment allowed. Only used for automatic time incrementation. If Abaqus/Standard finds it needs a smaller time increment than this value, the analysis is ban dau cham dut terminated. If this entry is zero, a default value giathe smaller of the suggested initial time of dinh increment or 105 times the total time period is assumed. 4. Maximum time increment allowed. Only used for automatic time incrementation. If this ap dat chi ro value is not specified, no upper limit is imposed.

hieu chinh

Data line for the Riks method:

First (and only) line: 1. Initial increment in arc length along the static equilibrium path in scaled loadtham so displacement space, . If the DIRECT parameter is used, this value will be used as a constant arc length increment. If this entry is zero or is not specified, a default value that is equal to the total arc length of the step is assumed. 2. Total arc length scale factor associated with this step, . If this entry is zero or is not specified, a default value of is assumed. 3. Minimum arc length increment, . If this entry is zero, a default value of the smaller of the suggested initial arc length or 105 times the total arc length is assumed. 4. Maximum arc length increment, . If this value is not specified, no upper limit is ap dung can doi imposed. 5. Maximum value of the load proportionality factor, . This value is used to terminate do lon phong dai chac cahn the step when the load exceeds a certain magnitude. giam sat 6. Node number at which theghi nhan displacement value is being monitored. finishing 7. Degree of freedom being monitored. 8. Value of the total displacement (or rotation) at the node and degree of freedom that, if crossed during an increment, ends the step at the current increment.

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