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To the Presidents of the Continental Confederations To the Presidents of all National Federations

Sent by e-mail and ordinary mail Aigle, 2 February 2012


Re: Coach Development Programme

Dear President, Following two very successful years of Coach Education courses here at the World Cycling Centre, we are pleased to inform you that 2012 will see the expansion of the programme into French and Spanish courses, in addition to the existing English programme. In its third year of delivery, the course continues to go from strength to strength, with even more new content added over the past six months and more graduate coaches being appointed to coach National Teams. We would therefore like invite your Federation to identify and nominate a coach who you think has the potential to coach at the highest level and could continue to develop your riders to even greater heights. Created with a partnership between ourselves and British Cycling, who are regarded as one of the leading countries in terms of coaching programmes, the Coach Education progamme provides coaches with an intensive course that looks to develop their theoretical knowledge and their practical experience. So in addition to the new course material, such as the use of power meters in coaching, maximising rider recovery, and developing young riders, it also includes practical opportunities with the World Cycling Centre coaches. The coaches at the centre are some of the worlds best coaches and are currently working with a selection of the most promising riders as they prepare for International competitions, that includes Olympic Games and World Championships. The three courses in 2012 will focus solely on Road and Track coaching, with MTB and BMX courses returning in 2013. The dates of the three courses are:

Course 1 2 3

Dates 26 March 18 May 3 September 19 October 22 October 7 December

nd th rd th th

Discipline Road and Track Road and Track Road and Track

Language English French Spanish

We have also taken this opportunity to enclose a copy of the course information pack, which will provide you and your coaches with further details of the course and its content.

CH 1860 Aigle / Switzerland +41 24 468 58 11 fax +41 24 468 58 12

Below are the conditions for participation: Cost / funding: The cost of one session will be CHF 4000 per month, which is a total of CHF 8000 for the whole course. This amount includes all of the expenses during the stay at the WCC, such as accommodation and full board, participation in the course, teaching material, health and accident insurance, pocket money, travel cost to races, etc. Travel from your country to the WCC and return is not included. For course payment, we do hope that your Federation will be able to invest or we encourage you to request a scholarship, either to Olympic Solidarity or to your national or even regional government who might be interested in the development of future champions in your country. Below is an explanation of the route you must follow to obtain Olympic Solidarity funding.

Olympic Solidarity Funding Coach

National Federation

National Olympic Committee

IOC Olympic Solidarity

Entry Requirements: In order to guarantee the best possible output of this course, your candidates are expected to already hold a coaching certificate recognized in your country, to have practical experience with athletes on national level and to be at present working as a coach.

Deadline for entries: The deadline to submit the application for the first session of 2012 is fixed on 29 February 2012, by means of the enclosed application form.

We hope you find the enclosed programme information of further use, however if you require additional information please do not hesitate to contact us. Looking forward to hearing from you, we remain

Frdric Magn Development Director

Keith Flory Coaching & Education Manager

Enclosure: - Course information pack


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