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Implementation of the Scientific Method

Frances Chinee S. Bendijo 1st year BS Accountancy SCI_102; MTH 12:302:00; DSJ201

Prof. Sorietta R. Romero, RMI, MPH Professor in Biology

j Situation j Question j Hypotheses j Experimentation/Observation j Results from Experiment/Observation j Conclusion


Since high school, I always find it hard to sleep at night. Because of that, I try different things that could lull me to sleep faster. Thus I listen to music, read books, watch the television, or drink hot/cold milk hoping that doing so would help me go to sleep faster. Of all the things that Ive tried, based on my observations, drinking hot/cold milk helps me go to sleep faster. So since then, I have been drinking milk before going to bed.


Which would be a more efficient solution? Drinking hot milk? Or drinking cold milk?



Time Consumed: 2 weeks (December 6, 2011 December 19, 2011) Procedure(s) Taken: 2 hours after eating dinner (9:00PM), I would drink milk and go to bed. I placed a clock and a scratch pad beside my bed for me to be able to record the time of my sleep. I did this constantly for two (2) weeks. For the first week, I constantly drank warm milk during the night. Results:

WEEK 1: Warm Milk Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Date 12/06/11 12/07/11 12/08/11 12/09/11 12/10/11 12/11/11 12/12/11 Time of Sleep 9:24 PM 9:18 PM 9:21 PM 9:17 PM 9:15 PM 9:23 PM 9:24 PM

For the first week, I constantly drank warm milk during the night. Results:

WEEK 2: Cold Milk Day 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Date 12/13/11 12/14/11 12/15/11 12/16/11 12/17/11 12/18/11 12/19/11 Time of Sleep 9:38 PM 9:26 PM 9:20 PM 9:33 PM 9:28 PM 9:36 PM 9:39 PM

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